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  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Tell us how you really feel about crossing the street FB? 
    He goes over there all the time and eavesdrops.

    That's a lie!

    It has begun!
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    jgibv said:
    2hand said:
    Question for you Grizzled vets...Is it possible to sort posts newest to oldest here?
    @2hand ; yes. 

    upper right hand corner....click the 'recent discussions' button.

    @2hand ...what do you do next?

    YOU GFY!
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    DWGB said:
    DWGB said:
    DWGB said:
    good evening guys. Padron #3000 and coffee started. the day I had I deserve it!
    Moving day?
    no, lady bought me a brand new bed, gave me her love seat, she bought a new one that I had to deliver to her place, made arrangements to sit with the new landlord over the lease, take puctures of what he's leaving behind for me if I want it, called electric company, cable/internet, trash service, gave him $600 cash in place of the post dated check (he has to 'hide' his money for SS benefits), and I started packing. I'm wore out already.
    Moving and root canals, two of my least favorite things.
    I'd rather have a root canal!
    Say Dean, how do you really feel about moving?
    Hell, I think his life has been great after the big move. No more Dean drama with the X and the deadbeat"
    All the drama and trauma aside, I do miss the deadbeat and nut bus stories.
    Don't think Dean does.
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Good cigar review.

    @oyam123 .... LMFAO!!!!!
    Don't encourage him FB.  He's still going for that third star.
    Gold I tell ya, Gold!
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Jay6 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Good review.

    He is kind of a douche
    @Oyam123 ... where do you find this stuff, Dave?

    The INTERWEB is a vast hunting ground for sHHiT like this.
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    glassken said:
    kckasper said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Looks like Bambi is getting her 12" +++
    Mike Seidel of TWC on Rte 52 in Rochester MN. 
    Yeah Mike gets around. He's always coming to Louisiana when we have hurricanes or floods.
    Or do the hurricane and floods come when he in in Louisiana 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    That's it, impeach the bum!.....

    The administration of President Donald Trump may ramp up enforcement of federal laws against recreational marijuana use, a White House spokesman said on Thursday, setting up potential conflicts in states where the drug is legal.

    who the hell is telling him to do shitt like this?

    focus on taxes, and health care.

    What ABOUT the WALL? 
    Loved Pink Floyd till I found out they were ****.
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    kckasper said:
    Evening Ozbone! They just deleted a clean comment I made about NASCAR!! 

    Who is they, KC?
    Main stream media FB
    Fake News
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Ozzy73 said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    kckasper said:
    Evening Ozbone! They just deleted a clean comment I made about NASCAR!! 

    Who is they, KC?
    Main stream media FB
    Fake News
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    TruDog said:
    ...FOX broadcasting of this Daytona 500 is impressive.   
    Not a big nascar fan but it's the way they make it interesting. That crash made it look like the cars are made of paper. 
    Hey oy.....your correct.....I been hitting all the likes ect......you should get a extra badge and star soon.
    I like that!
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    TruDog said:
    ...FOX broadcasting of this Daytona 500 is impressive.   
    Not a big nascar fan but it's the way they make it interesting. That crash made it look like the cars are made of paper. 
    Hey oy.....your correct.....I been hitting all the likes ect......you should get a extra badge and star soon.
    I like that
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    DWGB said:
    Yakster said:
    Just hope they have cigars ready when you get there, eh?
    wouldn't that be a kick in the pants if they didn't?
    Say it ain't so!
    It ain't so!
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    HURRAH. ...It's national meatball day

    Hey ozzy, Minnesota meatballs!

    Image result for swedish meatballs

    Look like some potato dumplings and red cabbage.

    Swedish meatball's with boiled dill potatoes and lingonberrys UFF-DA!
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    HURRAH. ...It's national meatball day

    Hey ozzy, Minnesota meatballs!

    Image result for swedish meatballs

    Look like some potato dumplings and red cabbage.

    Lingonberrys & boiled Dill Potatos
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    kckasper said:
    Oyam123 said:

    TruDog said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Reservations made for Prime Rib Saturday night at the Hubblle House. I'll need a cigar after that for sure. 
    Okay TeXaZZ...
    Is he big on self promoting what he's going to eat? I tend not to read much of what he posts, unless it's in direct response to mine. Call me MinnAzz
    Oy------From the photos he posts of him and his son, what they eat could end world hunger.
    Haven't seen any photos from him. I hit and run at Tony's post my cigar and manboob pix then bail. 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭

    TruDog said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Inch here already oy
    That's what Bambi said....   Ya toss um....  
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Good morning, any good Hdeals? whats for lunch?cee-gar money 
    No.  Sammiches.

    made the corned beef and cabbage last night. leftovers!
    El Farto Oy-o. ..good stuff......making a pile this weekend.....fvck gonna have 39 hrs for the first time in 6 years.....cee-gar money.....GO GOOFERS....Hi cb

    Ozzy getting paid!
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    kckasper said:
    Diver43 said:
    Taking the next step to my complete reverse shoulder replacement - pre-admission testing at the hospital here in an hour.
    Best wishes for successful surgery and a speedy recovery
    Thanks and hoping the same myself.
    Probably going to cost an arm and a leg.  "Ha! I crack me up!"  (ALF, 1986)
    No, just an arm.
    He best part is when they pull your catheter. Enjoy the PCA pump.

  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Is Bueno not BuesoBueso 
    Muy Bueso?
    Excellent cigar oy....one of my favorites

    Nice flavors, I like the more intense flavors from the belicoso. 
    Im still a RyJ or POR ****. 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Diesel ashtray up.....sweet deal...lol...suckin jam
    You know nothing but the best for Joe's Jam.

    1 Day Deal ain't bad IMFO.
    Stocking up for next season FB ?
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Diesel ashtray up.....sweet deal...lol...suckin jam
    You know nothing but the best for Joe's Jam.

    1 Day Deal ain't bad IMFO.
    FB Stocking up for next year 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Too much PT yesterday meaning too much pain medication today.  Like Wow dude!
    Opioid induced perhaps oy?
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:

    Overtime pays I see
    Years of not tossing boxes away. Ya never know when they could come in handy.

    Mine are going into the fire pit the next time I have a fire.
    I'll donate them to ? Who needs cogarboxes?
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Beautiful day.....I think I'll go fishing fo da halibut 
    Halibut for the helluva it.

    Mikey, It looks like you were up all night.
    He must be asleep
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Wakeup Ehmerika!

    Make America great again!
    King Donald sucks
    CNN & MSNBC told me so.
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    TruDog said:

    Oyam123 said:
    Keepin it cool
    ...getchA dinK oN oY.
    An ice cold bucket  o' beer.  Like your style Oy.
    I worked, nice and cold to the last drop. Cigar was plugger till the 2nd 1/3, but tasty. 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    TruDog said:
    kckasper said:
    TruDog said:
    ...HaPPy ThirsTy Thursday...
    Squawk!  Squawk!!
    Squack!  mEow. MeOw.
    Fart Fart 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Oyam123 said:

    Ozzy73 said:
    Hi dog;/cb/fb/kc
    Got some free tix to the queens vz fish preseason game. Got to see dem fish, last time I saw them Danny Boy was still QB
    That officially qualifies you as on Old Fart.
    I got to see broadway Joe play, petrified fart.
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    Today we will have filled 200 pages with NOTHING!
    Don't bet on it!
    Hey John Boy!  Greetings and salutations Brother Reed.
    Looks like a hit and run by Jr.
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    TruDog said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Relaxing on the North Side.
    ...GeddY uP oY in Chi ToWn....
    Nice!  Nuthin quite like a little change in scenery.....
    Indeed, good evening and wooF
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