Ghost Pepper Season is Finally Here!!!

year I was able to start from seeds around 16 plants. Gave a bunch away to
friends here at work. These plants are very hard to grow but with a little time
and effort, you get rewarded with some of
the hottest peppers in the world.

(Top row is ready to go. Bottom row needs a few days to get nice and red).

(Top row is ready to go. Bottom row needs a few days to get nice and red).
This is my first harvest of 2016 and I should have a lot
more. I love to share so if you're interested
in trying a pod or two, PM me and I’ll get them out to you
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
— Abraham Lincoln1
Seeing all the enjoyment a good crop brings. I've always heard that less water makes the peppers hotter,is that true?
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
The plants I have are open pollinated and should have around 10-12 seeds in each pod. You can save the seeds and plant them next year
my peppers have been crap this year. lots of leaves but almost no fruits.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
But the seeds that were started - I think they came from @Lee.mcglynn - only got to the flowering stage so far. I guess they have to be started indoors a couple months sooner so that maybe they're developing flowers when they go in the ground, around Memorial Day.
Something is attacking my plants, though. Whatever it is is eating holes in the leaves. I don't have a clue....
I enjoy good cigars and bourbon,
I enjoy good cigars and bourbon,
Ive got 'em in pots hooked to a drip system so it shouldnt be hard to stress them water-wise. I guess I'll try that next.
Thanks again....
Purple ornamentals are flowering like crazy, but only a few actual peppers.
Tequila Sunrise peppers seem to be doing good with quite a few peppers, but no "ripe" ones yet.
Jalapeno plant is doing well with a couple turning red.
Most of the other peppers, while the plants seem to be doing well, have either no flowers or very tiny ones so far.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.