Obama's Peace of $hit Prize

Ok, it's time for another Krieg weigh in... At least I know Kuzi will enjoy this...so without further a due here it goes.
So ... you want to know what is going on here? I mean, come on! Barack Obama, president for what, nine months now? And he gets the Nobel Peace Prize?
Hopefully you weren't all that surprised.
Let's work through this thing. First - you have to come up with a definition of "peace." There's a Nobel Prize for physics; one for medicine too. In virtually every culture and every country in the world you define "physics" and "medicine" pretty much the same way. Not so for "peace." During the post World-War II the Soviet Union defined "peace' as "an absence of opposition to world Communism." As long as nobody was challenging their communist expansionism they felt we were all at peace. Let some country; The United States for instance, challenge their plans for world domination and ... no more peace.
For me any definition of "peace" must have a component dedicated to freedom. You can, after all, live a life of peace in a jail cell, so long as there isn't someone there to stir things up. You're not free, but peace reigns.
Now ... to Obama and the Peace Prize. I take you back again to that Pew Research poll conducted in Europe last year. Almost 60% of Europeans who responded to the poll wanted America to be less powerful in world affairs. That's not an uncommon sentiment - right up until the time some other country is threatening to kick some international tail.
So ... along comes the Nobel committee. Can we reasonably assume that this committee reflects much of the European attitude? I mean, they're not exactly headquartered in Boise. They look at the nominations before them, and there's PrezBO! Now what has Obama done in the past nine or so months? Why, he's given the Euro-weenies just exactly what they wanted! Now we have a United States with a weaker presence in world affairs! Russia and China are striving for military domination. Obama backs off the American promise of a shield against Iran's missiles for Eastern Europe. Then we have the Arab states reportedly working to replace the dollar as the petroleum trading currency. Today there are suggestions that Obama is just going to declare that the Taliban are too entrenched in Afghanistan for us to possibly prevail there - a prelude to a cut and run. Does any of this sound like a projection of strength? Of course not. America is projecting feel-good, hopey-changey weakness at every turn.
This was a message to Obama. Europe likes your style. You're giving us exactly what we wanted --- what we asked for. You're weakening the United States; for us, the key to peace.
Oh ... and don't forget the slap in the face for George Bush. Bush is in office for eight years. He responds strongly to the attacks from terrorist Muslims. He frees iraq from a ruthless dictator and his rapist sons. He projects American strength .. and Europe hates him for it. So ... the Nobel committee comes along and delivers a slapdown.
For those who define peace as an living free of threats to your natural right to be free ... this just isn't your day, is it?
Well ... at least this will give Newsweek a reason to put Obama on the cover again.
So ... you want to know what is going on here? I mean, come on! Barack Obama, president for what, nine months now? And he gets the Nobel Peace Prize?
Hopefully you weren't all that surprised.
Let's work through this thing. First - you have to come up with a definition of "peace." There's a Nobel Prize for physics; one for medicine too. In virtually every culture and every country in the world you define "physics" and "medicine" pretty much the same way. Not so for "peace." During the post World-War II the Soviet Union defined "peace' as "an absence of opposition to world Communism." As long as nobody was challenging their communist expansionism they felt we were all at peace. Let some country; The United States for instance, challenge their plans for world domination and ... no more peace.
For me any definition of "peace" must have a component dedicated to freedom. You can, after all, live a life of peace in a jail cell, so long as there isn't someone there to stir things up. You're not free, but peace reigns.
Now ... to Obama and the Peace Prize. I take you back again to that Pew Research poll conducted in Europe last year. Almost 60% of Europeans who responded to the poll wanted America to be less powerful in world affairs. That's not an uncommon sentiment - right up until the time some other country is threatening to kick some international tail.
So ... along comes the Nobel committee. Can we reasonably assume that this committee reflects much of the European attitude? I mean, they're not exactly headquartered in Boise. They look at the nominations before them, and there's PrezBO! Now what has Obama done in the past nine or so months? Why, he's given the Euro-weenies just exactly what they wanted! Now we have a United States with a weaker presence in world affairs! Russia and China are striving for military domination. Obama backs off the American promise of a shield against Iran's missiles for Eastern Europe. Then we have the Arab states reportedly working to replace the dollar as the petroleum trading currency. Today there are suggestions that Obama is just going to declare that the Taliban are too entrenched in Afghanistan for us to possibly prevail there - a prelude to a cut and run. Does any of this sound like a projection of strength? Of course not. America is projecting feel-good, hopey-changey weakness at every turn.
This was a message to Obama. Europe likes your style. You're giving us exactly what we wanted --- what we asked for. You're weakening the United States; for us, the key to peace.
Oh ... and don't forget the slap in the face for George Bush. Bush is in office for eight years. He responds strongly to the attacks from terrorist Muslims. He frees iraq from a ruthless dictator and his rapist sons. He projects American strength .. and Europe hates him for it. So ... the Nobel committee comes along and delivers a slapdown.
For those who define peace as an living free of threats to your natural right to be free ... this just isn't your day, is it?
Well ... at least this will give Newsweek a reason to put Obama on the cover again.
"Long ashes my friends."
your thoughts on this were almost identical to my wife's thoughts (and shes a registered Democrat)
i called my wife who was at work when i saw the news and told her. her initial reaction was "for what? what did her do in his 9 month term?"
later in the conversation she said "i think he got it just because he is not Bush"
what a disgrace.
4th amendment rights because there has been much talk within the health care bill of a social workers going into houses to see if you know how to raise your kid. (It's outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children.")
9th amendment (Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights.) the government is gobbling those up left and right.
10th amendment... The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people... health care...
"Long ashes my friends."
I think you should look at the Nobel Committee's definition of Peace which also includes efforts to curb global warming.
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
"The Prize has to be seen as a political statement by the Nobel committee - meant to hail the change in U.S. policy represented by President Obama's approach to foreign policy as opposed to that of his predecessor George W. Bush," says Knoller, who notes that Mr. Obama took office less than 10 days before the Feb. 1 deadline for Nobel Prize nominations. "This is a Prize meant as an expression of hope that President Obama's speeches and policy statements will translate into actual accomplishments," adds Knoller. "The Prize is honoring an expression of aspirations for peace, rather the achievement of it."
we are not supposed to judge him by his deeds or their outcomes, but rather his good intentions.
Archangel32G - God bless you and please tell your friends that those of us who still honor God and love our country have the utmost respect for you all. We have not forgotten you guys. We have not forgotten about those who want to kill our freedom. Be brave and hold your heads high. These f@ck sticks hiding behind suits in Washington will get theirs in the end when God judges them.
The attack on the twin towers should play on television every damn day at the same time it happened so people in this country wake the f@ck up. They have become complacent and greedy with power and political correctness. They care more about taking over private businesses and gay rights than our military brothers who are risking their lives day and night. I am surprised God has not unleashed his wrath on us already. This country is going downhill in a sick way.
"Long ashes my friends."
This is the best quote ever... i was looking for the "like" button.
The other thing, and what might give us clues as to why he won the Nobel, is the United States Economy. There is very little in the work that is not, in some way, tied into the United States; be it shipping, accounting, or really any aspect of business, everything has roots in the United States. If our economy hurts, so does the Global Economy. I think you'll start to see a lot of countries realize this, and things like a random prize will become commonplace in order to boost support in Obama, and lend credibility to his actions.
Finally, there is Afghanistan, the wars we have going as a whole, and our military guidelines and actions. I do not agree that we need to be in Afghanistan right now. It's a slippery slope, though; 9/11 happened, and we couldn't do nothing. However, it's really starting to feel like another Vietnam. If we could win, it would be a decisive victory and a great thing for many people, but the cost would be unheard of. We are not at war with Afghanistan, we are at war with an individual group within it's borders. Unfortunately, it's not something we can overcome with might alone. I agree that the rules of engagement are insane. We're basically handcuffing our soldiers and throwing them into a firefight. The reason why we have to, however, is because we're in a delicate state right now, in the world view. If we bomb a school accidentally, there will be a global outcry. Had we handled the planning of the war better, and reacted logically instead of emotionally, we would be in a place where we could have laxer rules.
So what to do? We're in a rough place right now, and I think we need a hell of a leader. I hope Obama can be that leader, we'll just need to wait and see.
what has he done?
nothing yet.
i have a script for what will become the greatest movie ever. I promise it will be.
can i have the Oscar now?
In March 2009, Obama repealed a Bush-era policy that prevented federal tax dollars from being used to fund research on new lines of embryonic stem cells
On September 30, 2009, the Obama administration announced new regulations on power plants, factories and oil refineries in an attempt to limit greenhouse gas emissions and to curb global warming.
On February 17, 2009, Barack Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $787 billion economic stimulus package aimed at helping the economy recover from the deepening worldwide recession.includes increased federal spending for health care, infrastructure, education, various tax breaks and incentives, and direct assistance to individuals,[121] which is being distributed over the course of several years, with about 25% due by the end of 2009
ALSO the $787 billion stimulus bill that President Barack Obama signed into law Tuesday includes a similar--albeit smaller--measure designed to help revive the real estate market. Here are six things you need to know about the freshly-enacted $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit
Obama intervened in the troubled automotive industry in March, renewing loans for General Motors and Chrysler Corporation to continue operations while reorganizing. Over the following months the White House set terms for both firms' bankruptcies, including the sale of Chrysler to Italian automaker Fiat and a reorganization of GM giving the U.S. government a temporary 60% equity stake in the company, with the Canadian government shouldering a 12% stake.
On March 19, Obama continued his outreach to the Muslim world, releasing a New Year's video message to the people and government of Iran. This attempt at outreach was rebuffed by the Iranian leadership. In April, Obama gave a speech in Ankara, Turkey which was well received by many Arab governments. On June 4, 2009, Obama delivered a speech at Cairo University in Egypt calling for "a new beginning" in relations between the Islamic world and the United States and promoting Middle East peace.
On June 26, 2009, in response to the Iranian government's actions towards protesters following Iran's 2009 presidential election, Obama said: "The violence perpetrated against them is outrageous. We see it and we condemn it." On July 7, while in Moscow, he responded to a Vice President Biden comment on a possible Israeli military strike on Iran by saying: "We have said directly to the Israelis that it is important to try and resolve this in an international setting in a way that does not create major conflict in the Middle East."
On September 24, 2009, Obama became the first sitting U.S. President to preside over a meeting of the United Nations Security Council.
Obama has called for Congress to pass health care reform, a key campaign promise and a top legislative goal. On July 14, 2009, House Democratic leaders introduced a 1,017 page plan for overhauling the US health care system, which Obama wants Congress to approve by the end of the year.[143] Obama has also stated that a public health insurance option is a main component to lowering costs and improving quality in the health care sector.
On taxation, his plan would eliminate taxes for senior citizens with incomes of less than $50,000 a year, raise income taxes for those making over $250,000, raise the capital gains and dividends taxes,[153] close corporate tax loopholes, lift the income cap on Social Security taxes, restrict offshore tax havens, and simplify filing of income tax returns by pre-filling wage and bank information already collected by the IRS.
The Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS), colloquially known as "Cash for Clunkers", was a US $3 billion U.S. federal scrappage program intended to provide economic incentives to U.S. residents to purchase a new, more fuel efficient vehicle when trading in a less fuel efficient vehicle. The program was promoted as providing stimulus to the economy by boosting auto sales, while putting safer, cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicles on the roadways. Although the program officially started on July 1, 2009, the processing of claims did not begin until July and the program ended on August 24, as the appropriated resources were exhausted. The deadline for dealers to submit applications was August 25. According to estimates of the Department of Transportation, the initial $1 billion appropriated for the system was exhausted by July 30, 2009, well before the anticipated end date of November 1, 2009, due to very high demand. In response, Congress approved an additional $2 billion. On August 26 the DoT reported that the program resulted in 690,114 dealer transactions submitted requesting a total of $2.877 billion in rebates. Also it spurred american auto makers to re-open plants, hire back workers and allow the building of more cars which means all the places that make parts stay in business.
Obama led the way with Iran and six world powers ended a landmark meeting Thursday with an agreement to take a new stab at overcoming years of mistrust generated by Tehran's nuclear program and meet again this month for wide-ranging discussions on the two sides' concerns. Adding to the optimism generated by the decision to hold follow-up talks was a rare bilateral meeting between the senior U.S. and Iranian delegates to the meeting. In addition, diplomats said Iran will open its newly disclosed nuclear plant to U.N. inspectors, probably within a few weeks.
President Barack Obama has shelved a Bush-era plan for an Eastern European missile defense plan that has been a major irritant in relations with Russia. Obama said a redesigned defensive system would be cheaper, quicker and more effective against the threat from Iranian missiles. He said, "Our new missile defense architecture in Europe will provide stronger, smarter and swifter defenses of American forces and America's allies." Obama said, "It is more comprehensive than the previous program; it deploys capabilities that are proven and cost effective, and it sustains and builds upon our commitment to protect the U.S. homeland." Bush Administration Plan The missile defense system, planned under the Bush administration, was to have been built in the Czech Republic and Poland. Obama phoned Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer Wednesday night and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk Thursday morning to alert them of his decision. Iran Less Focused on Long Range Missles Obama said the plan was scrapped in part because, after a review, the U.S. has concluded that Iran is less focused on developing the kind of long-range missiles for which the system was originally developed.
President Obama is exploring alternatives to a major troop increase in Afghanistan, including a plan advocated by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to scale back American forces and focus more on rooting out Al Qaeda there and in Pakistan.
These are some of the things His admin has done, and with no help from the Republicans. Also not all the policy's are great, I'm not a fan what the cap and trade bill finalized as, (thanks to republicans for weakening it) also with the stimulus bill which they (republicans) which took away billions of dollars for infrastructure. But for the most part he has accomplished A LOT! I wish more was done but congress is where things are really decided and until there is a more progressive and more emphasis on changing things for the good this is what we get.
Eight months into Bush's first term as president, the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks occurred THOUGH - June 2001, communications were intercepted from terrorists that a terrorists attack was going to occur on U.S. soil. Just prior to 9/11 the FBI had several suspected terrorists under surveilence when they intercepted this communication. The Secret Service had terrorists in custody, who bragged that America was going to be attacked just prior to 9/11. Project Bojinka, which is Osama Bin Ladens "project" to use airliners as fuel bombs against U.S. buildings had been the works for many years and our Government knew about it. Just prior to 9/11 an Arabic Satellite television channel MBC, had broadcast that one of their reporters had just had a meeting with Osama Bin Laden two days ago, and he reported " the next two weeks will witness a big surprise. A severe blow is expected against U.S. and Israeli interests worldwide."
The World Trade Center had been a symbol of stability to the world, and a target by the terrorists.
Government officials had known that during the week of 9/11 to not take any flights as they were warned, but never given the reason why. San Francisco City Mayor Willie Brown already had a flight booked days before for 9/11/2009 from the Bay to New York City, he was called and warned not to take the flight by a U.S. security official.
U.S.Military Intellegence had warned Airline Officials to release a general warning for all airport security to be on alert for terrorists around mid-september 2001 but especially be cautious on 9/11/2001.
But let's just ignore all that...
President Bush came into office promising a range of income tax cuts. He succeeded in getting a 10-year $1.35 trillion tax cut plan through Congress in 2001 which primarily cut taxes for the top 1%. It was the largest tax cut since 1981 (reagan tax cuts). Also this was not paid for.
Led America in a Afghanistan but failed to use The ARMY effectively (I was there) to capture Osama, and allowed the use of "highest" paid rebels to secure the regions. Then shifted America from there to IRAQ while using false information to invade then spend the next several years there while killing thousands of civilians, and OUR TROOPS. Both wars were not in the budgets.
Medicare Part D went into effect on January 1, 2006, which allowed the Govt no longer to negotiate prices for prescription drugs so now medicare had to pay FULL price for drugs set by the drug companies, furthering the long attack on medicare by the republicans to bankrupt it.
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which was never paid for and funding collapsed. Along with many jobs.
Had a surplus when entering office and left with a huge deficit, tax cuts and wars never paid for was one of the biggest reasons.
Closed Prince Sultan Air Base which was one of the key victories after the 1st gulf war.
Allowed and used torture which is against US law.
Bush submitted his $515.4 billion defense spending budget for FY 09. Contained within that budget is a windfall for defense contractors $104.2 billion for weapons procurement and nearly $80 billion for research and development. This budget is 7.5 percent higher than the current years. Even Defense experts are surprised at how generous the Bush administration is willing to be with the taxpayers money, in light of a faltering economy and deep cuts to domestic programs: The expectation has been that it cant continue to increase as it has, Phil Finnegan, a defense analyst at the Teal Group in Fairfax, said of defense spending. But it has surprised everyone to see how long this increase has continued. This budget was a great budget for all defense contractors. [...] The fiscal year 2009 budget may be about as good as it gets for defense contractors, said Steve Kosiak, vice president of budget studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. We have had eight years of quite dramatic growth in [the Defense Department's] weapons acquisition accounts. (basically giving huge control over to these companies and paying them millions for the same work that OUR troops do without the oversight, laws, and treaties by the United States)
Allowed the continued and imposed less restrictions on WALL street and large corporations concluding to a 700 billion dollar hand-out to them all while MILLIONS of AMERICANS LOST THEIR JOBS, HOMES, AND BUSINESSES.
SAT by and watched victims of KATRINA suffer. Doing little to help, but if that had happened in say Hollywood or NEW YORK they would have been all over it.
Bush spent at Camp David to all or part of 487 days. Yes, that's 487 days. And Camp David is not even where the president has spent the most time when not at the White House: Knoller reports that Mr. Bush has made 77 visits to his ranch in Crawford during his presidency, and spent all or part of 490 days there. WOW more than any other president on VACATION, and while the US was at WAR!!!!
So I guess OBAMA is not accomplishing anything... No, he's horrible for this country. I could do more digging but I'm done. There's a laundry list of things that the BUSH admin did to help this country. Well the RICH and all powerful, as well as help wallstreet, the banks, and anyone but 95% of Americans. HE made our Country loved around the world, and really helped our security. Yeah they had it all figured out. Now I don't agree with all of Obama's decisions, but he's done a lot in 9 months. I hope that in the next 3 years and hopefully more, he'll do many more things and hopefully get more of a spine. I apploud him on working with Russia, France, Britain, and China with IRAN and because of it there is TALK with IRAN as well as NORTH KOREA. Re-thinking Afghanistan is very important, and shifting towards a more "coalition" style agenda in that region is much more efficient. But hey you all can keep pushing the HATE agenda, hoping Obama fails, and voting for people who really don't have your needs in minds but if your in that top 1% which has more wealth than 95% of us then go a head, Keep calling Obama a socialist, Marxist, fascist, communist as well as any kind of reform that will really bring this country back to a stable field.
For the record these are the definitions of Marxist, fascist, communist
Marxism 1. the doctrines developed from the political, economie, and social theories of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and their followers: dialectical materialism, a labor-based theory of wealth, an economie class struggle leading to revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the eventual development of a classless society. 2. the contributions to these doctrines in the interpretations of Lenin
[Fascism is] a genuinely revolutionary, trans-class form of anti-liberal, and in the last analysis, anti-conservative nationalism. As such it is an ideology deeply bound up with modernization and modernity, one which has assumed a considerable variety of external forms to adapt itself to the particular historical and national context in which it appears, and has drawn a wide range of cultural and intellectual currents, both left and right, anti-modern and pro-modern, to articulate itself as a body of ideas, slogans, and doctrine. In the inter-war period it manifested itself primarily in the form of an elite-led "armed party" which attempted, mostly unsuccessfully, to generate a populist mass movement through a liturgical style of politics and a programme of radical policies which promised to overcome a threat posed by international socialism, to end the degeneration affecting the nation under liberalism, and to bring about a radical renewal of its social, political and cultural life as part of what was widely imagined to be the new era being inaugurated in Western civilization. The core mobilizing myth of fascism which conditions its ideology, propaganda, style of politics and actions is the vision of the nation's imminent rebirth from decadence. Paxton wrote that fascism is: a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion
Communism- a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. - a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party
Socialism refers to various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended
Keep in mind the US has always had a sort of socialism. Republicans if anything are Fascists. They want corporations to control the government and they have done a great job of it since Reagan. Do you really want our government ran by them? I mean the largest companies dictating what our country does? I know I don't want Intel and Microsoft in the senate for Oregon.