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  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Why dont any of you have the balls to say that Ft. Hood is worse because it was good men serving this country, prominently white and killed by a Muslim. Katrina was bad...but mainly because of all the money wasted after to help the same dumb, lazy, nig*ers who dont contribute anything to society but welfare checks. And to say none of you were basically on that line of thought I call you liars. Thats the difference in the two, lets not mince words when it comes to conservative response to the poor, minorities, and underclasses- -----Gays too, but Ill save Sen. Craig and my fine Gov. Crist for another debate on hypocritical people lacking in moral fortitude.
    All I can even say to this is F*CK YOU! You don't know a **** thing about me or what I think about people. You don't even know what you're talking about you pretentious little pr*ck!
    Whos calling names now? I dont think I was talking about you directly---sorry if it hit a nerve for some reason---sometimes truth or something close to home will do that....but please watch the name calling Sheriff.
    so who were you talking about? there were a very limited number of people discussing this here.
    pulling the race card here is dirty.
    Vulchor, in this forum, you were the first person to bring up race. you were the first person to bring up that he was a muslim. who has race on their mind?
    and then you doubled down on the racist card with your last post. if you didnt call him a racist in the earlier post, you sure as heck did in your last post.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Squirrel, I think its time we followed Lakers great advice in another post....its time to allow the speech to go on and to drop out. Wise man once said...."Ignorance allows you to speak without error." Some people know truth, and others know their truth. A few thousand years ago the world was flat remember, and given a long enough life span----people would still be arguing it was true. Unfortunately, these boards are not about a true debate of the ideas, or keeping minds open.......its about people reinforcing others beliefs and telling each other how right they each are to stroke each others egos.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    no seriously, who is racist?
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Why dont any of you have the balls to say that Ft. Hood is worse because it was good men serving this country, prominently white and killed by a Muslim. Katrina was bad...but mainly because of all the money wasted after to help the same dumb, lazy, nig*ers who dont contribute anything to society but welfare checks. And to say none of you were basically on that line of thought I call you liars. Thats the difference in the two, lets not mince words when it comes to conservative response to the poor, minorities, and underclasses- -----Gays too, but Ill save Sen. Craig and my fine Gov. Crist for another debate on hypocritical people lacking in moral fortitude.
    All I can even say to this is F*CK YOU! You don't know a **** thing about me or what I think about people. You don't even know what you're talking about you pretentious little pr*ck!
    Whos calling names now? I dont think I was talking about you directly---sorry if it hit a nerve for some reason---sometimes truth or something close to home will do that....but please watch the name calling Sheriff.
    You were responding to a statement I made. You can sit here and say that wasn't directed at anyone here, but that's a load of sh*t. You called me a racist and I promise you I do more to help people of every color, race, and sexual orientation in a day then you do in a **** year. Don't lecture me about my moral compass when you accuse me and others here of racism when you don't know a **** thing about me. I stand by my reply to this and I don't give two **** who doesn't like it.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    I am not adding to the fire or even debating again...however, you dont know what I do for a living and despite the fact you may be part of your local LE....I assure you I do as much or more for people that you do in your profession and the people here that do know my job can vouch for this------and I dont even give speeding tickets.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    I am not adding to the fire or even debating again...
    however, you dont know what I do for a living and despite the fact you may be part of your local LE....I assure you I do as much or more for people that you do in your profession and the people here that do know my job can vouch for this------and I dont even give speeding tickets.
    and WE sound arrogant?

  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Kuzi Pm
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I am not adding to the fire or even debating again...
    however, you dont know what I do for a living and despite the fact you may be part of your local LE....I assure you I do as much or more for people that you do in your profession and the people here that do know my job can vouch for this------and I dont even give speeding tickets.
    and WE sound arrogant?

    I wouldn't say that just selfish and self centered.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I am not adding to the fire or even debating again...
    however, you dont know what I do for a living and despite the fact you may be part of your local LE....I assure you I do as much or more for people that you do in your profession and the people here that do know my job can vouch for this------and I dont even give speeding tickets.
    and WE sound arrogant?

    I wouldn't say that just selfish and self centered.
    If standing on the side of liberty and freedom of the individual is selfish, then you're **** right I am selfish. Selfishly hope for everyone in this country to be free and have choices in life.

    Before you even go there, I'm not against gay marriage and I'm not a big right to life nut. And before you attack me with some assault on the religious right, I'm not a religious person at all. I'm sorry I don't fit your mold for a right wing nut job, but I'm sure you are creative and artistic enough to find some other way to bash people. Keep up the good work.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I am not adding to the fire or even debating again...
    however, you dont know what I do for a living and despite the fact you may be part of your local LE....I assure you I do as much or more for people that you do in your profession and the people here that do know my job can vouch for this------and I dont even give speeding tickets.
    and WE sound arrogant?

    I wouldn't say that just selfish and self centered.
    If standing on the side of liberty and freedom of the individual is selfish, then you're **** right I am selfish. Selfishly hope for everyone in this country to be free and have choices in life.

    Before you even go there, I'm not against gay marriage and I'm not a big right to life nut. And before you attack me with some assault on the religious right, I'm not a religious person at all. I'm sorry I don't fit your mold for a right wing nut job, but I'm sure you are creative and artistic enough to find some other way to bash people. Keep up the good work.
    liberty and freedom? So where does not protecting people from being gouged or dropped from healthcare or being denied due to an illness play into that? Where does protecting business's over American lives become freedom? One of the responsibilities of government is life and liberty and what is going on and has been going on is not that. I know your for a business over a person but that isn't freedom.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I am not adding to the fire or even debating again...
    however, you dont know what I do for a living and despite the fact you may be part of your local LE....I assure you I do as much or more for people that you do in your profession and the people here that do know my job can vouch for this------and I dont even give speeding tickets.
    and WE sound arrogant?

    I wouldn't say that just selfish and self centered.
    If standing on the side of liberty and freedom of the individual is selfish, then you're **** right I am selfish. Selfishly hope for everyone in this country to be free and have choices in life.

    Before you even go there, I'm not against gay marriage and I'm not a big right to life nut. And before you attack me with some assault on the religious right, I'm not a religious person at all. I'm sorry I don't fit your mold for a right wing nut job, but I'm sure you are creative and artistic enough to find some other way to bash people. Keep up the good work.
    liberty and freedom? So where does not protecting people from being gouged or dropped from healthcare or being denied due to an illness play into that? Where does protecting business's over American lives become freedom? One of the responsibilities of government is life and liberty and what is going on and has been going on is not that. I know your for a business over a person but that isn't freedom.
    You couldn't be farther from the truth actually. I am, as Kuzi is, for right of the individual. The government forcing us to take part in their insurance plan is NOT freedom. The government forcing us to buy ANY insurance, from them or a private company, is not freedom. The government taking my money and money from everyone else to pay for health care for the masses, is NOT FREEDOM!
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    I am not adding to the fire or even debating again...
    however, you dont know what I do for a living and despite the fact you may be part of your local LE....I assure you I do as much or more for people that you do in your profession and the people here that do know my job can vouch for this------and I dont even give speeding tickets.
    and WE sound arrogant?

    I wouldn't say that just selfish and self centered.
    If standing on the side of liberty and freedom of the individual is selfish, then you're **** right I am selfish. Selfishly hope for everyone in this country to be free and have choices in life.

    Before you even go there, I'm not against gay marriage and I'm not a big right to life nut. And before you attack me with some assault on the religious right, I'm not a religious person at all. I'm sorry I don't fit your mold for a right wing nut job, but I'm sure you are creative and artistic enough to find some other way to bash people. Keep up the good work.
    liberty and freedom? So where does not protecting people from being gouged or dropped from healthcare or being denied due to an illness play into that? Where does protecting business's over American lives become freedom? One of the responsibilities of government is life and liberty and what is going on and has been going on is not that. I know your for a business over a person but that isn't freedom.
    You couldn't be farther from the truth actually. I am, as Kuzi is, for right of the individual. The government forcing us to take part in their insurance plan is NOT freedom. The government forcing us to buy ANY insurance, from them or a private company, is not freedom. The government taking my money and money from everyone else to pay for health care for the masses, is NOT FREEDOM!
    Sounds a lot like more freedom for the masses at the expense of some freedoms of the few. That could be called freedom as much as what is in effect now. Just different people profiting from the pool of money.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    So how is the government stripping us of our rights to choose our own way to pay for our health care freedom at all? It isn't freedom, it's tyranny. And don't misunderstand me, I do not think things are working just fine the way they are, I do think changes need to be made. Just NOT IN A GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER. Why is that always the answer you get from the left. If something isn't working just right, the government will take over and REALLY f*ck it up.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Damn it passed... my f***ing taxes are about to go up again. And the best part no one I know will be getting s**t for it!
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Damn it passed... my f***ing taxes are about to go up again. And the best part no one I know will be getting s**t for it!
    Welcome to the Socialist States of Obamanation. Guess he lied about not raising our taxes. Actually, seem to be that everthing that comes from his face is a lie. I never thought anyone could be a bigger liar than a Clinton. This guy makes me wish we had Hillary and that is one scary ****.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    So where does not protecting people from being gouged or dropped from healthcare or being denied due to an illness play into that?
    this falls under the governments actual roll of protecting the rights of the individual. for the umpteenth time: if the company is violating the rights of the individual, it should be punished. if it is not, then it shouldnt.
    health care is not a right. neither is food, water, a house, or any other important thing in your life. you have a right to take action to obtain these things, but you do not have the right to have them handed to you, nor do you have the right to force others to give them to you.
    this is classic entitlement mentality.
    in reality, nobody owes anyone anything.
    if food ( for example) is a right then whats to stop you from walking into a grocery store and taking what you need off the shelf? its your right to have it. how do you expect the store to stay in business? without stores, food is a bit harder to come by. we would all have to farm it ourselves. food, like health care, is a very important good or service. you have a right to seek out food, but not a right to have it.

    of course i realize that this is an imperfect analogy... but its one worth looking into.
    Where does protecting business's over American lives become freedom?
    again, this falls under the governments actual roll of protecting the rights of the individual. for the umpteenth time: if the company is violating the rights of the individual, it should be punished. if it is not, then it shouldnt.
    companies should be able to run as they see fit provided they dont violate the rights of others.
    One of the responsibilities of government is life and liberty and what is going on and has been going on is not that.
    you have a right to pursue life, not to have it. we all die. if i die from a meteor falling out of the sky and hitting me according to your statement above, my rights have been violated. they have not. your right to life means that your life can not legally be taken from you by someone else.

    your right to liberty means that you have a right to live your life as you see fit. when the government says that failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. then your right to decline insurance if you so chose is being taken away. If i dont want health insurance who is that hurting? nobody but myself. it is a victimless crime. you cannot opt out of this system without punishment. it is a violation of rights.
    I know your for a business over a person but that isn't freedom.
    then clearly, you do not understand my points. if the company violates my rights then i am not for that company. just like if a government policy violates my rights i am not for that policy.

    on a more agreeable note... Phobic and i agree on these points (correct me if i am wrong please, im not looking to put words in your mouth)
    we both think the system is messed up.
    we both think that costs need to come down.
    we both agree that having someone control our lives is not good
    we both think that there needs to be some sort of reform
    we both dont want a company to violate our rights.
    we both dont want the government to violate our rights
    as far as i can tell the only thing we really disagree on is how to go about fixing the problem while not violating rights.

    is that all correct?
    if it is, can you please explain to me why i am so evil? we have the same goals.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    This guy makes me wish we had Hillary and that is one scary ****.
    i do have to say that there is something that Hillary said that i couldnt agree more with:


    i love that quote. (please note that it is in all caps because she was yelling it at the time) this is the best thing that woman ever said. (that i am aware of)

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Damn it passed... my f***ing taxes are about to go up again. And the best part no one I know will be getting s**t for it!
    Welcome to the Socialist States of Obamanation. Guess he lied about not raising our taxes. Actually, seem to be that everthing that comes from his face is a lie. I never thought anyone could be a bigger liar than a Clinton. This guy makes me wish we had Hillary and that is one scary ****.
    Only the House version passed in the House, it is still a long hard road for this thing. I doubt we will see the end of it this year.
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