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Ye Olde CI Daily Banter



  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    TruDog said:
    TruDog said:

    Nice doG! Got a $2 Padilla hababo burniN here.
    FB never answers yo phone bro. 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    kckasper said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    North Korea. ...King Donald promises fire and fury.....do I need more grill starting fluid or what DON ....

    You need something 
    Evening Oy! You get that deck finished up?
    Staining now, will finish by the end of the week. 7 gallons of that spensiv chit soaked up by the deck with 10 years of thirst 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:

    Aperol Spritz or some sort of Spritz
    Lake Como memory's 
    Foo Foo drink.
    It's was great, foo foo and all.
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Earth to Fred Bob.  Come in Fred Bob.

    53 left

    Are you also quitting, Oy?
    Your choice Fred Bob?

    Yup Mikey, I promised wifey years ago when I started smoking seegars again that I would quit again at 60. Now I'm pushing 62 and still smoking it's time to give them up. Plus I just don't have any spare money to buy them anymore since I retired.
    Still enjoy a Cuban now and then, but most all other cigars just don't do it for me.
    not quitting, but not obsessed anymore. 
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    kckasper said:
    Good evening everyone!  QyH LE with a RRG&C. 
    How was it?
    well I’m finally booked for Havana In January KC 
    Going back to the old country?
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    TruDog said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Vikings vs Rams at the Corona Club 
    Nice....where's my BoY ZZ?
    Wouldn't let a pour fat guy in.....no credentials.....lint in my pocket
    Got an open chair for ya any time ozz
  • Oyam123Oyam123 Posts: 2,538 ✭✭✭✭✭
    kckasper said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    TruDog said:
    ...ZZ must be either passed oot...or at da CluB.
    Coat check at the club....made 500 bucks so far..money in pockets. . B) ..Gomer Pyle night. ...I tossed the condoms 
    Condoms new or used?
    He can now afford new
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    TruDog said:
    Ozzy, that you?
    I think so cb
    Break on thru to the other side…
    I think I got a badge......
    CooL.....oZZy made it over here.
    Does this place have stall #2?
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Oyam123 said:
    what ya doin for lunch FB?

    meataball sangwitch
    On gluten free bread.

    2 potato hot dog rolls
    Does the maid eat yo bread stick?
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Oyam123 said:
    what ya doin for lunch FB?

    meataball sangwitch
    On gluten free bread.

    2 potato hot dog rolls
    Does the maid eat yo gluten free bread stick?
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    jd50ae said:

    TruDog said:

    jd50ae said:
    There goes the neighborhood............... :)
    ....jd, Thank You for rescuing animals.  
    @TruDog Thank you. It started out with just stray dogs that showed up at our door and just grew from there. <3
    Yes, thank you jd, and thank you ozzy for doing the same for teen runaways. 

    No problem oy.....they are very grateful.....you know
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Rib eyes on sale for $6.99 a pound. Guess what's for dinner?  Off to the store!

    Image result for ribeye

    Get the bone in double thick cut FB.

    LOL Oy, That's a butcher shop cut. Not a supermarket cut.
    We're not in Krogers anymore.
    Tap your cart together 3 times and yo thare
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭

    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    HURRAH. ...It's national meatball day

    Hey ozzy, Minnesota meatballs!

    Image result for swedish meatballs

    Look like some potato dumplings and red cabbage.
    Cb.....not your morning dump
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭

    Freddy_B. said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Youse getting any snow cb?.....fred should get pounded....like before he.pays hiz maid 
    Nope, we're in the far southwestern part of Ohio.

    Is Bambi ready for Tuesday, OZzy?
    Not sure if she's in town or not....
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭

    Freddy_B. said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Youse getting any snow cb?.....fred should get pounded....like before he.pays hiz maid 
    Nope, we're in the far southwestern part of Ohio.

    Is Bambi ready for Tuesday, OZzy?
    Not sure if she's in town
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Rhamlin said:
    I had groundhog as a kid. My Grandparents were always cooking up fresh roadkill. No bull either. 
    It's just a very big squirrel 

    EAT ME!
    BITE ME!
    FRY ME up in a pan!
    Stir fried wif broccoli....veddy goud
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Just noticed that the banter is now officially dead at CI.
    No tab.  No nuthin'.

    like it never existed!
    My account was deleted for posting negative stuff.....lol.....
    No more friends 
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Freddy_B. said:
    Ozzy73 said:

    Yanks vs Rays @ 1pm on ESPN
    Are you ready for some BASEBALL?
    Are you ready for cb John surgery.....
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    glassken said:
    Oyam123 said:
    glassken said:
    Howdy, all! Been moving into the new place all two weeks home! Also, no smoking in the new place! Wardens' law! No covered porch yet, so posting and smoking outside is kind of a chore. I will get used to it, I guess. Hope all of you are doing well. 
    Hey Ken tried calling a few days ago. I see this time you have a legitimate reason for avoiding me. Hope you enjoy the new home, did ya get out of the hood? 
    Oyam, I am out in the Country now! I need to program your number, because I did not see it, and I thought I updated all of my numbers. Yes, we are not in the old house--a brand new double wide trailer! I am officially trailer trash now. But, that home is also temporary--I am going to build a 2 story log home right next to it! I'm planning on pourN the slab in a couple months. 
    Hey Ken, some of them trailers are super nice. 
    A manufactured home…
    Mine iz nice.....cheap and I am white trailer trash......lol...mo money fo good cee-gars....plus I'm old and single 
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    kckasper said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    TruDog said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Hi ken...kc..dog and oy.....that's why medicare uses tie-wraps to keep cb together. ..cheap and they don't rust.....cheap for taxpayers since he's 100 anyways. ......good job cb....
    Keep your stick on the ice  buddy 
    ..."Indeed"...  Hey oZZy.
    I refuse to do stall #2 dog...I'm not filling in for cb...even on double time....your up....later guys
    Why is it that no one ever cleans stall #1?  Can't even imagine what a mess that must be.
    It's a tranny stall.....kc....nuff said.....last time I heard they found cb's upper and lowers there.......rumors only 
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    TruDog said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oh Boy.....more rain again today 
    GFY! Ein73!
    You must be better cb....your Lipps are flapping.......glad you're ok
    Gots a long to ta hoe.
    ...Sounds like those Pain Meds are kicking in there cb.
    Never noticed before  td....now he's got an excuse 
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    2hand said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    What's the name oy....I'll look it up iz it old white people only ect...or just pill hill people? 
    looks like old white people from Pill Hill

    I checked it out.  Doesn't say anything about free ice.
    How bout free expresso enama? Hey 2
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    2hand said:
    Thought this was OzBone at first....


    Nice try.....you should see my nutz. ..and ask your wife ....lol
    My nickname in school was "the swinging  serloin"  like cb
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭

    Ozzy73 said:
    Freddy_B. said:
    Oyam123 said:
    Italian breakfast here FB 

    where are you, Oy?
    Dennys back room stealing  food?
    Olive garden stealing purr-shoot-o and bread sticks?
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Ozzy73 said:
    TruDog said:
    La Palina Classic Toro.  Ladies night out for a fund raiser - Bingo!
    ...So, YOU Ladies are headed out for BINGO?  Hope you Girls have Fun.
    Lol... O 73....cb does your dress and purse match your sling?  B)
    No and it's so embarrassing.  GFY! Ozzy.
    Are they helping you dauber your card? 
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    We got a few clouds also ozzy 
    Fu.....they will be waiting when you get back....looks like a great vacation enjoy oy..

    Ozzy73 said:
    Oyam123 said:
    We got a few clouds also ozzy 
    Fu.....they will be waiting when you get back....looks like a great vacation enjoy oy..

    I that cb cleaning the boat bottoms?
    Rubbin wit dat new shoulder 
    Titanium tough!.....lol
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭

    Ozzy73 said:
    cbuck said:
    TruDog said:
    ....#2 be Shine'N like cb's Pearly Whites......
    So now I got to clean #1 and #3? Got it! The only thing you'll smell is my Fuente Short Story! Off to work. Happy Mothers Day!
    Good job cbuck

  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭

    Ozzy73 said:
    cbuck said:
    TruDog said:
    ....#2 be Shine'N like cb's Pearly Whites......
    So now I got to clean #1 and #3? Got it! The only thing you'll smell is my Fuente Short Story! Off to work. Happy Mothers Day!
    Good job chuck 
  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    **** day sweetOzzy73 said:
    cbuck said:
    TruDog said:
    ....#2 be Shine'N like cb's Pearly Whites......
    So now I got to clean #1 and #3? Got it! The only thing you'll smell is my Fuente Short Story! Off to work. Happy Mothers Day!
    Good job cbuck

  • Ozzy73Ozzy73 Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭
    Oyam123 said:
    TruDog said:
    ..Wish some of the Cigar.com Bro's would stop by this thread more often....They have All been so CooL.
    Yup some fine BOTL but they can't read ozzys posts.
    You can?
    Eat me...read that
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