The BEST ever

Last week I placed an order for coffee from @peter4jc
WOW. I feel as if I have reborn. The Rwanda - Misozi this morning was ethereal. After years away from coffee and a lifetime of drinking it with more milk than coffee - I now know what I have been missing and seen the error of my ways. This was a great cup of coffee and I enjoyed it "neat."
If you have not had his coffee do yourself, your family, and friends a favor and go to The Excellent Cup dot Com
Peter walked me through the process, helped me with my order and provided direction on how to get the most from a great coffee (He had roasted the beans the night before he shipped them) This will be a game changer in 2016.
THANKS again Peter
WOW. I feel as if I have reborn. The Rwanda - Misozi this morning was ethereal. After years away from coffee and a lifetime of drinking it with more milk than coffee - I now know what I have been missing and seen the error of my ways. This was a great cup of coffee and I enjoyed it "neat."
If you have not had his coffee do yourself, your family, and friends a favor and go to The Excellent Cup dot Com
Peter walked me through the process, helped me with my order and provided direction on how to get the most from a great coffee (He had roasted the beans the night before he shipped them) This will be a game changer in 2016.
THANKS again Peter
Ordered some the other day, cant wait to try it.
Thanks, Chris! I'm roasting and mailing his Wed.
Larry, yours went out Monday, but for some reason USPS is saying it'll take 'til Thursday to get from WI to IN - go figure.
Or, the Panama Boquette, Rwanda Dukunde Kawa Musasa, or Papua New Guinea Korgua would be worth considering. It's really hard to say because each person's palate is different, and you saying you like one thing, say a Colombian, doesn't usually correspond to what a top-notch, well-roasted Colombian would taste like to you.
If I do the roasters choice for 2 pounds, does that mean I get:
2 pounds of 1 flavor
1 pound each of 2 flavors
1/2 pound each of 4 flavors?
Typically, 2# of Roaster's Choice is two 1lb. bags, only because half-lb'ers cost more due to packaging (I actually hate selling half-lb. bags, but I have to). But you've got 1# Uganda and .5# each of Mexican and Mokha Java coming your way, just because that's how the roasting session worked out... another reason why the Roaster's Choice option works well for me and the customer; if you would've specified certain coffees, your order would've had to wait until I roasted again, which could've been Friday or early next week.
Cheers, James!
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
What I will say, HOT DAMN, because that is some damn good coffee.
Thanks so much Peter, I really appreciate it
-- Winston Churchill
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
My wife and I enjoy coffee but don't drink more then one or two cups a day. We have since moved over to a Keurig and use the refillible cups that we put (gasps) folgers in.
Would the taste from moving into a higher quality coffee be lost using the keurig?
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White