This reporter may be lying. IMHO he was trying to push the issue. But, how many times in your life have you said "yes sir" to a woman by mistake? I was in the military and "yes sir" was such a reflex response that I mis-gendered plenty of (very feminine) female officers. But these days, if you reflexively say sir to some beefy guy in a wig, you are expendable. They are protected, and you are a horrible person.
Sooner or later there will be a major and bloody event and there will be h^ll to pay. Fking liberals and thugs just don't work. But they seem to be eating their own on a more regular basis.Their tone changes when ever they are the are on the receiving end or almost victims. Notice how the closer the elections the more they want to be moderits and change the talking points.
Make sure you get out and vote for dead head and wishy washy ever changing harris.
But, does that mean tensions between airhead and obozo or ever changing harris and obozo?
Will airhead make it to the elections and has harris already picked "her" running physcophent? Those puppet strings must be frayed.....and ready to snap.
The Nevada governor banned church services, but opened casinos. So a church went ahead and held their “Evangelicals for Trump” service inside an open casino... Guess what?
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Protestors are gathering in large groups, to protest in-person voting, at the voting booth, because it’s not safe to gather in large groups.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
@webmost said:
Protestors are gathering in large groups, to protest in-person voting, at the voting booth, because it’s not safe to gather in large groups.
That logic seems to fit the mentality of the protesters, n’est ce pas?
Only AOC could beat her own dumbest fking c8nt award. Only the democrats would own her and they only own her because "she" is so dumb. "She" is a candle that can't be lit. "She" would have been a better choice for a democratic VP. All stupid, without all the lies of "Harris".
Amid drastic food shortages in North Korea, Kim Jon Un has banned pet dogs as "a tainted trend by bourgeois ideology". Confiscated dogs are sent to zoos and restaurants.
What we need in this country is some good old fashioned communism. That's the ticket.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
DA won't prosecute those who injure cops.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
This reporter may be lying. IMHO he was trying to push the issue. But, how many times in your life have you said "yes sir" to a woman by mistake? I was in the military and "yes sir" was such a reflex response that I mis-gendered plenty of (very feminine) female officers. But these days, if you reflexively say sir to some beefy guy in a wig, you are expendable. They are protected, and you are a horrible person.
Sooner or later there will be a major and bloody event and there will be h^ll to pay. Fking liberals and thugs just don't work. But they seem to be eating their own on a more regular basis.Their tone changes when ever they are the are on the receiving end or almost victims. Notice how the closer the elections the more they want to be moderits and change the talking points.
Make sure you get out and vote for dead head and wishy washy ever changing harris.
But, does that mean tensions between airhead and obozo or ever changing harris and obozo?
Will airhead make it to the elections and has harris already picked "her" running physcophent? Those puppet strings must be frayed.....and ready to snap.
This from the notorious 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. WOW, did they actually read the Constitution?
Did you actually read the article, or do you support standard capacity magazine bans?
I have always supported standard magazine bans. If your magazine holds less then 10 rounds you should not have them.
If you need more than 10 rounds in a magazine, you need more & better practice. Or a bigger caliber....
In the era of BLM riots, extra capacity could be necessary.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Oops wrong thread.
guess he couldn't make anything up. Which would make this the right thread. Just sayin'
I stared at the screen for several minutes waiting for it to load until I figured out that was it.
You're making that up, aren't you?
Sadly I'm not.
This one fits this thread better
The Nevada governor banned church services, but opened casinos. So a church went ahead and held their “Evangelicals for Trump” service inside an open casino... Guess what?
That would change if churches paid taxes.
Protestors are gathering in large groups, to protest in-person voting, at the voting booth, because it’s not safe to gather in large groups.
That logic seems to fit the mentality of the protesters, n’est ce pas?
**AOC's idea to save USPS: 'Progressive pen pal program'
Only AOC could beat her own dumbest fking c8nt award. Only the democrats would own her and they only own her because "she" is so dumb. "She" is a candle that can't be lit. "She" would have been a better choice for a democratic VP. All stupid, without all the lies of "Harris".
I love being flagged, it just means some idiot with nothing to say and no counter is reading my posts.
So, who sees who did the flagging?
What's a 'counter'?
Asking for a friend.
counter remark
counter verb
counter | \ ˈkau̇n-tər \
countered; countering\ ˈkau̇n-t(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of counter (Entry 3 of 7)
transitive verb
to meet attacks or arguments with defensive or retaliatory steps
The next time you pass out bibles, maybe you should get some dictionaries for your "friends', just saying.
Jeez, JD, get yourself under control. Have you forgotten how to be nice...?? 🤨🤨
JD is the most triggered person I've ever encountered, which is ironic. Smoke a cigar man, things will be ok.
Keeping in mind that I am old and an analog guy in a digital world, just what does a flag mean and why can't we see who posted it?
Amid drastic food shortages in North Korea, Kim Jon Un has banned pet dogs as "a tainted trend by bourgeois ideology". Confiscated dogs are sent to zoos and restaurants.
Meanwhile, he looks to be eating well:
What we need in this country is some good old fashioned communism. That's the ticket.