this forum

i find my self in constant search of cigar related tidbits of info. i have many links in my bookmarks to many sites with this info. im always looking for more.
this often leads me to other forums.
other forums suck.
this is where it is at (a place where it is ok to end a sentence with a preposition)
the watered down info on other forums cannot be trusted. proceed with caution.
in all fairness, not all of it is wrong. just be skeptical. check for yourself. check here. the people here are dedicated to the right info. its amazing. not only that but they will link you to a source that is to be trusted, not just some wiki site that anyone can modify.
and when all else fails, Alex will chime in and give the real deal info we crave.
thats why i have so many freakin posts.
this often leads me to other forums.
other forums suck.
this is where it is at (a place where it is ok to end a sentence with a preposition)
the watered down info on other forums cannot be trusted. proceed with caution.
in all fairness, not all of it is wrong. just be skeptical. check for yourself. check here. the people here are dedicated to the right info. its amazing. not only that but they will link you to a source that is to be trusted, not just some wiki site that anyone can modify.
and when all else fails, Alex will chime in and give the real deal info we crave.
thats why i have so many freakin posts.
I'm fairly new and I've learned a lot from this forum. I look around the net and there are no other sites as well run and informative as this one.
I've been accused of having a sick sense of humor and the more I read, the more I feel I fit in here just fine! Between you and Lassy, I don't know who makes me laugh harder.
And Kuzi... just come out and say it... the reason you are always on here is because of me and insomnia...
I respect your right to privacy, but don't lie to the other guys
Renaissance, I'm glad to hear everything worked out well for you in the end.
I think should just copy and paste this entire thread for advertisement for their website! Cause it's the cigars that bring us to this website, but the community (comunidad.... lol) and the easily forged friendships that keep us here.
I don't think it can be said enough, thanks to you all for being incredible people and for you willingness to share you experiences with any newbie who wonders in.
Rndstn for one. Andy is older than dirt.
I look out for the old fellas, and they don't appreciate comments like that!
we should get a smoke in soon.
Besides, I'll take age and trickery over youth and vigor anytime! LOL
This forum does rock.
What I wanted to say was that what I have learned so far about our hobby I learned from this forum and all you all. I've visited other forums, but they all outright suck.
Are you saying you two studs light up some serious smokes and go cruising for trim?
Watchout ladies!
but it has nothing to do with goin out searching for the ladies.... im married, hes engaged. it started as a joke, then it was a nickname. now its just punctuation.
Wifre and Fiance - "What are you two laughing about out there???
Kuz and Filthy - "NOTHING!!!".... *snicker* *snicker*
too many bad inside jokes around the fire.