Who Brews on the Forum?

Better half and I do. Started a couple 2 gallon batches of adult beverages (an American ale and a pear cider), as well as put some veggies in the fermentation jar for an Italian raw ferment (think antipasto).
Anyone else on the forums brew and or ferment?
Blackberry wine is next; did a stellar blueberry last autumn (4 rackings) which ended at 18%, and incredibly smooth. The wine took 4 months versus 4 weeks for the beer (ale is fast, only 2 weeks for brewing, 2 weeks for bottle finishing).
All this typing is making me thirsty...
Anyone else on the forums brew and or ferment?
Blackberry wine is next; did a stellar blueberry last autumn (4 rackings) which ended at 18%, and incredibly smooth. The wine took 4 months versus 4 weeks for the beer (ale is fast, only 2 weeks for brewing, 2 weeks for bottle finishing).
All this typing is making me thirsty...
“There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.” -Kevin Welch
Nothing like having 6 gallons of the same beer to polish off, lol.
While this sounds like a recipe for a party, I am far too taciturn and old to hold a beer bash
Is it still illegal in some states? Admittedly I have no idea. I do know that dry counties still exist...
Or is it that it is easier to buy it all from the store?
Just curious...
I prefer whisk(e)y more, and I can't see getting good at homebrewing that! I'm not into wine at all, and beer is fine, so... fermented veggies sounds interesting.
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
I plan to get back into it some day, with a conical fermenter and an all-grain setup. If I do, it'll definitely be with a kegging setup - screw them bottles.
My problem, if you want to call it that, is I don't drink every day, maybe 4-5 days in a week, and typically only have one or two. And those one or two drinks might be hard stuff, so buying beer is simpler than making it. I think brewing is a bit cheaper than buying, and you get the satisfaction sitting back with a good beer and saying, "I made that" but that still isn't worth the time/effort for me.
Now, I have a customer coming over this afternoon who has gotten very good with his still. Last time he left me with a pint of some apricot brandy he made. That has piqued me interest too.
hey @ExpendableYouth
there are a ton of simple kits out there; mr beer gets a bad rap, but makes a good inexpensive kit. It is not a grain sparging kit by any stretch of the imagination, but they are good. They tend to go on sale at Target, keep your eyes out for them if you want to give it a try again. They typically have all the accouterments with them.
@peter4jc the no rinse method really helps w/ cutting down on the sanitizing time.
There are gone great beers out there for sure! What are you drinking as of late?
Have you ever used yeast nutrient? Can I spike my cider w/ a dose?
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
Interesting, as the yeast packet was 2x the size of a normal one (11.5 gram vs a 5 gram).
Are you doing an Oktoberfest? Am I too late to start one?
My favorite cigar list here
however, it isnt too late to do a fall beer especially if it is actually an ale. from brew day to opening the first bottle can be as little as 6 weeks depending on what you are doing to it.
one week in the primay, one week in the secondary, two weeks to carbonate in a bottle.
however i generally like the secondary to be a bit longer so i can age it over things.
I suppose my question was more geared to "will I be mucking up anything (tradition wise)f it doesn't have 4 months rest."
I bottle finish my beer (kegs are a no-no here), and stuff stores very well in the basement.
Thx for your feedback! Good to know it ain't too late!
My favorite cigar list here
Do you like the final product?
Good. That means you are brewing correctly.
Tangential comment, but I appreciate that you aren't as hung-ho about everything etiquette as your sticky might lead one to believe.
Bottom line; know the rules, but be flexible and do your thing.
Until it borks a 6 gallon batch of apfelwein(been there, done that, lol).
-- Winston Churchill
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...