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after 2 minutes and a "shout out"...



  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    He also wasnt born in the USA and wont swear on the bible remember:) LOL.....Its like the spam emails before the election again around here.....better keep the garlic around my neck or he may strike at any moment.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    *** you Barack Huessein you POS! Now I imagine I will disappear soon for that statement. The secret police will **** me away for speaking out against the Commie.
    Youll be fine snake....Since they outlawed the illegal imprisonment of citizens without cause-----(ie the repeal of certain points of the Patriot Act) your allowed to speak out again. Youre even allowed to protest at public speeches, not kept away up to 1000 yards and prescreen all participants.....again, ie the Bush/Cheney years.

    Ummm yeeaah right ...your allowed to speak your mind. However if you don't agree with Mr Obama then your thoughts/speech are ill-hearted, unitelligent and with no basis ( I think your comments pretty well sum up the Democrats position for anyone dis agreeing with the current administration ) Vulchor. Why is that my friend ? How do you know what is in anothers heart , what their level of education/common sense is and how can you (or I for that matter) tell whether their is basis for their comment ? No one setting here on this forum unless your active in politics (maybe we have a Senator in our midst and don't know it or a Congressman or a lobbyist ) knows all the behind the scenes details of what is going on. So therefore I can't see any merit to that comment. In my opinion (and thats all it is) free speech is being held hostage at this time. If this administration were more concerned with running the country than worrying about equal air time for their views and this President more worried about the welfare and wellbeing and security of the citizens of this nation than being so cutesy and funny and showing what a great sense of humor he has and how popular he is then I think we would be headed in the right direction. A lot has been made of Mr Obama's limited political experience. There have been Presidents elected before with very little in the way of "political experience". There was a first President of America, every Senator, Congressman , etc was elected to a first term with no experience in that job , some of them sucked and were not re-elected and some of them were willing to learn from those who came before them and some of them learned on their own thru their willingness to work hard and their own tenacity and went on to become great leaders and contributed a great deal to this great country. Can Mr Obama do this ? He certainly could be a good leader if he applied himself and worked toward it and was willing to listen , experience, delegate , and surround himself with the people with the most knowledge/credibility in key positions throughout his administration. Having been elected President does NOT qualify you to be President ! An auto czar , a banking czar , all these czars , really !!! The first thing Mr Obama needs to realize is he was elected OUR President, not the Democrats President or Oprah's President , or Michelles President or Chicago's President or whoevers President ...He was elected the President of the United States of Ameica including ALL the people ...the black,the white,the native americans,the immigrants,the asians,the eskimo's, the Mexican, the Latinos , the smart , the smart a_sses, the dumb, the humble, the elite, the down trodden, the privileged, the un educated, the abused , the everyday guy and gal and child on the street and every damn American in between on US and foreign soil !!! Act like you care about us all and lead , do not be led by idealistic nonsense . We the people , or the country for that matter ,do not have the time for recklessness and abandonment of the principles this country was built on. Some will say "but wait times have changed since our forefathers" to this I say sound Govt guided by sound minds , sound decisions based on common sense (not the fartherment of a political career), and perhaps when faced with a seemingly impossible situation ( I know your not going to like this Volchur) Bending one's head in prayer to God may not be a bad option , and it doesn't matter what color of a President you are or what nationality/background you came from. I think most Americans are smart enough to realize a good man and a good President for that matter who leads and heals and grows our nation , protects its citizens and defends our country transcends(sp) any racial ignorance ...thats just my two cents worth and by the length of this post I think I got my moneys worth !!!
    Amen brother!
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am just in a bad mood. Don't read too much into it. I should write my thoughts to support what I say better but I just can't right now. Too much crap going on. I do not like or trust this man. I also remember all of the people disrespecting past presidents and wondering if some of you defended them as well even though you may not have liked or voted for them. George Lopez says "F@ck you" to the President on national TV and I bet you all said nothing. I just think it is BS you can't disagree with this guy without being labeled a racist or Fox News lover.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    *** you Barack Huessein you POS! Now I imagine I will disappear soon for that statement. The secret police will **** me away for speaking out against the Commie.
    Youll be fine snake....Since they outlawed the illegal imprisonment of citizens without cause-----(ie the repeal of certain points of the Patriot Act) your allowed to speak out again. Youre even allowed to protest at public speeches, not kept away up to 1000 yards and prescreen all participants.....again, ie the Bush/Cheney years.

    Ummm yeeaah right ...your allowed to speak your mind. However if you don't agree with Mr Obama then your thoughts/speech are ill-hearted, unitelligent and with no basis ( I think your comments pretty well sum up the Democrats position for anyone dis agreeing with the current administration ) Vulchor. Why is that my friend ? How do you know what is in anothers heart , what their level of education/common sense is and how can you (or I for that matter) tell whether their is basis for their comment ? No one setting here on this forum unless your active in politics (maybe we have a Senator in our midst and don't know it or a Congressman or a lobbyist ) knows all the behind the scenes details of what is going on. So therefore I can't see any merit to that comment. In my opinion (and thats all it is) free speech is being held hostage at this time. If this administration were more concerned with running the country than worrying about equal air time for their views and this President more worried about the welfare and wellbeing and security of the citizens of this nation than being so cutesy and funny and showing what a great sense of humor he has and how popular he is then I think we would be headed in the right direction. A lot has been made of Mr Obama's limited political experience. There have been Presidents elected before with very little in the way of "political experience". There was a first President of America, every Senator, Congressman , etc was elected to a first term with no experience in that job , some of them sucked and were not re-elected and some of them were willing to learn from those who came before them and some of them learned on their own thru their willingness to work hard and their own tenacity and went on to become great leaders and contributed a great deal to this great country. Can Mr Obama do this ? He certainly could be a good leader if he applied himself and worked toward it and was willing to listen , experience, delegate , and surround himself with the people with the most knowledge/credibility in key positions throughout his administration. Having been elected President does NOT qualify you to be President ! An auto czar , a banking czar , all these czars , really !!! The first thing Mr Obama needs to realize is he was elected OUR President, not the Democrats President or Oprah's President , or Michelles President or Chicago's President or whoevers President ...He was elected the President of the United States of Ameica including ALL the people ...the black,the white,the native americans,the immigrants,the asians,the eskimo's, the Mexican, the Latinos , the smart , the smart a_sses, the dumb, the humble, the elite, the down trodden, the privileged, the un educated, the abused , the everyday guy and gal and child on the street and every damn American in between on US and foreign soil !!! Act like you care about us all and lead , do not be led by idealistic nonsense . We the people , or the country for that matter ,do not have the time for recklessness and abandonment of the principles this country was built on. Some will say "but wait times have changed since our forefathers" to this I say sound Govt guided by sound minds , sound decisions based on common sense (not the fartherment of a political career), and perhaps when faced with a seemingly impossible situation ( I know your not going to like this Volchur) Bending one's head in prayer to God may not be a bad option , and it doesn't matter what color of a President you are or what nationality/background you came from. I think most Americans are smart enough to realize a good man and a good President for that matter who leads and heals and grows our nation , protects its citizens and defends our country transcends(sp) any racial ignorance ...thats just my two cents worth and by the length of this post I think I got my moneys worth !!!
    Amen brother!
    Actually the term Czar came from the Bush admin and yes I do think it's a bad thing especially since they are not elected. Also GOD and religion was separated for a reason when this country was founded, the moronic tea party's are a good example of this.... The church did a great job of running people, the crusades where a great thing indeed, being killed because a person is accused of witchcraft was just cause, and for example the party that is supposedly for family values and preaches it is religious would be the republicans and what have they become? Let's see, lied to the country/world about a country who had weapons and invaded them, keeps sleeping around and breaking wedlock only to prosecute others for the same thing (when they don't run on that platform), push people to rebel against elected officials and spur on hundred of hate mongers that are just a big mob following lies and false propaganda and are just generally upset; I can go on. If only religion was out of government.
    Really though, no-one can really expect obama to turn this country around to where it was 50 years ago in a few years, especially when the money that is flowing in govt from big business's, lobbyists, and when there are people who damn him in anything he or people that want to do good things do. (republicans generally and some dems). I will say that I am disappointed in Obama as I really hoped that he would be strong on fixing this pandemic of corporate control. However, I am curious as to where candidate Obama went and who we have now? Still I am hopeful but not expecting too much. I don't know if it is because he wont or just can't do what is right? The president doesn't have all the power, that would be congress and who is in congress. People who we vote for, only thing is that many of them are so tied to their donors and masters that they do what they are told and not what the people vote for. If somehow lobbyists are taken out of govt or severely gutted, and if candidates are no longer able to accept money from large corporations (bribes) than things might turn around. However how with something like that pass right now? Republicans stalled extending un-employment benefits for a month then voted 98-0 in favor of them while thousands rolled off benefits, and that's just one example of what they have done. The lies and crap they are pulling in health care reform is another example, and the ***-as* democrats are to blame too. If congress starts to actually answer to the people and not the corporations then I do think things could get better but I have a hard time seeing it.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I am just in a bad mood. Don't read too much into it. I should write my thoughts to support what I say better but I just can't right now. Too much crap going on. I do not like or trust this man. I also remember all of the people disrespecting past presidents and wondering if some of you defended them as well even though you may not have liked or voted for them. George Lopez says "F@ck you" to the President on national TV and I bet you all said nothing. I just think it is BS you can't disagree with this guy without being labeled a racist or Fox News lover.
    I disagree with him on many things, and you can too and I won't call you a racist. But when people are protesting him with racist signs calling him a communist/socialist/fascist... (all different things) and all comparing him to hitler then yeah that is rather F-d up. Fox news does spread lies actually, hell I can't even count how many times they've been saying and fueling lies just about the health care reform. Presidents will never be liked by all but there is a tone of difference about some of the loones out there protesting Obama than other presidents. Even beyond the race thing. Why do you not trust or like obama? I'm curious. Trust may be a given as I don't trust many people let alone officials though I do think many have our best interests in mind. I'm very critical of every president, some more than others but people should be. Though I do find something fundamentally wrong with a culture that allows a president to do the things that Bush did and not much is said or investigated but when Obama does anything he is given an **** probe. He continually offers his hand to the republicans and every time he gets his hand swatted away and he is bashed and criticized. I can't recall any recent president ever doing as much courting of another party as Obama has. But they want nothing to do with it. I find that really wrong, especially when there is more at stake than just politics.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I am just in a bad mood. Don't read too much into it. I should write my thoughts to support what I say better but I just can't right now. Too much crap going on. I do not like or trust this man. I also remember all of the people disrespecting past presidents and wondering if some of you defended them as well even though you may not have liked or voted for them. George Lopez says "F@ck you" to the President on national TV and I bet you all said nothing. I just think it is BS you can't disagree with this guy without being labeled a racist or Fox News lover.
    I disagree with him on many things, and you can too and I won't call you a racist. But when people are protesting him with racist signs calling him a communist/socialist/fascist... (all different things) and all comparing him to hitler then yeah that is rather F-d up. Fox news does spread lies actually, hell I can't even count how many times they've been saying and fueling lies just about the health care reform. Presidents will never be liked by all but there is a tone of difference about some of the loones out there protesting Obama than other presidents. Even beyond the race thing. Why do you not trust or like obama? I'm curious. Trust may be a given as I don't trust many people let alone officials though I do think many have our best interests in mind. I'm very critical of every president, some more than others but people should be. Though I do find something fundamentally wrong with a culture that allows a president to do the things that Bush did and not much is said or investigated but when Obama does anything he is given an **** probe. He continually offers his hand to the republicans and every time he gets his hand swatted away and he is bashed and criticized. I can't recall any recent president ever doing as much courting of another party as Obama has. But they want nothing to do with it. I find that really wrong, especially when there is more at stake than just politics.
    My only question to this is "How in the hell is calling someone communist/socialist/fascist, racist?" That makes no sense at all... Forms of government have nothing to do with race.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I am just in a bad mood. Don't read too much into it. I should write my thoughts to support what I say better but I just can't right now. Too much crap going on. I do not like or trust this man. I also remember all of the people disrespecting past presidents and wondering if some of you defended them as well even though you may not have liked or voted for them. George Lopez says "F@ck you" to the President on national TV and I bet you all said nothing. I just think it is BS you can't disagree with this guy without being labeled a racist or Fox News lover.
    I disagree with him on many things, and you can too and I won't call you a racist. But when people are protesting him with racist signs calling him a communist/socialist/fascist... (all different things) and all comparing him to hitler then yeah that is rather F-d up. Fox news does spread lies actually, hell I can't even count how many times they've been saying and fueling lies just about the health care reform. Presidents will never be liked by all but there is a tone of difference about some of the loones out there protesting Obama than other presidents. Even beyond the race thing. Why do you not trust or like obama? I'm curious. Trust may be a given as I don't trust many people let alone officials though I do think many have our best interests in mind. I'm very critical of every president, some more than others but people should be. Though I do find something fundamentally wrong with a culture that allows a president to do the things that Bush did and not much is said or investigated but when Obama does anything he is given an **** probe. He continually offers his hand to the republicans and every time he gets his hand swatted away and he is bashed and criticized. I can't recall any recent president ever doing as much courting of another party as Obama has. But they want nothing to do with it. I find that really wrong, especially when there is more at stake than just politics.
    My only question to this is "How in the hell is calling someone communist/socialist/fascist, racist?" That makes no sense at all... Forms of government have nothing to do with race.
    It's not, if I made it sound that way it wasn't intended. It is just retarded and shows how idiotic people are. If anything obama is closer to a type of socialist, though I wouldn't go that far. I do think that some forms of socialism work, and when the hell it became such a evil thing is beyond me. A lot of services are socialized in the US.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Ok, I'm glad you cleared it up, because when you said "But when people are protesting him with racist signs calling him a communist/socialist/fascist" That made it sound like you were calling those signs racist and that just doesn't make sense...
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    *** you Barack Huessein you POS! Now I imagine I will disappear soon for that statement. The secret police will **** me away for speaking out against the Commie.
    Youll be fine snake....Since they outlawed the illegal imprisonment of citizens without cause-----(ie the repeal of certain points of the Patriot Act) your allowed to speak out again. Youre even allowed to protest at public speeches, not kept away up to 1000 yards and prescreen all participants.....again, ie the Bush/Cheney years.

    Ummm yeeaah right ...your allowed to speak your mind. However if you don't agree with Mr Obama then your thoughts/speech are ill-hearted, unitelligent and with no basis ( I think your comments pretty well sum up the Democrats position for anyone dis agreeing with the current administration ) Vulchor. Why is that my friend ? How do you know what is in anothers heart , what their level of education/common sense is and how can you (or I for that matter) tell whether their is basis for their comment ? No one setting here on this forum unless your active in politics (maybe we have a Senator in our midst and don't know it or a Congressman or a lobbyist ) knows all the behind the scenes details of what is going on. So therefore I can't see any merit to that comment. In my opinion (and thats all it is) free speech is being held hostage at this time. If this administration were more concerned with running the country than worrying about equal air time for their views and this President more worried about the welfare and wellbeing and security of the citizens of this nation than being so cutesy and funny and showing what a great sense of humor he has and how popular he is then I think we would be headed in the right direction. A lot has been made of Mr Obama's limited political experience. There have been Presidents elected before with very little in the way of "political experience". There was a first President of America, every Senator, Congressman , etc was elected to a first term with no experience in that job , some of them sucked and were not re-elected and some of them were willing to learn from those who came before them and some of them learned on their own thru their willingness to work hard and their own tenacity and went on to become great leaders and contributed a great deal to this great country. Can Mr Obama do this ? He certainly could be a good leader if he applied himself and worked toward it and was willing to listen , experience, delegate , and surround himself with the people with the most knowledge/credibility in key positions throughout his administration. Having been elected President does NOT qualify you to be President ! An auto czar , a banking czar , all these czars , really !!! The first thing Mr Obama needs to realize is he was elected OUR President, not the Democrats President or Oprah's President , or Michelles President or Chicago's President or whoevers President ...He was elected the President of the United States of Ameica including ALL the people ...the black,the white,the native americans,the immigrants,the asians,the eskimo's, the Mexican, the Latinos , the smart , the smart a_sses, the dumb, the humble, the elite, the down trodden, the privileged, the un educated, the abused , the everyday guy and gal and child on the street and every damn American in between on US and foreign soil !!! Act like you care about us all and lead , do not be led by idealistic nonsense . We the people , or the country for that matter ,do not have the time for recklessness and abandonment of the principles this country was built on. Some will say "but wait times have changed since our forefathers" to this I say sound Govt guided by sound minds , sound decisions based on common sense (not the fartherment of a political career), and perhaps when faced with a seemingly impossible situation ( I know your not going to like this Volchur) Bending one's head in prayer to God may not be a bad option , and it doesn't matter what color of a President you are or what nationality/background you came from. I think most Americans are smart enough to realize a good man and a good President for that matter who leads and heals and grows our nation , protects its citizens and defends our country transcends(sp) any racial ignorance ...thats just my two cents worth and by the length of this post I think I got my moneys worth !!!
    Amen brother!
    Actually the term Czar came from the Bush admin and yes I do think it's a bad thing especially since they are not elected. Also GOD and religion was separated for a reason when this country was founded, the moronic tea party's are a good example of this.... The church did a great job of running people, the crusades where a great thing indeed, being killed because a person is accused of witchcraft was just cause, and for example the party that is supposedly for family values and preaches it is religious would be the republicans and what have they become? Let's see, lied to the country/world about a country who had weapons and invaded them, keeps sleeping around and breaking wedlock only to prosecute others for the same thing (when they don't run on that platform), push people to rebel against elected officials and spur on hundred of hate mongers that are just a big mob following lies and false propaganda and are just generally upset; I can go on. If only religion was out of government.
    Really though, no-one can really expect obama to turn this country around to where it was 50 years ago in a few years, especially when the money that is flowing in govt from big business's, lobbyists, and when there are people who damn him in anything he or people that want to do good things do. (republicans generally and some dems). I will say that I am disappointed in Obama as I really hoped that he would be strong on fixing this pandemic of corporate control. However, I am curious as to where candidate Obama went and who we have now? Still I am hopeful but not expecting too much. I don't know if it is because he wont or just can't do what is right? The president doesn't have all the power, that would be congress and who is in congress. People who we vote for, only thing is that many of them are so tied to their donors and masters that they do what they are told and not what the people vote for. If somehow lobbyists are taken out of govt or severely gutted, and if candidates are no longer able to accept money from large corporations (bribes) than things might turn around. However how with something like that pass right now? Republicans stalled extending un-employment benefits for a month then voted 98-0 in favor of them while thousands rolled off benefits, and that's just one example of what they have done. The lies and crap they are pulling in health care reform is another example, and the ***-as* democrats are to blame too. If congress starts to actually answer to the people and not the corporations then I do think things could get better but I have a hard time seeing it.

    Glen , hows it goin 'bro ? Seperation of state and church is not really what I was talking about...I'm just saying all our leaders need all the help they can get so I don't think it hurts one way or another (Prayer) If I was faced with the problems facing Mr Obama I would certainly pray and assume since we have seen him in church on tv and the papers that he does indeed believe in a God. A persons personal beliefs are theirs and theirs alone. So much debate over religion and does it belong in govt or in schools or in public places , all non-sense and I'll tell you why. If I dont believe but am forced to pray what have you really done to me ...nothing, If you don't believe then you don't believe and it will do no good. You may have made me mad or used up a little time I could have been doing something else or whatever but I'm still the same tommorow as I was yesterday. If I DO believe and you wont let me pray what have you done to me ...nothing, because I can pray anytime I want anywhere I want silently and if I believe then in my opinion my God heard me. Everybody gets so caught up in "their rights,their rights". I do not condone infringing on anyones beliefs one way or another ..its not right in my opinion to force or deny someone the opportunity to pray if thats their desire. I'm merely talking about harm to the individual. I guess part of what I'm trying to say is "what is a Republican, what is a Democrat or what is a Liberal?" Did being any of the three cause them to be morally , ethically , intellectually deficient in some way. I don't think so. A man or woman cheating on their spouse , being unethical or a lying snake has nothing to do with political affiliation it has to do with moral, ethical , intellectual makeup of that person although some may hide behind the banner of their party to condone what they did.
    Money money money. I agree Glen, if we could take monetary gain out of govenment decisions and our politicians were not allowed to profit either in office or after they retired from any decisions/votes while in office then I bet we would see a return to COMMON SENSE !!!
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I never intend to offend anyone here. I also don't get upset if we disagree. I wasn't a huge fan of Bush either just so you all know.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    *** you Barack Huessein you POS! Now I imagine I will disappear soon for that statement. The secret police will **** me away for speaking out against the Commie.
    Youll be fine snake....Since they outlawed the illegal imprisonment of citizens without cause-----(ie the repeal of certain points of the Patriot Act) your allowed to speak out again. Youre even allowed to protest at public speeches, not kept away up to 1000 yards and prescreen all participants.....again, ie the Bush/Cheney years.

    Ummm yeeaah right ...your allowed to speak your mind. However if you don't agree with Mr Obama then your thoughts/speech are ill-hearted, unitelligent and with no basis ( I think your comments pretty well sum up the Democrats position for anyone dis agreeing with the current administration ) Vulchor. Why is that my friend ? How do you know what is in anothers heart , what their level of education/common sense is and how can you (or I for that matter) tell whether their is basis for their comment ? No one setting here on this forum unless your active in politics (maybe we have a Senator in our midst and don't know it or a Congressman or a lobbyist ) knows all the behind the scenes details of what is going on. So therefore I can't see any merit to that comment. In my opinion (and thats all it is) free speech is being held hostage at this time. If this administration were more concerned with running the country than worrying about equal air time for their views and this President more worried about the welfare and wellbeing and security of the citizens of this nation than being so cutesy and funny and showing what a great sense of humor he has and how popular he is then I think we would be headed in the right direction. A lot has been made of Mr Obama's limited political experience. There have been Presidents elected before with very little in the way of "political experience". There was a first President of America, every Senator, Congressman , etc was elected to a first term with no experience in that job , some of them sucked and were not re-elected and some of them were willing to learn from those who came before them and some of them learned on their own thru their willingness to work hard and their own tenacity and went on to become great leaders and contributed a great deal to this great country. Can Mr Obama do this ? He certainly could be a good leader if he applied himself and worked toward it and was willing to listen , experience, delegate , and surround himself with the people with the most knowledge/credibility in key positions throughout his administration. Having been elected President does NOT qualify you to be President ! An auto czar , a banking czar , all these czars , really !!! The first thing Mr Obama needs to realize is he was elected OUR President, not the Democrats President or Oprah's President , or Michelles President or Chicago's President or whoevers President ...He was elected the President of the United States of Ameica including ALL the people ...the black,the white,the native americans,the immigrants,the asians,the eskimo's, the Mexican, the Latinos , the smart , the smart a_sses, the dumb, the humble, the elite, the down trodden, the privileged, the un educated, the abused , the everyday guy and gal and child on the street and every damn American in between on US and foreign soil !!! Act like you care about us all and lead , do not be led by idealistic nonsense . We the people , or the country for that matter ,do not have the time for recklessness and abandonment of the principles this country was built on. Some will say "but wait times have changed since our forefathers" to this I say sound Govt guided by sound minds , sound decisions based on common sense (not the fartherment of a political career), and perhaps when faced with a seemingly impossible situation ( I know your not going to like this Volchur) Bending one's head in prayer to God may not be a bad option , and it doesn't matter what color of a President you are or what nationality/background you came from. I think most Americans are smart enough to realize a good man and a good President for that matter who leads and heals and grows our nation , protects its citizens and defends our country transcends(sp) any racial ignorance ...thats just my two cents worth and by the length of this post I think I got my moneys worth !!!
    Amen brother!
    Actually the term Czar came from the Bush admin and yes I do think it's a bad thing especially since they are not elected. Also GOD and religion was separated for a reason when this country was founded, the moronic tea party's are a good example of this.... The church did a great job of running people, the crusades where a great thing indeed, being killed because a person is accused of witchcraft was just cause, and for example the party that is supposedly for family values and preaches it is religious would be the republicans and what have they become? Let's see, lied to the country/world about a country who had weapons and invaded them, keeps sleeping around and breaking wedlock only to prosecute others for the same thing (when they don't run on that platform), push people to rebel against elected officials and spur on hundred of hate mongers that are just a big mob following lies and false propaganda and are just generally upset; I can go on. If only religion was out of government.
    Really though, no-one can really expect obama to turn this country around to where it was 50 years ago in a few years, especially when the money that is flowing in govt from big business's, lobbyists, and when there are people who damn him in anything he or people that want to do good things do. (republicans generally and some dems). I will say that I am disappointed in Obama as I really hoped that he would be strong on fixing this pandemic of corporate control. However, I am curious as to where candidate Obama went and who we have now? Still I am hopeful but not expecting too much. I don't know if it is because he wont or just can't do what is right? The president doesn't have all the power, that would be congress and who is in congress. People who we vote for, only thing is that many of them are so tied to their donors and masters that they do what they are told and not what the people vote for. If somehow lobbyists are taken out of govt or severely gutted, and if candidates are no longer able to accept money from large corporations (bribes) than things might turn around. However how with something like that pass right now? Republicans stalled extending un-employment benefits for a month then voted 98-0 in favor of them while thousands rolled off benefits, and that's just one example of what they have done. The lies and crap they are pulling in health care reform is another example, and the ***-as* democrats are to blame too. If congress starts to actually answer to the people and not the corporations then I do think things could get better but I have a hard time seeing it.

    Glen , hows it goin 'bro ? Seperation of state and church is not really what I was talking about...I'm just saying all our leaders need all the help they can get so I don't think it hurts one way or another (Prayer) If I was faced with the problems facing Mr Obama I would certainly pray and assume since we have seen him in church on tv and the papers that he does indeed believe in a God. A persons personal beliefs are theirs and theirs alone. So much debate over religion and does it belong in govt or in schools or in public places , all non-sense and I'll tell you why. If I dont believe but am forced to pray what have you really done to me ...nothing, If you don't believe then you don't believe and it will do no good. You may have made me mad or used up a little time I could have been doing something else or whatever but I'm still the same tommorow as I was yesterday. If I DO believe and you wont let me pray what have you done to me ...nothing, because I can pray anytime I want anywhere I want silently and if I believe then in my opinion my God heard me. Everybody gets so caught up in "their rights,their rights". I guess part of what I'm trying to say is "what is a Republican, what is a Democrat or what is a Liberal?" Did being any of the three cause them to be morally , ethically , intellectually deficient in some way. I don't think so. A man or woman cheating on their spouse , being unethical or a lying snake has nothing to do with political affiliation it has to do with moral, ethical , intellectual makeup of that person although some may hide behind the banner of their party to condone what they did.
    Money money money. I agree Glen, if we could take monetary gain out of govenment decisions and our politicians were not allowed to profit either in office or after they retired from any decisions/votes while in office then I bet we would see a return to COMMON SENSE !!!
    Well put. I do think that really if money wasn't the driving point than life would be better for most. Money is truly the root of all evil.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I never intend to offend anyone here. I also don't get upset if we disagree. I wasn't a huge fan of Bush either just so you all know.
    No mate, you didn't offend me. I just wonder why you would say that you hate communist, racist obama or why you would say he's a racist communist. Usually we all have a reason for something. I didn't like Bush at all but it was based on what he did while in office and I have said it countless times. I didn't like a lot of things Clinton did. I think it would be fool-hearty to agree with everything someone does without any checks.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    No obama didn't create more debt.
    obama created more debt than all other presidents before him combined did. link

    go ahead and claim that if he did nothing it would have been worse, but you cant prove that and there is even evidence if you look back on Japans lost decade and the depression that doing nothing would actually be better link and link and link.

    feel free to claim that if bush would not have messed things up through all his deregulation obama would not have had to spend it all, but know that bush was the most regulating presidents since nixon link

    In a literal sense, financial services were never "deregulated," nor was there ever a serious attempt to do so. link

    the last major banking regulation change was signed into law in 1999 by Bill Clinton and approved in the Senate by Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden with a vote of 90-8. The change permitted commercial banks like Bank of America to enter into investment banking actions and, ironically, it is that diversification that has helped them to be strong enough to get through this crisis. link

    The combination of Mr. Bush's enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley and Mr. Spitzer's Wall Street prosecutions contributed to America's significant market-share loss of initial public offerings -- and the U.S. is yet to return to pre-Bush levels. While government reduced the profit-making potential in Wall Street's traditional bread-and-butter business, it was simultaneously encouraging investment in the housing sector. Neither activity constituted deregulation.link

    the fact is that both sides caused the housing crisis with a bit of help from people taking advantage of a poorly run systemlink

    and im sorry to hear about your aunt, and her ARM. that jump in price was in the contract when she bought the house. she should have known better. I read every paragraph of my agreement and i asked questions about it. my mortgage has never gone up. and i bought at the peak of the boom. she shouldnt have bought the house. she should have asked more questions. the proof is in the pudding.

    your last sentance here
    This wasn't Obama's fault it was in good part due to the great regulations of the banks in the last admin.
    werent you claiming in THIS thread that it was Bush's DEREGULATION that caused the crisis, not his regulation?
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    No obama didn't create more debt.
    obama created more debt than all other presidents before him combined did. link

    go ahead and claim that if he did nothing it would have been worse, but you cant prove that and there is even evidence if you look back on Japans lost decade and the depression that doing nothing would actually be better link and link and link.

    feel free to claim that if bush would not have messed things up through all his deregulation obama would not have had to spend it all, but know that bush was the most regulating presidents since nixon link

    In a literal sense, financial services were never "deregulated," nor was there ever a serious attempt to do so. link

    the last major banking regulation change was signed into law in 1999 by Bill Clinton and approved in the Senate by Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden with a vote of 90-8. The change permitted commercial banks like Bank of America to enter into investment banking actions and, ironically, it is that diversification that has helped them to be strong enough to get through this crisis. link

    The combination of Mr. Bush's enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley and Mr. Spitzer's Wall Street prosecutions contributed to America's significant market-share loss of initial public offerings -- and the U.S. is yet to return to pre-Bush levels. While government reduced the profit-making potential in Wall Street's traditional bread-and-butter business, it was simultaneously encouraging investment in the housing sector. Neither activity constituted deregulation.link

    the fact is that both sides caused the housing crisis with a bit of help from people taking advantage of a poorly run systemlink

    and im sorry to hear about your aunt, and her ARM. that jump in price was in the contract when she bought the house. she should have known better. I read every paragraph of my agreement and i asked questions about it. my mortgage has never gone up. and i bought at the peak of the boom. she shouldnt have bought the house. she should have asked more questions. the proof is in the pudding.

    your last sentance here
    This wasn't Obama's fault it was in good part due to the great regulations of the banks in the last admin.
    werent you claiming in THIS thread that it was Bush's DEREGULATION that caused the crisis, not his regulation?
    My last point was sarcastic.... fyi.
    Obama has not buddy, bush had a surplus when he got into office, and the things I mentioned were not paid for, so the tax cuts, and the wars were far more than the stimulus bill, not to mention the 700 billion that Bush pushed through (naming a few). and the heritage foundation which you linked too is nothing more than a lie machine that most recently has been pumping out lies about heath care. the history of the heritage foundation http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Heritage_Foundation. And bush, not solely is responsible for allowing the free-ness on wallstreet and large companies but he certainly didn't do anything to fix it or to stop it.
    As for my aunt, yeah well I guess it's her fault not the bank. Again like puro you assume everyone should fall prey. her and millions of others have had this type of thing happen, but never mind the fact that these rates were not brought up to the buyer. Not many people read every line of a contract especially when buying a house (do you have your own home) as the paperwork is huge. Lenders are suppose to outline things such as payments and such. One of the big things was that a lot of these predatory lending were just that, they didn't specify the leaps in which payments would go up.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    first, that link is a wiki page that can be edited by anyone. if i did that youd call me out on it. second, i see no problem with a corporation giving money to a cause. however if you want a better link that Obama has spent more money than any other President in historty....link link link oh and the graphic in the Heritage link... was from the washington post.
    and i do own my own home
    i read it all. why? so i wouldnt have to deal with BS
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    OMG Phobic, you are right again... Since people can't take the time to READ something, the government really should step in and take care of things for them... What ever happened to personal responsibility in this country? Why is it up to the government to take care of us like we are retarded 3rd graders?
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    No obama didn't create more debt.
    obama created more debt than all other presidents before him combined did. link

    go ahead and claim that if he did nothing it would have been worse, but you cant prove that and there is even evidence if you look back on Japans lost decade and the depression that doing nothing would actually be better link and link and link.

    feel free to claim that if bush would not have messed things up through all his deregulation obama would not have had to spend it all, but know that bush was the most regulating presidents since nixon link

    In a literal sense, financial services were never "deregulated," nor was there ever a serious attempt to do so. link

    the last major banking regulation change was signed into law in 1999 by Bill Clinton and approved in the Senate by Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden with a vote of 90-8. The change permitted commercial banks like Bank of America to enter into investment banking actions and, ironically, it is that diversification that has helped them to be strong enough to get through this crisis. link

    The combination of Mr. Bush's enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley and Mr. Spitzer's Wall Street prosecutions contributed to America's significant market-share loss of initial public offerings -- and the U.S. is yet to return to pre-Bush levels. While government reduced the profit-making potential in Wall Street's traditional bread-and-butter business, it was simultaneously encouraging investment in the housing sector. Neither activity constituted deregulation.link

    the fact is that both sides caused the housing crisis with a bit of help from people taking advantage of a poorly run systemlink

    and im sorry to hear about your aunt, and her ARM. that jump in price was in the contract when she bought the house. she should have known better. I read every paragraph of my agreement and i asked questions about it. my mortgage has never gone up. and i bought at the peak of the boom. she shouldnt have bought the house. she should have asked more questions. the proof is in the pudding.

    your last sentance here
    This wasn't Obama's fault it was in good part due to the great regulations of the banks in the last admin.
    werent you claiming in THIS thread that it was Bush's DEREGULATION that caused the crisis, not his regulation?
    My last point was sarcastic.... fyi.
    Obama has not buddy, bush had a surplus when he got into office, and the things I mentioned were not paid for, so the tax cuts, and the wars were far more than the stimulus bill, not to mention the 700 billion that Bush pushed through (naming a few). and the heritage foundation which you linked too is nothing more than a lie machine that most recently has been pumping out lies about heath care. the history of the heritage foundation http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Heritage_Foundation. And bush, not solely is responsible for allowing the free-ness on wallstreet and large companies but he certainly didn't do anything to fix it or to stop it.
    As for my aunt, yeah well I guess it's her fault not the bank. Again like puro you assume everyone should fall prey. her and millions of others have had this type of thing happen, but never mind the fact that these rates were not brought up to the buyer. Not many people read every line of a contract especially when buying a house (do you have your own home) as the paperwork is huge. Lenders are suppose to outline things such as payments and such. One of the big things was that a lot of these predatory lending were just that, they didn't specify the leaps in which payments would go up.

    Sorry (genuinely) about your Aunts problem/position. Glen their are truth in lending laws in place that should prohibit something of this nature ever happening. I also believe with most adjustable rate mortgages in was mandantory to give the borrower a copy of a loan re-payment schedule which outlined not only how much her rate could change each year but what the resulting paynent would be. Back when I was in mortgage lending I would go over this schedule with a customer before they ever went to the mortgage closing just in case the attorney or their personnel were slack about it. Some unscrupulous lender/attorneys office may have indeed been negligent in the closing of your aunts loan and that is an unfortunate thing ... a lesson I'm sure she won't repeat. No one should ever sign anything they do not fully 100% understand no matter what it is . Unfortunatly I think some people are intimidated by the process/people involved/attorneys and just sign and go on thinking it will be OK. Not an accusation just an opinion (I'm not talking about your aunt Glen but about people in general ) I'm glad she's one of the lucky ones with a good job and is still ok and can keep her home my friend ...
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    well once again, that is great for you. But not for a lot of others. A lot of the stuff listed there were part of the stimulus bill. It will take an estimated 2.2 trillion dollars to get the United States infrastructure up to a B grade, which it's currently at a D-. That would be a huge undertaking. That is just one thing that needs to be done but will it? doubtful. See the thing is this country needs to START making and selling things or else we will spend ourselves to death. With the current projections for the next 10 years, sure I'll agree that it could be more, but with infrastructure changes, manufacturing increases, and health care reform they all will reduce the debt, and bring with them more money for the United States. I was saying that Obama has not spent more right now, but with projection of the next X amount of years probably but that is not taking in consideration of all the things that hopefully will be done to make our economy more robust. If the US could once again be at the for-front of new technology and increase exports and decrease imports than spending to get there would be worth it.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    OMG Phobic, you are right again... Since people can't take the time to READ something, the government really should step in and take care of things for them... What ever happened to personal responsibility in this country? Why is it up to the government to take care of us like we are retarded 3rd graders?
    Well a lot of people are. If there were no government things would be better, right?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    sure I'll agree that it could be more, but with infrastructure changes, manufacturing increases, and health care reform they all will reduce the debt,
    HA HA HA HA HA H!!!
    thats great...

    there isnt a single government program out there that makes any money. all of them run in the red. the government doesnt care about profit. they have "endless money" either by Taxing us or by printing more
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    OMG Phobic, you are right again... Since people can't take the time to READ something, the government really should step in and take care of things for them... What ever happened to personal responsibility in this country? Why is it up to the government to take care of us like we are retarded 3rd graders?
    Well a lot of people are. If there were no government things would be better, right?
    no. if the government lived up to its roll of protecting the rights of the individual things would be better. instesad they are in the business of regulating everything that they can.
  • SmokeeeSmokeee Posts: 220
    Obama finally addresses the massacre at Ft. Hood after babbling on for 2 minutes thanking everyone for putting on the event; and offering a "shout out" with a wry grin. What a wonderful human being we have for a president. Go to hell, Mr. Obama.
    Reminds me of GWB after hurrican Katrina!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    No obama didn't create more debt.
    obama created more debt than all other presidents before him combined did. link

    go ahead and claim that if he did nothing it would have been worse, but you cant prove that and there is even evidence if you look back on Japans lost decade and the depression that doing nothing would actually be better link and link and link.

    feel free to claim that if bush would not have messed things up through all his deregulation obama would not have had to spend it all, but know that bush was the most regulating presidents since nixon link

    In a literal sense, financial services were never "deregulated," nor was there ever a serious attempt to do so. link

    the last major banking regulation change was signed into law in 1999 by Bill Clinton and approved in the Senate by Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden with a vote of 90-8. The change permitted commercial banks like Bank of America to enter into investment banking actions and, ironically, it is that diversification that has helped them to be strong enough to get through this crisis. link

    The combination of Mr. Bush's enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley and Mr. Spitzer's Wall Street prosecutions contributed to America's significant market-share loss of initial public offerings -- and the U.S. is yet to return to pre-Bush levels. While government reduced the profit-making potential in Wall Street's traditional bread-and-butter business, it was simultaneously encouraging investment in the housing sector. Neither activity constituted deregulation.link

    the fact is that both sides caused the housing crisis with a bit of help from people taking advantage of a poorly run systemlink

    and im sorry to hear about your aunt, and her ARM. that jump in price was in the contract when she bought the house. she should have known better. I read every paragraph of my agreement and i asked questions about it. my mortgage has never gone up. and i bought at the peak of the boom. she shouldnt have bought the house. she should have asked more questions. the proof is in the pudding.

    your last sentance here
    This wasn't Obama's fault it was in good part due to the great regulations of the banks in the last admin.
    werent you claiming in THIS thread that it was Bush's DEREGULATION that caused the crisis, not his regulation?
    My last point was sarcastic.... fyi.
    Obama has not buddy, bush had a surplus when he got into office, and the things I mentioned were not paid for, so the tax cuts, and the wars were far more than the stimulus bill, not to mention the 700 billion that Bush pushed through (naming a few). and the heritage foundation which you linked too is nothing more than a lie machine that most recently has been pumping out lies about heath care. the history of the heritage foundation http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Heritage_Foundation. And bush, not solely is responsible for allowing the free-ness on wallstreet and large companies but he certainly didn't do anything to fix it or to stop it.
    As for my aunt, yeah well I guess it's her fault not the bank. Again like puro you assume everyone should fall prey. her and millions of others have had this type of thing happen, but never mind the fact that these rates were not brought up to the buyer. Not many people read every line of a contract especially when buying a house (do you have your own home) as the paperwork is huge. Lenders are suppose to outline things such as payments and such. One of the big things was that a lot of these predatory lending were just that, they didn't specify the leaps in which payments would go up.

    Sorry (genuinely) about your Aunts problem/position. Glen their are truth in lending laws in place that should prohibit something of this nature ever happening. I also believe with most adjustable rate mortgages in was mandantory to give the borrower a copy of a loan re-payment schedule which outlined not only how much her rate could change each year but what the resulting paynent would be. Back when I was in mortgage lending I would go over this schedule with a customer before they ever went to the mortgage closing just in case the attorney or their personnel were slack about it. Some unscrupulous lender/attorneys office may have indeed been negligent in the closing of your aunts loan and that is an unfortunate thing ... a lesson I'm sure she won't repeat. No one should ever sign anything they do not fully 100% understand no matter what it is . Unfortunatly I think some people are intimidated by the process/people involved/attorneys and just sign and go on thinking it will be OK. Not an accusation just an opinion (I'm not talking about your aunt Glen but about people in general ) I'm glad she's one of the lucky ones with a good job and is still ok and can keep her home my friend ...
    True Gene, I would think so. Her case though, she wasn't. All I know is that she is currently one of many in a lawsuit against the lender. But as Puro would say if she'd not acted like a 3rd grader and read the entire thing than maybe this wouldn't have happened. But one would think that a reputable loan officer would have outlined all this stuff. I know when I have bought anything under contract this stuff was all done.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    OMG Phobic, you are right again... Since people can't take the time to READ something, the government really should step in and take care of things for them... What ever happened to personal responsibility in this country? Why is it up to the government to take care of us like we are retarded 3rd graders?
    Well a lot of people are. If there were no government things would be better, right?
    Ok, if they are then the deserve to be taken advantage of. Seriously, because a few people are stupid doesn't mean the rest of us should have to suffer.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Obama finally addresses the massacre at Ft. Hood after babbling on for 2 minutes thanking everyone for putting on the event; and offering a "shout out" with a wry grin. What a wonderful human being we have for a president. Go to hell, Mr. Obama.
    Reminds me of GWB after hurrican Katrina!
    LMFAO Thats funny sh*t right there... Compare a hurricane that EVERYONE knew for a week was coming to a shooting that NOBODY could have predicted. I personally don't have a problem with what Obama said, but to compare this to Katrina is insane. If I had 3 days notice that a hurricane was coming, I coulda walked my happy a$$ outta New Orleans. The people who were trapped there were stupid. Plain and simple.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    sure I'll agree that it could be more, but with infrastructure changes, manufacturing increases, and health care reform they all will reduce the debt,
    HA HA HA HA HA H!!!
    thats great...

    there isnt a single government program out there that makes any money. all of them run in the red. the government doesnt care about profit. they have "endless money" either by Taxing us or by printing more
    Govt doesn't make money aye? okay. If that was true than our nation would have never started. All governments make money, it's what they do with it.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    sure I'll agree that it could be more, but with infrastructure changes, manufacturing increases, and health care reform they all will reduce the debt,
    HA HA HA HA HA H!!!
    thats great...

    there isnt a single government program out there that makes any money. all of them run in the red. the government doesnt care about profit. they have "endless money" either by Taxing us or by printing more
    Govt doesn't make money aye? okay. If that was true than our nation would have never started. All governments make money, it's what they do with it.
    Actually no, the people make money, then the government "borrows" it...
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Obama finally addresses the massacre at Ft. Hood after babbling on for 2 minutes thanking everyone for putting on the event; and offering a "shout out" with a wry grin. What a wonderful human being we have for a president. Go to hell, Mr. Obama.
    Reminds me of GWB after hurrican Katrina!
    LMFAO Thats funny sh*t right there... Compare a hurricane that EVERYONE knew for a week was coming to a shooting that NOBODY could have predicted. I personally don't have a problem with what Obama said, but to compare this to Katrina is insane. If I had 3 days notice that a hurricane was coming, I coulda walked my happy a$$ outta New Orleans. The people who were trapped there were stupid. Plain and simple.
    Really shows your humanity there puro. People were stupid because they didn't leave, possibly but I don't know all their reasons for staying. Probably because they didn't want to leave their home. Maybe if the levy's were in good shape this horrible act wouldn't have happened. Maybe a lot of them thought of that? I dunno.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    sure I'll agree that it could be more, but with infrastructure changes, manufacturing increases, and health care reform they all will reduce the debt,
    HA HA HA HA HA H!!!
    thats great...

    there isnt a single government program out there that makes any money. all of them run in the red. the government doesnt care about profit. they have "endless money" either by Taxing us or by printing more
    Govt doesn't make money aye? okay. If that was true than our nation would have never started. All governments make money, it's what they do with it.
    no. governments do NOT create wealth. people create wealth and the government imposes taxes on those people.

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Obama finally addresses the massacre at Ft. Hood after babbling on for 2 minutes thanking everyone for putting on the event; and offering a "shout out" with a wry grin. What a wonderful human being we have for a president. Go to hell, Mr. Obama.
    Reminds me of GWB after hurrican Katrina!
    LMFAO Thats funny sh*t right there... Compare a hurricane that EVERYONE knew for a week was coming to a shooting that NOBODY could have predicted. I personally don't have a problem with what Obama said, but to compare this to Katrina is insane. If I had 3 days notice that a hurricane was coming, I coulda walked my happy a$$ outta New Orleans. The people who were trapped there were stupid. Plain and simple.
    Really shows your humanity there puro. People were stupid because they didn't leave, possibly but I don't know all their reasons for staying. Probably because they didn't want to leave their home. Maybe if the levy's were in good shape this horrible act wouldn't have happened. Maybe a lot of them thought of that? I dunno.
    all puro was saying is that these two are not similar at all. thats it. geeez.

    edit... i missed a line in there... some couldnt leave. some chose to stay. those who chose were dumb. those who couldnt... well that just plain sucks.
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