
in Cigar 101
I'm fairly new to cigar smoking. Several friends of mine have been smoking them for years, but aren't much into the whole "cigar thing" (telltale sign being that they don't own a humidor).
When I first read about some folks religiously "resting" their newly-bought smokes, I kind of rolled my eyes a little. I mean, it's not like the sticks that just arrived in the mail were born yesterday. Then I read about some of you hardcore resters who put your smokes away for years before putting them to the torch. Jeez!
Balanced against my initial skepticism is that, and this may just be my imagination, I recently noted that some of the sticks that have been in my humidor for a while seem to be a bit smoother and don't leave that lingering "cigar mouth" sensation.
I need to learn more.
Do all cigars benefit from resting? Do some benefit more/less? Is there a recommended "minimum resting period?" Please educate me. Thanks.
When I first read about some folks religiously "resting" their newly-bought smokes, I kind of rolled my eyes a little. I mean, it's not like the sticks that just arrived in the mail were born yesterday. Then I read about some of you hardcore resters who put your smokes away for years before putting them to the torch. Jeez!
Balanced against my initial skepticism is that, and this may just be my imagination, I recently noted that some of the sticks that have been in my humidor for a while seem to be a bit smoother and don't leave that lingering "cigar mouth" sensation.
I need to learn more.
Do all cigars benefit from resting? Do some benefit more/less? Is there a recommended "minimum resting period?" Please educate me. Thanks.
Kipling was a wise man.
My oldest cigar is about five years in the aging humidor. That's a cigar that A J Fernandez rolled for me at a cigar event. I'm saving it for a special occasion which I haven't figured out yet.
I have noticed that even the cigars that have been in my other humidors over time, do taste better than the same cigar smoked immediately upon delivery.
Experiment for a while and see how you like it. Enjoy!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
For longer rest (of which I have zero experience in that I started enjoying cigars Summer '14) I've read that milder cigars won't improve as much as the full-bodied ones.
Heres the link:
Hope this helps. I found it quite useful.
I can't age everything I have 'cause I just started getting into cigars...I mean I GOTTA SMOKE SOMETHING NOW!
I bought myself a second humidor and will do some resting (I like that better than ageing) in that. I doubt I'll ever age smokes for years.
I recently purchased some diesel unholy cocktails. I've read that diesels need resting more than most. True?
Welcome @transplant, Imo it's not that the UC NEEDS ageing they are good 'as is' the UC is one of those cigars that age very well and there is a dramatic change in the flavor profile, smoke a couple in a month or so then 6 months and a year. Maybe try to set up a trade with someone for a couple that have a year or two already. Most of Don Pepin Garcia's age well, so does Oliva's V. Good Luck!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Starter cooler. (Also for use as an overflow cooler when you get a "bigga' kooola")
Bigger cooler. (I like this one because it's big enough but, not too big to move around by yourself if you need to keep it outta' sight, if you know what I mean. The seal is tight and the price is right.)
So it's OK to go airtight for long-term storage?
Lord help me, I am so weak.
It is Possible to over age a cigar. Basically the oils will break down beyond the point where they have any flavor. This can take many many years
Glad I am not the only one with this problem!!
Aging seems to be a different thing entirely. Aging causes the acids in the cigar to break down and make it more "mellow." Thing is, "mellow" is sometimes not what the blending artist intended. Essentially, it seems to me that when you age a cigar for a year or more, you become something of a "co-blender."
I've decided that I'm not into "aging" cigars unless someone gives me a "recipe," e.g., "if you age a Diesel Hair of the Dog for 15 months at 70% RH, you'll get a smoke that will be both smooth and kickass...unlike anything you can buy."
This is my story and absent any better info, I plan on sticking with it.
Most NC cigars will only mellow with age. Ligero leaf does not age worth a crap. It becomes less harsh and nasty and everyone shouts 'it has aged!' Granted, this is usually a nice improvement over the cigar when it is new. When you smoke a nicely aged cigar that has the right composition for it you realize what a wonderful thing it can be. Cubans, for the most part, age very well and produce flavors that are an amazing transformation from their starting point.
To each his own, do what you like and experiment a lot. There really is no wrong answer.
-That one guy