Pipe rests

in Pipes
So I don't smoke my pipes all that often... but when I do I usually find myself searching for safe place to set them down If I need both hands and don't feel like drooling down my pipe stem lol
Anyone here make pipe rests or know someone who does?

Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
I've made a couple out of some flexible plastic, and they work well... not display-worthy like a nice wooden creation, but they do work.
King Lear
I like it, simple and effective! I'm gonna try making one with pop rivets to replace the bag of rice I'm using in the shop!
This is one of the coolest pipe rests I have seen. Well built.
Go fancy. Use @Yakster’s belt concept, punch a hole in it & fasten with thrift store cufflinks, nut & bolt, or similar..
Saw this on Amazon. No more pipe tipping over. Folds down flat too

They work well, I have one folded in my pipe kit.