Regarding newbs and their customer service complaints,....

At this time,.......I'd like to suggest that the forum regulars not "vigorously engage" new members who are venting their frustrations over the recent problems at ccom and CI. I know some of their whining is BS and I know that asking this of you is similar to herding cats but, let's cut them some slack this time around. We all know that the typical whining complaints we usually see directed at ccom are mostly BS and deserve to be dissected and stomped. And I admit I've done my share of whiner bashing (and I'll do it again,) so, don't bother to dig up my old posts in order to call me a hypocrite. I just think this time is different. This seems like a good time to let it ride. I would guess that at this point, with all the problems going on, there are probably way more eyeballs on our little forum than usual. They have troubles with their cigar orders and are looking for information. I'd hate for their first impression of our wonderful forum to be of a bunch of a-hole replies to new member's complaints.
The guys at ccom headquarters have jumped onto these complaint threads to offer help. Pass along these sources instead of your bad-ass attitude towards the poor newbies. Pick on me if you want to. I promise to be offended too if that helps you any. Remember to admonish me for not posting this in NCR and above all, don't forget to flag me.
Sarah Stern | Quality Assurance Manager |
1911 Spillman Drive | Bethlehem, PA 18015
PH 800-357-9800 x872 | FAX 877-464-2872
Andrew Dzikoski
The guys at ccom headquarters have jumped onto these complaint threads to offer help. Pass along these sources instead of your bad-ass attitude towards the poor newbies. Pick on me if you want to. I promise to be offended too if that helps you any. Remember to admonish me for not posting this in NCR and above all, don't forget to flag me.
Sarah Stern | Quality Assurance Manager |
1911 Spillman Drive | Bethlehem, PA 18015
PH 800-357-9800 x872 | FAX 877-464-2872
Andrew Dzikoski
MOW badge received.
OK, no.
But, This place was my first forum experience, and I have to remember that I didn't know what to expect. I had no idea that there were idiots who created a persona just to knowingly bash some cigar maker, shop, etc. I didn't equate "post count" to validity. So, although I've probably done a little bashing here and there myself, I think @Bob_Luken makes a very good point about timing.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Amos_Umwhat is right about Bob_Luken being right! (shameless Blazing Saddles reference)
-- Winston Churchill
Then you never see them again.
But I guess it's to be expected.
But someone should pin this topic.
What you can't will become.
I'm extreeeeemely (you know it's really extreme because of how many E's I put in it!!!) particular about who I give money to. We keep a running black-ball list in our household and once you're on it you never come off.
If I were new to the companies up in Bethlehem, if this were my first purchase, and if I had the issues some of these guys claim to have experienced, it's pretty likely I would have black-balled too! I get that it's annoying for those of us who live out much of our lives on this forum, but at the end of the day this is still a business that we're hanging out at, not a local park. And when you hang out at a business, sometimes you get to listen to the management get b1+tched out for something the company did wrong.
If a transaction goes south, it can be atoned for with good customer service. But if I give you money, see nothing in return, you disappear off the face of the earth, take your phone off the hook, and stop answering emails, you bet I will put your company on blast on any website or forum where I can find a place to do so.
Jk bro, jk.
Been busy, really. A baby showed up, bought a gun, won EMT of the Year.
You know...the usual stuff.
MOW badge received.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
It is. I'd always wanted a pistol and I was just kind of like that looks nice. Got it for 8
but you should probably start your own thread about it.
what uppppp man?
sounds like all's good down in texas. congrats on the little one and the EMT award.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Haven't smoked in ages and am patiently waiting for Mass Effect to come out. and sleep.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Send a humi. #humibegging
At big sister's forum, this upgrade has been nothing short of a catastrophe.
The noob crying at an all time high.
In general, if a noob comes in and asks in a respectful manner about his/her order, he/she should get a decent response.
However, if they come in be beetching and whining and screaming at CS, and how this place suqs, etc., ..........well.........those zero noops need to be smashed and bashed.
They don't deserve to be stroked, have their diaper changed, and told its OK, go over there in the safe spot, and I promise you'll get your cigars soon.
Carry on...