June lotto -- GO
Same rules, new thread. I'll figure out how to update this at some point!
Let's make this one HUGE!
Let's make this one HUGE!
-- "There's something that doesn't make sense. Let's go poke it with a stick."
-- Winston Churchill
@echambers wrote:
As most of you know by now, I've agreed to take over the monthly lottery to give SleevePlz a break from all of your shenanigans. Same rules, same timelines, new thread. So here we go:
About a week before the end of the month I will open up the window to enter the lottery. You must be an active participant in this forum and have completed some trades prior to participating in this lottery. You must express your interest in entering the drawing each month. I will never assume anyone wants in every month, even if you say so! The entry fee is 5 cigars. Obviously, you can send more. If you are participating, it is helpful if you fill out your bio with a favorites and wish list (and cigars you don't like list) to help people pick your winnings should you win. It should go without saying, but please send cigars that you think the winner will enjoy.
The lottery will close at midnight on the last day of the month prior to the drawing. On the first day of each month (or the second day if I am traveling, hung over, or tired of dealing with you all) I will hold a random drawing of all the people that have elected to participate in that month's lottery. I will do my best to conduct the drawing live on v-herf. The winner is responsible for pm'ing each of the participants with their current address. This should be done immediately. If you do not claim your prize within one week of the drawing, I will redo the drawing and select a new winner. If you do not frequent this forum enough to meet that requirement, then please do not enter the lottery. Participants should mail their cigars to the winner immediately. If you have not shipped within a week of receiving the winner's address, you will be considered delinquent and not permitted to participate in the future. Again, if you can not meet this requirement, then don't enter the lottery.
Delivery confirmation numbers should be posted in this thread when you ship your package. If you are new to shipping cigars, send me a pm and I will walk you though the process.
in case you're too lazy to read the other thread ;P
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
My favorite cigar list here
unless you win again
does that mean you're in? or are you just saying hi
Life is too short to smoke bad cigars!!!
Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues go marching in!
Just gives us more time to mail them out when you win.