
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Although I may or may not agree with what 2 or more consenting adults do behind closed doors it is none of my business, knock yourself out. But say a woman gets tired of unwanted advances and hits a guy it is acceptable in todays society. It is unacceptable in todays society and harshly punishable by law for a straight person to strike a homisexual for unwanted advances.
Just think of how few real life challenges there must be in our country today for these things to be considered important.
I guess the 21st centuries message is that everyone has a right to get their panties in a wad, no matter how narcissistic and ridiculously foolish their complaint may be.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
And to make matters worse, you get in trouble for punchin' queers in the face!
This country is going to hell in a handbasket I tell ya.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
"Homosexuals are more aggressive these days and for one reason or another SOME seem to be hell bent on activities with straight people."
Activities? Like going to a baseball game, grocery shopping, or taking your dog to the park? What do you mean? Should there be separate places for gays and straights to do "activities" away from one another?
"I've asked homosexuals I know why and they are just as puzzled."
They probably didn't understand your question either. Also, I'm not racist, I have black friends.
"My only guess is they know they can get away with it and I guess it's the ultimate prize."
Ah yes, in fact, it is the ultimate prize for homosexuals to "get away with" everything almost as if they were just a normal human being not being singled out for their sexual preference. How dare they?
"Although I may or may not agree with what 2 or more consenting adults do behind closed doors it is none of my business, knock yourself out."
You said it yourself. You don't care what people do in their private lives. That must be why you continue to voice your opinion on it on the internet.
"But say a woman gets tired of unwanted advances and hits a guy it is acceptable in todays society."
Yes it is, unfortunately. That's the patriarchy at work. Feeble weak women can't hurt strong virile macho men so no one bats an eye at a woman hitting a man.
"It is unacceptable in todays society and harshly punishable by law for a straight person to strike a homisexual for unwanted advances."
Yes it is, fortunately. When you strike someone it is against the law. Also, the FBI defines "hate crime' as “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”
I would think saying no, or otherwise informing them that you are not interested and would like for them to stop would be sufficient. Otherwise the nearest authority would be the next option: e.g. a bouncer, cop, bartender, or someone of that sort.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
If I'm going to go to the trouble of typing something out, then I'm going to try to write it so that it is understandable for the reader.
I see I do not share that concern with some.
Carry on. Sorry to interrupt.
It's not sexual.
Well, unless you're really really weird.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Gender neutral restrooms would suck, I mean look at the line to the ladies restroom at sporting events. Will we still have urinals, or will they not be available due to equality? Not to mention navigating by females that tagged along. And where will women go for girl talk?
If just use the restroom to which gender you identify will we lose our urinals in the name of equality?
I have other concerns but I'm an old fashion, out of touch, old guy that cannot grasp that this is Ameritopia.
but wait a second......aren't water fountains normally located right outside of restrooms?!????
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
All you young liberals who missed out on the fifties, I feel sorry for you. The civil rights era came and went before you had a chance to put your oh so valuable oars in. I'm sure you would all of you have gladly hopped a bus to Memphis, Selma, Birmingham or Little Rock to join in the fight against those vile and bigoted Democrats keeping themselves in power by keeping negroes down. No, not because you feel you are morally superior and smarter than some witless truck driving sweaty hillbilly. No, not because you really just like using gummint to push other people around. Not at all. But only because, in truth, you really are true selfless American heroes morally superior and smarter than some witless sweaty truck driving hillbilly. Am I right?
But here's the deal: You missed out. That civil rights fight came and went without you. Check the calendar, if you don't believe me. After one Democrat filibuster after another, Republicans finally got such a majority that they passed a bill the president had to sign for fear he'd get over-ridden and his party left behind. That's all history now. He signed and co-opted the credit. This is not that time. That fight was won. No. This is not the fight where you make heroes of yourselves. This, this is the fight where you make jackasses of yourselves.
It's not rocket surgery, fellers. It's sex. Of which there are two. Insies and outies.
You would be able to count to two too, were it not for your habitually falling for the party line, hook and sinker, however preposterous, as advertised by the masters of meretricious media.
Now, at this point, I reckon you are going to tell me I have a phobia because I count to two and stop there. Look, I don't care. If some creep wants to lurk round the truck stop shower room looking for some stranger to blow, I'm man enough to tell him no thanks. I have been slapped on the butt in San Fran and I survived. I believe whether a free man in a free country wants to shoot heroin, fight MMA, smoke stogies, wheelie his motorcycle, or stick it thru a glory hole, hey, you only live once, it's your life, go for it. That's freedom. But if a fellow feels creeped out by shower lurking pervs, I don't blame him, either. Feel free to feel creeped, it's a free country. That's not a phobia. A phobia is like if you can't climb a stepstool without going into a panic.
Anyone who reaches into his pants and figures God or Darwin or Gaia or three million years of brisk evolution flipping coins provided him what he finds in there for the purpose of poking his dog, his sheep, a camel, his sister, a musk melon, OR his boyfriend's butt... that sick deluded pervert does not need your encouragement. He needs help. You are not setting him free. You are encouraging perversion. If freedom is what you want, you have picked the wrong fight. Poor confused soul. You're not helping him. Leave him be. He's got enough probs without you making it worse.
Don't tell me I stopped at two because some bible beater brainwashed me. Bull. Not my thing. Don't tell me I am any kind of unfeeling “ist”. Bull. This is not about feelings. Stick to facts for once. I didn't invent this. It's not up to me. This is the world as we find it. I'm not saying take someone out in the woods and shoot them. Stop with your straw men for once. If all your dog wants to do is hump leg, I'm not saying shoot your dog; what I am saying is keep that creepy critter off my kid sister.
Don't tell me he was born that way; harelips are born that way. People don't like to look at a harelip. It creeps them out. We don't encourage the harelip to flaunt his cleft. We encourage him to get it fixed. We have charities that raise money to get it done. It's not harelipophobia. It's just that split lips is not how lips are sposed to work. The hero is the doctor without borders who forgoes a year of lucrative plastic surgery to sew a dozen poor Peruvian tots' lips up. The hero is not some wackadoo attention crazed Hollywood knucklehead who tells the Hollywood plastic surgeon “I was born with the conviction that I already have a harelip --- so cut me one!”
No. You are not fighting for freedom. You missed that fight. You are fighting for preposterous delusion.
These are simple truths which we are not allowed to express, owing to your other rampant delusion, namely PC. No one has the guts to tell you but me.
Come on.
Nor should little girls trying to go peepee in private ever have to put up with the backwash of your party line hook and sinker encouraging pervert delusions.
That's just wrong.
Wrong, cowardly, and creepy.
Whatcha got? Tha's waht you is.
Of all life's mysteries, this one you were given an answer for. How you choose to use it, is up to you.
Just don't push it on me.
Web and I sometimes disagree, but not this time.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain