Dear members of the forum...this is what exactly drove us older forum guys away!! I’m sorry I read what I even did since it was short and sad!! Htf does corona virus have to do with gun control or anything like that?? And if you actually listen to all sides of the news then maybe you’ll understand. Yeah trump sent government officials loose on people...well I hope you people that are for it comes to your states and takes your family away!! But you don’t have your wife and kids but you have your guns which nobody is even taking from you. Please listen to him and inject sanitizer and drink bleach and shove a black light up your ass and take pills that don’t do a thing?!?!?! You trumpets are the reasons for your own downfall by well looking like idiots and it really shows. It confirms why I stopped posting and why so many of us old guys left the forum. People that are abrasive for no reason run things...but hey Mexico doesn’t even want to be near us so let’s build a wall
I’ll give out care packages but it’s sad who you vote and want in office and this huge **** upland crash is all on you!!!!!!!!! So hold on to your stupid guns that will probably kill you not the enemy in the long run and inject the sanitizer and drink the bleach. Oh you haven’t then your better then your own president
Can’t make it up followed by Republicans yup drink bleach inject sanitizer and shove a black light up your ass I hope you really do!!!!!! @Bob_Luken please **** do it all!!pleasr do it in order that’s what your leader says to do so **** do it!!!!!!! I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!
Step away from the Kool-aid.
Easy now, just kidding.
It's one thread out of an entire forum.
It's easy to ignore.
I ignore a lot of threads.
Damn Lee, that's pretty harsh telling people to inject poison.
You say to listen or read both sides, then use something like that, that was not even quoted correctly?
WARNING: The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme. Proceed at your own risk.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Whether I am a Trump supporter or not, that was pretty rude. A little advice...dont believe CNN. They have an agenda as do all the networks. All politicians are trash!
Wow, @0patience, I followed that link about the light therapy and clicked onwards to and, sure enough, UV light down the larynx... amazing! Here I thought that Orange Man Bad was just riffing... but NO, it's really a THING!
Holy cow. Thanks for the link.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Wow, @0patience, I followed that link about the light therapy and clicked onwards to and, sure enough, UV light down the larynx... amazing! Here I thought that Orange Man Bad was just riffing... but NO, it's really a THING!
Holy cow. Thanks for the link.
And this whole time Clearly Not News is trying to discredit it.
In Fumo Pax Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
@Trykflyr_1 said:
It's almost like actual science & UV light kills things. Go outside in the sunlight!
The Space Age wonder of it all is how a lab coated genius figured out how to bring sunlight inside the body! I just gotta hand that guy the kudos he deserves.
Can't make this up.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
The inalienable right of the sovereign Citizens to own and bear arms is inherently the very same thing which keeps tyrants from murdering the masses, since this can be very easily proven with every dictator ever. One, two, or seventy five crazed people with a gun does not immediately prove that guns are bad, nor those who own them. If anything, it may lend to the lack of efficacy in gun control methods, since an armed society is a polite society. But, if you incorporate many millions of people who are mentally influenced by prescription medication and after many decades of gun control and law making to curb the overall accepted and once popular method of self defense, essentially to the point that gun free zones and major cities are more likely to not have armed citizenry, you open the door for a duck hunt to occur.
And now we are also facing the very likely possibility of our own law enforcement being criminalized for policing a sick society. One bad thing happens, two bad things happen, perhaps a dozen, and with every televised broadcast, another radical extremist is born, willing to rant and rave and even resort to violence to prove they are right.
The key to understanding any of this is to try to remain even-keeled in your estimation and in knowing that ultimately, you are responsible for your own well being and no government, police, or politician is capable of defending yourself and your loved ones quite as efficiently and effectively as a bullet traveling at more than two thousand feet per second. We should never point at the crazed lunatic with a gun and proclaim we ought to do away with personal protection, because it just doesn't make sense and it's entirely without logic. Firearms protect us from every threat -from a lone nutjob or an abusive tyrannical government.
And on that note, I bid you to be well, John Spartan.
"Love is a dung heap, Betty and I am but a c.o.c.k. that climbs upon it to crow."
@Lee.mcglynn said:
Can’t make it up followed by Republicans yup drink bleach inject sanitizer and shove a black light up your ass I hope you really do!!!!!! @Bob_Luken please **** do it all!!pleasr do it in order that’s what your leader says to do so **** do it!!!!!!! I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back Lee. Just like old times. From politics to humidification, everybody who disagrees with you is an idiot. Right? Exactly like old times. I do remember.
@Lee.mcglynn said:
I’ll give out care packages but it’s sad who you vote and want in office and this huge **** upland crash is all on you!!!!!!!!! So hold on to your stupid guns that will probably kill you not the enemy in the long run and inject the sanitizer and drink the bleach. Oh you haven’t then your better then your own president
Why be so hateful? You want to say Trump is a richard, or Biden and idiot fine.
After your personal comments, go piss up a rope in the wind
Logistics cannot win a war, but its absence or inadequacy can cause defeat. FM100-5
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
I was wondering if Lee would abandon the forum, again. I also wondered if Lee would respond or acknowledge the piles of crap he left here on this thread. Nope, he lays low for a few days, then starts discussing cigars on other threads as if he's actually a nice guy who actually didn't throw s*** like a zoo monkey.
@Lee.mcglynn , I got some advice for you, if you're gonna "idiot post",.... (wildly dumping s**t on a bunch of people, and me in particular,) you should stand up and explain why instead of laying low for a couple of days and then begin "normal posting" about cigars as if nothing happened.
And why did you single me out near the end of your sloppy rant? That's puzzling me. Out of all the guys who post political stuff from the conservative side, I'm not even in the top ten (any more.) Maybe you're holding a grudge against me from way back? I know we had our differences of opinion, but was I mean to you? I can't recall ever asking you to shove anything up your ass.
Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm asking Lee for an apology. F*** that. Don't need it. Don't want it. I just think he should explain himself. (And alcohol, is not an explanation. It's an excuse.)
@Bob_Luken those crazy rants are aimed at anyone that treasures are rights as Americans. Take a shot at anyone running for office, we can discuss why we think each other are wrong. But, sadly these days many of those that lean Left, will not accept anything different from their way of thinking. Dont like guns? Fine, do not buy one or have one. DO NOT attempt to infringe on my rights. The constitution says that you may not. "Shall be infringed"
Think Trump is a chump? Fine it is your right, think Biden is going senile and may not survive 4 years? Once again go ahead, it is your right to do so.
You do not have the right to put anyone down because they think differently.
In my opinion todays Democrat supporters want Government to give them everything, tell them how to live and what they may do.
They do not believe their party has put the best person forward and that is why they sit on the edge of their seats waiting for who he names as running mate. In all honesty Joe was not chosen by the people, he never actually won the nomination. If he names one of the few black females on the shirt list he does not stand a chance. BLM took care of that except for the kids that are fooled into thinking that mess is about equal rights.
Either way, I think the Democrats know Biden can not beat Trump and lash out because of it
Enough of my rant
Logistics cannot win a war, but its absence or inadequacy can cause defeat. FM100-5
Liberals and other assorted xxxxxxxx want desperately to elect biden. For one reason, because no one considers him anything but a complete idiot with an army of handlers to keep him from swallowing his tongue.
Elect him, get rid of him, and allow the VP to take over. With all puppet strings attached.
@BKDog said:
Beirut explosion? Yes, fireworks it appears. Probably somebody smoking where they shouldn't have been.
I don't see much for fireworks. If we're being told it's fireworks then at least we can rule that out.
Just prior to the massive blast there are a few flashes in the grayish smoke column. Looks like fireworks cooking off. Munitions would be a larger flash and brighter. The reddish orange smoke of the main blast appears to be solid propellant fuel. High grade explosive or fuel oil would give off brown or dark black smoke. The old Soviet SA-2 SAM was a solid fuel missile and gave off that same type of orangish smoke.
I'm still troubled by what I did for that Klondike bar...
I see more fireworks in one second of this video than the entire Beirut video. That's what I expect if someone is trying to tell me this was fireworks.
Trump just said it was an attack in Beirut during the Covid Conference. News says Sodium Nitrate was involved. That got me thinking WTF is this $hit I am taking for a pre workout supplement for pumps...
If you quote me do the @TX98Z28 in your text or I won't be notified of your quote, Thanks.
@TX98Z28 said:
Trump just said it was an attack in Beirut during the Covid Conference. News says Sodium Nitrate was involved. That got me thinking WTF is this $hit I am taking for a pre workout supplement for pumps...
Dear members of the forum...this is what exactly drove us older forum guys away!! I’m sorry I read what I even did since it was short and sad!! Htf does corona virus have to do with gun control or anything like that?? And if you actually listen to all sides of the news then maybe you’ll understand. Yeah trump sent government officials loose on people...well I hope you people that are for it comes to your states and takes your family away!! But you don’t have your wife and kids but you have your guns which nobody is even taking from you. Please listen to him and inject sanitizer and drink bleach and shove a black light up your ass and take pills that don’t do a thing?!?!?! You trumpets are the reasons for your own downfall by well looking like idiots and it really shows. It confirms why I stopped posting and why so many of us old guys left the forum. People that are abrasive for no reason run things...but hey Mexico doesn’t even want to be near us so let’s build a wall
I’ll give out care packages but it’s sad who you vote and want in office and this huge **** upland crash is all on you!!!!!!!!! So hold on to your stupid guns that will probably kill you not the enemy in the long run and inject the sanitizer and drink the bleach. Oh you haven’t then your better then your own president
Can’t make it up followed by Republicans yup drink bleach inject sanitizer and shove a black light up your ass I hope you really do!!!!!! @Bob_Luken please **** do it all!!pleasr do it in order that’s what your leader says to do so **** do it!!!!!!! I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!
@Lee.mcglynn Sounds like you have had a bad day, pour a drink, light a cigar and relax.
This will not end well...
Step away from the Kool-aid.
Easy now, just kidding.
It's one thread out of an entire forum.
It's easy to ignore.
I ignore a lot of threads.
Damn Lee, that's pretty harsh telling people to inject poison.
You say to listen or read both sides, then use something like that, that was not even quoted correctly?
And the light comment, if there was no basis for it and it was "psycho", then why is Cedars Sinai working on it?
People are saying the Feds in Portland is unconstitutional, but Oregon law provides for their authority, specifically.
ORS 133.245
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
That escalated quickly. Shots fired at CI to Trump supporters injecting poison? Did I miss something here or is someone off his meds?
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Well, that was confusing.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Whether I am a Trump supporter or not, that was pretty rude. A little advice...dont believe CNN. They have an agenda as do all the networks. All politicians are trash!
Wow, @0patience, I followed that link about the light therapy and clicked onwards to and, sure enough, UV light down the larynx... amazing! Here I thought that Orange Man Bad was just riffing... but NO, it's really a THING!
Holy cow. Thanks for the link.
And this whole time Clearly Not News is trying to discredit it.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
It's almost like actual science & UV light kills things. Go outside in the sunlight!
The Space Age wonder of it all is how a lab coated genius figured out how to bring sunlight inside the body! I just gotta hand that guy the kudos he deserves.
Can't make this up.
The inalienable right of the sovereign Citizens to own and bear arms is inherently the very same thing which keeps tyrants from murdering the masses, since this can be very easily proven with every dictator ever. One, two, or seventy five crazed people with a gun does not immediately prove that guns are bad, nor those who own them. If anything, it may lend to the lack of efficacy in gun control methods, since an armed society is a polite society. But, if you incorporate many millions of people who are mentally influenced by prescription medication and after many decades of gun control and law making to curb the overall accepted and once popular method of self defense, essentially to the point that gun free zones and major cities are more likely to not have armed citizenry, you open the door for a duck hunt to occur.
And now we are also facing the very likely possibility of our own law enforcement being criminalized for policing a sick society. One bad thing happens, two bad things happen, perhaps a dozen, and with every televised broadcast, another radical extremist is born, willing to rant and rave and even resort to violence to prove they are right.
The key to understanding any of this is to try to remain even-keeled in your estimation and in knowing that ultimately, you are responsible for your own well being and no government, police, or politician is capable of defending yourself and your loved ones quite as efficiently and effectively as a bullet traveling at more than two thousand feet per second. We should never point at the crazed lunatic with a gun and proclaim we ought to do away with personal protection, because it just doesn't make sense and it's entirely without logic. Firearms protect us from every threat -from a lone nutjob or an abusive tyrannical government.
And on that note, I bid you to be well, John Spartan.
I also just want to clarify, no matter your opinions, we're all here to enjoy, discuss, and share cigars. So, I hope that's all that needs to be said.
Welcome back Lee. Just like old times. From politics to humidification, everybody who disagrees with you is an idiot. Right? Exactly like old times. I do remember.
Why be so hateful? You want to say Trump is a richard, or Biden and idiot fine.
After your personal comments, go piss up a rope in the wind
Increase in Covid deaths soon to be reported in Lebanon. Watch until the end.
Did somebody just set off a nuke in Beirut?
Beirut explosion? Yes, fireworks it appears. Probably somebody smoking where they shouldn't have been.
Of all places.
I was wondering if Lee would abandon the forum, again. I also wondered if Lee would respond or acknowledge the piles of crap he left here on this thread. Nope, he lays low for a few days, then starts discussing cigars on other threads as if he's actually a nice guy who actually didn't throw s*** like a zoo monkey.
@Lee.mcglynn , I got some advice for you, if you're gonna "idiot post",.... (wildly dumping s**t on a bunch of people, and me in particular,) you should stand up and explain why instead of laying low for a couple of days and then begin "normal posting" about cigars as if nothing happened.
And why did you single me out near the end of your sloppy rant? That's puzzling me. Out of all the guys who post political stuff from the conservative side, I'm not even in the top ten (any more.) Maybe you're holding a grudge against me from way back? I know we had our differences of opinion, but was I mean to you? I can't recall ever asking you to shove anything up your ass.
Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm asking Lee for an apology. F*** that. Don't need it. Don't want it. I just think he should explain himself. (And alcohol, is not an explanation. It's an excuse.)
I don't see much for fireworks. If we're being told it's fireworks then at least we can rule that out.
@Bob_Luken those crazy rants are aimed at anyone that treasures are rights as Americans. Take a shot at anyone running for office, we can discuss why we think each other are wrong. But, sadly these days many of those that lean Left, will not accept anything different from their way of thinking. Dont like guns? Fine, do not buy one or have one. DO NOT attempt to infringe on my rights. The constitution says that you may not. "Shall be infringed"
Think Trump is a chump? Fine it is your right, think Biden is going senile and may not survive 4 years? Once again go ahead, it is your right to do so.
You do not have the right to put anyone down because they think differently.
In my opinion todays Democrat supporters want Government to give them everything, tell them how to live and what they may do.
They do not believe their party has put the best person forward and that is why they sit on the edge of their seats waiting for who he names as running mate. In all honesty Joe was not chosen by the people, he never actually won the nomination. If he names one of the few black females on the shirt list he does not stand a chance. BLM took care of that except for the kids that are fooled into thinking that mess is about equal rights.
Either way, I think the Democrats know Biden can not beat Trump and lash out because of it
Enough of my rant
Liberals and other assorted xxxxxxxx want desperately to elect biden. For one reason, because no one considers him anything but a complete idiot with an army of handlers to keep him from swallowing his tongue.
Elect him, get rid of him, and allow the VP to take over. With all puppet strings attached.
Just prior to the massive blast there are a few flashes in the grayish smoke column. Looks like fireworks cooking off. Munitions would be a larger flash and brighter. The reddish orange smoke of the main blast appears to be solid propellant fuel. High grade explosive or fuel oil would give off brown or dark black smoke. The old Soviet SA-2 SAM was a solid fuel missile and gave off that same type of orangish smoke.
I see more fireworks in one second of this video than the entire Beirut video. That's what I expect if someone is trying to tell me this was fireworks.
Trump just said it was an attack in Beirut during the Covid Conference. News says Sodium Nitrate was involved. That got me thinking WTF is this $hit I am taking for a pre workout supplement for pumps...

That’s for your explosive workouts Tex
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.