wife heard me complaining about my crappy work lighter not working and ordered me a few..and she saw a cao cigar called a "VR" since those are my initials she got me one...
"We are, we are ... VR. We are, we are ... VR ..." anyone remember that?
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
wife heard me complaining about my crappy work lighter not working and ordered me a few..and she saw a cao cigar called a "VR" since those are my initials she got me one...
"We are, we are ... VR. We are, we are ... VR ..." anyone remember that?
Drove up to Bakersfield to herf with Dustin and pick up my end of a box split and he hits me with this 2007 isom beauty. and then I have to come home with more than the split thanks bro, great time as always.
Drove up to Bakersfield to herf with Dustin and pick up my end of a box split and he hits me with this 2007 isom beauty. and then I have to come home with more than the split thanks bro, great time as always.
Oooooo.... envy pouring out my sphincter ! Nice !
Family, Friends, Golf, Cigars, Fine Whiskey, Good beer.... is there anything else ? Follow on instagram @crguy1961
wife heard me complaining about my crappy work lighter not working and ordered me a few..and she saw a cao cigar called a "VR" since those are my initials she got me one...
"We are, we are ... VR. We are, we are ... VR ..." anyone remember that?
wife heard me complaining about my crappy work lighter not working and ordered me a few..and she saw a cao cigar called a "VR" since those are my initials she got me one...
"We are, we are ... VR. We are, we are ... VR ..." anyone remember that?
wife heard me complaining about my crappy work lighter not working and ordered me a few..and she saw a cao cigar called a "VR" since those are my initials she got me one...
"We are, we are ... VR. We are, we are ... VR ..." anyone remember that?
Mötley Crüe Saints of Los Angeles?
pod, youth of a nation! awesome song
NO! Omg ...... VR Troopers, theme song
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
wife heard me complaining about my crappy work lighter not working and ordered me a few..and she saw a cao cigar called a "VR" since those are my initials she got me one...
"We are, we are ... VR. We are, we are ... VR ..." anyone remember that?
Mötley Crüe Saints of Los Angeles?
pod, youth of a nation! awesome song
NO! Omg ...... VR Troopers, theme song
not familair with that one daniel ill have to google it.
Forgive my ignorance but the smaller square OSOK wrapper.... Did you reallllly get a condom named "On Shot One Kill"?!?!!?!? Cuz that is exactly what that little square looks like lol
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
wife heard me complaining about my crappy work lighter not working and ordered me a few..and she saw a cao cigar called a "VR" since those are my initials she got me one...
"We are, we are ... VR. We are, we are ... VR ..." anyone remember that?
Mötley Crüe Saints of Los Angeles?
pod, youth of a nation! awesome song
NO! Omg ...... VR Troopers, theme song
ROFL we were just talking about VR Troopers at work the other day!!! Thanks for getting that song back in my head! lol
The shelves for my wineador...now they have to sit and air out due to the finish on them...dam it been waiting for almost 6 weeks!!!
also stopped my the b&m and picked up: JDN 1971x2 JDN Antano LFD Airbender LegendArio Comacho Maduro Vudo SanLot Connie Casa Magnax2 Room 101 SAx2 SanLot Maduro Final Blend SanLot Oval VilligerTalanga had a sweet tooth so also picked up some infused DE Acid Toast Tabak Negra and Dulce
Also Picked up a box of Comacho Havana Petit coronas and a 20 pack sampler of Kinky Frieman
Forgive my ignorance but the smaller square OSOK wrapper.... Did you reallllly get a condom named "On Shot One Kill"?!?!!?!? Cuz that is exactly what that little square looks like lol
LOL That's his personal business card. All the info was on the other side
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
Forgive my ignorance but the smaller square OSOK wrapper.... Did you reallllly get a condom named "On Shot One Kill"?!?!!?!? Cuz that is exactly what that little square looks like lol
LOL That's his personal business card. All the info was on the other side
Awesome business card! Still think he should make a condom called One Shot One Kill.... No woman would ever buy them but EVERY guy would
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
and then I have to come home with more than the split
thanks bro, great time as always.
pod, youth of a nation! awesome song
And now to start the seasoning process ugh.
also stopped my the b&m and picked up:
JDN 1971x2
JDN Antano
LFD Airbender
Comacho Maduro
SanLot Connie
Casa Magnax2
Room 101 SAx2
SanLot Maduro
Final Blend
SanLot Oval
had a sweet tooth so also picked up some infused
DE Acid Toast
Tabak Negra and Dulce
Also Picked up a box of Comacho Havana Petit coronas and a 20 pack sampler of Kinky Frieman