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after 2 minutes and a "shout out"...



  • SmokeeeSmokeee Posts: 220
    Obama finally addresses the massacre at Ft. Hood after babbling on for 2 minutes thanking everyone for putting on the event; and offering a "shout out" with a wry grin. What a wonderful human being we have for a president. Go to hell, Mr. Obama.
    Reminds me of GWB after hurrican Katrina!
    LMFAO Thats funny sh*t right there... Compare a hurricane that EVERYONE knew for a week was coming to a shooting that NOBODY could have predicted. I personally don't have a problem with what Obama said, but to compare this to Katrina is insane. If I had 3 days notice that a hurricane was coming, I coulda walked my happy a$$ outta New Orleans. The people who were trapped there were stupid. Plain and simple.
    Really shows your humanity there puro. People were stupid because they didn't leave, possibly but I don't know all their reasons for staying. Probably because they didn't want to leave their home. Maybe if the levy's were in good shape this horrible act wouldn't have happened. Maybe a lot of them thought of that? I dunno.
    all puro was saying is that these two are not similar at all. thats it. geeez.
    I was not comparing the actual incidents- but rather the similarities in which the president responded… or lack there of!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Obama finally addresses the massacre at Ft. Hood after babbling on for 2 minutes thanking everyone for putting on the event; and offering a "shout out" with a wry grin. What a wonderful human being we have for a president. Go to hell, Mr. Obama.
    Reminds me of GWB after hurrican Katrina!
    LMFAO Thats funny sh*t right there... Compare a hurricane that EVERYONE knew for a week was coming to a shooting that NOBODY could have predicted. I personally don't have a problem with what Obama said, but to compare this to Katrina is insane. If I had 3 days notice that a hurricane was coming, I coulda walked my happy a$$ outta New Orleans. The people who were trapped there were stupid. Plain and simple.
    Really shows your humanity there puro. People were stupid because they didn't leave, possibly but I don't know all their reasons for staying. Probably because they didn't want to leave their home. Maybe if the levy's were in good shape this horrible act wouldn't have happened. Maybe a lot of them thought of that? I dunno.
    MOST of the people there could have left. When there is a hurricane coming and you are in a city that is lower than sea level... That is a bad combination. I know there were some people who we physically unable to leave, that is different, but to stay there and face it because you didn't want to leave... That was just stupid.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Obama finally addresses the massacre at Ft. Hood after babbling on for 2 minutes thanking everyone for putting on the event; and offering a "shout out" with a wry grin. What a wonderful human being we have for a president. Go to hell, Mr. Obama.
    Reminds me of GWB after hurrican Katrina!
    LMFAO Thats funny sh*t right there... Compare a hurricane that EVERYONE knew for a week was coming to a shooting that NOBODY could have predicted. I personally don't have a problem with what Obama said, but to compare this to Katrina is insane. If I had 3 days notice that a hurricane was coming, I coulda walked my happy a$$ outta New Orleans. The people who were trapped there were stupid. Plain and simple.
    Really shows your humanity there puro. People were stupid because they didn't leave, possibly but I don't know all their reasons for staying. Probably because they didn't want to leave their home. Maybe if the levy's were in good shape this horrible act wouldn't have happened. Maybe a lot of them thought of that? I dunno.
    all puro was saying is that these two are not similar at all. thats it. geeez.
    I was not comparing the actual incidents- but rather the similarities in which the president responded… or lack there of!
    i got ya. i kind of agree, too. obama did faux pas (sp?) there. his speech should have been started something like this: "i know we are all here for this conference, however, there are more pressing matters at hand... "
    then he could have said what he wanted to say and most would have never thought twice about it.
    bush did the same thing on many occasions. good ol' foot-in-mouth disease.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    one more thought ...
    governments do NOT create wealth. people create wealth and the government imposes taxes on those people.

    since the only cure to poverty is wealth, and the government does not create wealth, the government cannot cure poverty. People cure poverty.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Why dont any of you have the balls to say that Ft. Hood is worse because it was good men serving this country, prominently white and killed by a Muslim. Katrina was bad...but mainly because of all the money wasted after to help the same dumb, lazy, nig*ers who dont contribute anything to society but welfare checks. And to say none of you were basically on that line of thought I call you liars. Thats the difference in the two, lets not mince words when it comes to conservative response to the poor, minorities, and underclasses- -----Gays too, but Ill save Sen. Craig and my fine Gov. Crist for another debate on hypocritical people lacking in moral fortitude.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Why dont any of you have the balls to say that Ft. Hood is worse because it was good men serving this country, prominently white and killed by a Muslim. Katrina was bad...but mainly because of all the money wasted after to help the same dumb, lazy, nig*ers who dont contribute anything to society but welfare checks. And to say none of you were basically on that line of thought I call you liars. Thats the difference in the two, lets not mince words when it comes to conservative response to the poor, minorities, and underclasses- -----Gays too, but Ill save Sen. Craig and my fine Gov. Crist for another debate on hypocritical people lacking in moral fortitude.
    wow... do you honestly think all conservatives are racist?

    if so, that is a bold claim
    and also an untrue one.
    not understanding the conservative point of view is one thing. but making a statement that twists what you dont understand into something evil...well thats just plain stupid.
    one should never make claim that you know what is in men's hearts. nor should the put words in other people's mouths.
    i always do my best on these threads to not make it personal, or to call names without backing up claims but i cannot hold my tongue on this. that is the stupidest, most hate mongering thing, i have heard in a while.
    ....and im not even a conservative.
    but it is offensive to me, because i was not thinking that. both situations were bad, but for very different reasons. the ONLY comparison that a person can make is that the presidents both made some faux pas. that is all.

    ...I cant even believe that i have to defend one BOTL from another BOTL on charges of racism...

  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    I have pretty much at the age of 50 attained the BALLS to say anything I damn well please ( just ask my co-workers) what is anyone gonna do , I'm too big to eat!!! Interesting how both sides of this debate claim tolerance but this thread has declined to name calling and finger pointing and folks being labeled liars by people who profess to "know" what others meant or are thinking ( wow this sound so ...so ...so ...democratic from what I'm reading and seeing)( maybe you could get a govt job ferreting out terrorist suspects at airports since you seem to be so intuitive). If that had been my train of thought I would have said so ...I've never ducked defending my views and won't start now but you feel free to believe whatever makes you feel better Vulchor.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Didnt say you GMill or Kuzi (or anyone else Im sure, cause all conservatives love everyone, non-whites even more....please Kuzi, insert your Al Sharpton or Farakahn comment here)----but to say that what I spouted off wasnt true for a good number of people here and conversatives around the country is the same kind of turn your head while the $hit hits the fan and ignore the truth attitude that has turned a strong Republican party into a breeding ground of hate, intolerance, and backward thinkers....and of course the religious whackos which pull the strings of those same closeminded homophobes we're speaking of. But cheers to all of you who dont feel this was...Im sure you all "have a ton of black friends, I love black people" as Eddie Murphy would've said about whities afraid to say what they really feel.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Didnt say you GMill or Kuzi----but to say that what I spouted off wasnt true for a good number of people here and conversatives around the country is the same kind of turn your head while the $hit hits the fan and ignore the truth attitude that has turned a strong Republican party into a breeding ground of hate, intolerance, and backward thinkers....and of course the religious whackos which pull the strings of those same closeminded homophobes we're speaking of. But cheers to all of you who dont feel this was...Im sure you all "have a ton of black friends, I love black people" as Eddie Murphy would've said about whities afraid to say what they really feel.
    Obama has a Fascist mindset. Ignore that truth.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    I think the last administration shipped keeping truth around overseas along with a lot of other stuff-----but what the hell, lets get the guy out of there-----Im ready to start the Mitt Romney for President fan club...hey maybe even Sarah....she has a helluva a story dontchaknow, real bright....Lol, the s*it is so thick in here its like working in a fudge factory.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Didnt say you GMill or Kuzi----but to say that what I spouted off wasnt true for a good number of people here and conversatives around the country is the same kind of turn your head while the $hit hits the fan and ignore the truth attitude that has turned a strong Republican party into a breeding ground of hate, intolerance, and backward thinkers....and of course the religious whackos which pull the strings of those same closeminded homophobes we're speaking of. But cheers to all of you who dont feel this was...Im sure you all "have a ton of black friends, I love black people" as Eddie Murphy would've said about whities afraid to say what they really feel.
    Obama has a Fascist mindset. Ignore that truth.
    What no link, with (slanted) factual evidence???
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    I think the last administration shipped keeping truth around overseas along with a lot of other stuff
    yes, but at this moment we are not talking about the LAST administration. we are talking about this one.
    and this one, like the last one is Fascist in nature... meaning that they want private ownership, but they want to control and regulate everything.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Didnt say you GMill or Kuzi----but to say that what I spouted off wasnt true for a good number of people here and conversatives around the country is the same kind of turn your head while the $hit hits the fan and ignore the truth attitude that has turned a strong Republican party into a breeding ground of hate, intolerance, and backward thinkers....and of course the religious whackos which pull the strings of those same closeminded homophobes we're speaking of. But cheers to all of you who dont feel this was...Im sure you all "have a ton of black friends, I love black people" as Eddie Murphy would've said about whities afraid to say what they really feel.
    Obama has a Fascist mindset. Ignore that truth.
    What no link, with (slanted) factual evidence???
    are you **** serious? how about you back up a SINGLE thing you say. EVER. and what part of regulating everything is not fascist? please tell me that. quit turning your head and ignoring that truth.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    I forgot---thats the past, cant talk about it. How convienent, especially for the folks in Iraq.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Language now folks, lets keep it civil. Lol, what a way to spend my morning,
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    I forgot---thats the past, cant talk about it. How convienent, especially for the folks in Iraq.
    the topic at hand is Obama. we can discuss how bad bush sucked on a thread that is about how bush sucked.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Ok----lets have a drink....Im done arguing today.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Language now folks, lets keep it civil. Lol, what a way to spend my morning,
    keep it civil?
    you call calling 40% of the population racist civil?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    ...still ignoring that obama has a fascist mind set.
  • bacon.jaybacon.jay Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    I think that gmill is correct about the "tolerance" issues, the political debate on the forums lately has started to get a little out of hand, and I think that we all need to remember something...

    Everyone has their own opinions about what is right and wrong, good and bad, and what should and should not be or have been done, and everyone's opinions of such things will be different. We are all adults here. We shouldn't resort to name-calling and finger-pointing and calling others liars or generally disrespecting other forum members, no matter how much they might disagree with your fundamental moral principles.

    I cannot tell anyone what to do, but as for myself, I will argue my point of view with grace and dignity, and when someone disagrees with me, I will respect their position but agree to disagree. After all, we smoke cigars for Christ's sake, why can't we discuss these things with some class?

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Didnt say you GMill or Kuzi----but to say that what I spouted off wasnt true for a good number of people here and conversatives around the country is the same kind of turn your head while the $hit hits the fan and ignore the truth attitude that has turned a strong Republican party into a breeding ground of hate, intolerance, and backward thinkers....and of course the religious whackos which pull the strings of those same closeminded homophobes we're speaking of. But cheers to all of you who dont feel this was...Im sure you all "have a ton of black friends, I love black people" as Eddie Murphy would've said about whities afraid to say what they really feel.
    Obama has a Fascist mindset. Ignore that truth.
    What no link, with (slanted) factual evidence???
    are you **** serious? how about you back up a SINGLE thing you say. EVER. and what part of regulating everything is not fascist? please tell me that. quit turning your head and ignoring that truth.
    HA! without govt regulating large business's we would be toast (oh wait you think the health insurance companies aren't doing anything wrong). Govt is still able to stand in their way. I know as a libertarian you have this slanted view towards it but sadly large companies do control the govt, though not completely yet. You can post all the links you want but the huge shift in this country that were post 70's to now shows and proves that the reagonomics pushed through this country as well as the Margret thatcher in Europe that relying on the top to regulate itself does not work. Sure they can make record money but it isn't solid and it crashes. I won't disagree that there are corporate masters in govt and probably behind Obama since he's backed down a bit on things he was pushing on the campaign.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    HA! without govt regulating large business's we would be toast
    the only regulation needed is to protect the individual from having their rights violated.
    ...You can post all the links you want...
    i will. :)

    the reagonomics pushed through this country as well as the Margret thatcher in Europe that relying on the top to regulate itself does not work. Sure they can make record money but it isn't solid and it crashes.
    capitalist systems have ups and downs. Socialist systems have a slow and steady decline.

    Ultimately, our choice is to give up Utopian quests or give up our freedom. This has been recognized for centuries by some, but many others have not yet faced that reality, even today. If you think government should "do something" about anything that ticks you off, or anything you want and don't have, then you have made your choice between Utopia and freedom.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    You and I and any rational person knows that big business controls govt. and theu runs everythin---we have no say and no voice, business and money run our lives, you and I only see that I guess Squirrel. Of course, we are socialists for saying that corporations shouldnt be allowed to make profit at any cost----so I guess Hail Lenin.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    You and I and any rational person knows that big business controls govt. and theu runs everythin---we have no say and no voice, business and money run our lives,
    you do have a voice.
    its your pocketbook. dont spend money at companies that you dont like.
    Of course, we are socialists for saying that corporations shouldnt be allowed to make profit at any cost----so I guess Hail Lenin.
    not profit at any cost. profit while not violating the rights of the individual. how many times do i need to say that before you understand that its not "at any cost"?
    giving up your individual rights is way to costly. those businesses that violate the rights of others should be punished. those who dont should not be regulated.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Why dont any of you have the balls to say that Ft. Hood is worse because it was good men serving this country, prominently white and killed by a Muslim. Katrina was bad...but mainly because of all the money wasted after to help the same dumb, lazy, nig*ers who dont contribute anything to society but welfare checks. And to say none of you were basically on that line of thought I call you liars. Thats the difference in the two, lets not mince words when it comes to conservative response to the poor, minorities, and underclasses- -----Gays too, but Ill save Sen. Craig and my fine Gov. Crist for another debate on hypocritical people lacking in moral fortitude.
    All I can even say to this is F*CK YOU! You don't know a **** thing about me or what I think about people. You don't even know what you're talking about you pretentious little pr*ck!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Why dont any of you have the balls to say that Ft. Hood is worse because it was good men serving this country, prominently white and killed by a Muslim. Katrina was bad...but mainly because of all the money wasted after to help the same dumb, lazy, nig*ers who dont contribute anything to society but welfare checks. And to say none of you were basically on that line of thought I call you liars. Thats the difference in the two, lets not mince words when it comes to conservative response to the poor, minorities, and underclasses- -----Gays too, but Ill save Sen. Craig and my fine Gov. Crist for another debate on hypocritical people lacking in moral fortitude.
    All I can even say to this is F*CK YOU! You don't know a **** thing about me or what I think about people. You don't even know what you're talking about you pretentious little pr*ck!
    well I do know that your moral compass is all f'd up. Your the one cussing at people, and saying it's more than fine for people to be without basic health care coverage essentially being okay with thousands of people dying. You called me lazy because I don't do enough to find coverage, which is far, far from the truth. According to you people shouldn't have protection from large companies taking advantage of them. And you obviously seem to be fine with calling people stupid for not leaving during Katrina. Which is a very skewed view. I remember seeing the evacuation of that city and it was chaos! Things outside your world are very different and many aren't as well off as you, but that's fine, just as long as Puro is okay. Maybe leaving that selfish cave of yours you may see that not everyone is as fortunate.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    HA! without govt regulating large business's we would be toast
    the only regulation needed is to protect the individual from having their rights violated.
    ...You can post all the links you want...
    i will. :)

    the reagonomics pushed through this country as well as the Margret thatcher in Europe that relying on the top to regulate itself does not work. Sure they can make record money but it isn't solid and it crashes.
    capitalist systems have ups and downs. Socialist systems have a slow and steady decline.

    Ultimately, our choice is to give up Utopian quests or give up our freedom. This has been recognized for centuries by some, but many others have not yet faced that reality, even today. If you think government should "do something" about anything that ticks you off, or anything you want and don't have, then you have made your choice between Utopia and freedom.
    Freedom? yeah let companies dictate that. Wall street couldn't even make money by really making money, they made sh*t up. Companies making money of the death of people is not freedom. In reality there really is no Freedom, only perceptions of it.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    I think that gmill is correct about the "tolerance" issues, the political debate on the forums lately has started to get a little out of hand, and I think that we all need to remember something...

    Everyone has their own opinions about what is right and wrong, good and bad, and what should and should not be or have been done, and everyone's opinions of such things will be different. We are all adults here. We shouldn't resort to name-calling and finger-pointing and calling others liars or generally disrespecting other forum members, no matter how much they might disagree with your fundamental moral principles.

    I cannot tell anyone what to do, but as for myself, I will argue my point of view with grace and dignity, and when someone disagrees with me, I will respect their position but agree to disagree. After all, we smoke cigars for Christ's sake, why can't we discuss these things with some class?

    Very well put Bacon Jay
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Why dont any of you have the balls to say that Ft. Hood is worse because it was good men serving this country, prominently white and killed by a Muslim. Katrina was bad...but mainly because of all the money wasted after to help the same dumb, lazy, nig*ers who dont contribute anything to society but welfare checks. And to say none of you were basically on that line of thought I call you liars. Thats the difference in the two, lets not mince words when it comes to conservative response to the poor, minorities, and underclasses- -----Gays too, but Ill save Sen. Craig and my fine Gov. Crist for another debate on hypocritical people lacking in moral fortitude.
    All I can even say to this is F*CK YOU! You don't know a **** thing about me or what I think about people. You don't even know what you're talking about you pretentious little pr*ck!
    Whos calling names now? I dont think I was talking about you directly---sorry if it hit a nerve for some reason---sometimes truth or something close to home will do that....but please watch the name calling Sheriff.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    well I do know that your moral compass is all f'd up.
    taking something from someone by force to give it to someone else is ok with you?

    if i go to my rich neighbor and tell them to give me $1000 for a medical procedure or i will take him to my basement and lock him up, i would be put in jail. but if the government does the same thing its OK?
    fines and jail time for not getting health care
    Your the one cussing at people
    in all fairness i would be fairly pissed if someone just called me racist.
    and saying it's more than fine for people to be without basic health care coverage essentially being okay with thousands of people dying.
    no we are saying that the system can be fixed without a government take over of health care. costs can be lowered without oppressive regulation. and that if people actually dont want insurance, they dont have to buy it. (above link covers this too)
    According to you people shouldn't have protection from large companies taking advantage of them.
    that is not at all what i am saying. i am saying that a company should not be punished if they do not violate the rights of the individual.
    And you obviously seem to be fine with calling people stupid for not leaving during Katrina.
    some were stupid. they had the chance, passed on it, and now they have to live with their decision. some were smart, got out, some were unable to go anywhere. some stayed and were part of the rebuilding and clean up from the day after it hit.
    I remember seeing the evacuation of that city and it was chaos!
    i wish the mayor would have let those buses out to shuttle people away...
    Things outside your world are very different and many aren't as well off as you...
    on that note...
    i just chose to forgo a medicine because it was to expensive.
    my insurance is very expensive. im considering dropping it because the cost sucks.
    the government still should not take it over. there are other things that can make it cheaper. Im actually looking into catastrophic coverage only. ...everything else by cash. should work out cheaper in the long haul.
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