Oh, i didn't know you had fallen that far down the rabbit hole yet. This is the machine I use. I believe Chris spent some time with one also before moving on to a more capable machine. While it is rated for 1 lb. roasts, most people feel 12 oz. is the largest amount the machine can handle without the roasts taking too long in the drying phase,
It’s not that climate change is a myth. The Earth’s climate has constantly changed since the beginning of time. The myth is that taxes will stop it from changing and too many people believe it.
I decided to show you guys what I drink all day, every day. This Rubbermaid jug holds a half pot of coffee. I usually drink about four of these daily. Sometimes more, rarely less.
I know I'm going to get some WTFs but I'll admit that I pretty much only buy folders ground coffee. I had to switch to half-caff because the caffeine makes me pizz every half hour, which makes taking naps difficult. I usually drink one jug of half-caff in the morning and then three jugs of decaf the rest of the day. Today I'm drinking two jugs of half-caff this morning and three jugs of decaf the rest of today, since the first jug went down in less than ninety minutes.
I make these at night, adding sugar, and put them in the freezer. When I want to drink one I nuke it until it's about half slush/liquid. It's better than dunkin donuts coffee. Anyway, here's the final product.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I brew a pot of coffee every morning for the three members of the household which consists of roughly 900 ml of water and 60 grams of coffee. I brew it early enough so that everyone can get a cup before they have to leave for work, then I'll take half a cup upstairs to enjoy with my morning ablutions, I'll take a full cup with breakfast, then another half cup after that. These are all Corelle cups, about 6 - 7 ounces, and I keep the cup on a coffee warmer so that I can take my time to enjoy it while I work.
I may have another cup in the afternoon, either brewed using a pour-over or if all three of us are home I'll make a small pot (~500 ml / 33.333 g).
My routine for when I work in the office is a bit different, I'll make the same morning pot for everyone but pour off the two cups I normally drink into a double-walled brew travel mug and take it with me to work along with 18 grams of ground coffee in a salad dressing cup so that I can brew another two cups of coffee at work in the travel brew mug.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
I brew a couple of 10 cup pots, much of the second one gets nuked the next morning. I get up very early and don't want to awaken Rachel with the screaming Barazata grinder. Life of an early bird/night owl couple.
Two 14oz. mugs of two different coffees, brewed in a french press, every morning. That satisfies my coffee genes and I'm good for the rest of the day.
That's my Bodum double-walled mug, which helps keep it warmer, sitting on a little pad I made because it's too tipsy on the chair's arm, which has the two magnets for the ever-needed pen.
Just received this month's shipment of coffee from @peter4jc. Thanks for the green Panama! Haven't tried the Costa Rica yet but looking forward to it, smells wonderful.
Unsustainable coffee production is making more and more people sick, says study
In Brazil, the world's largest coffee producer and pesticide consumer, chemical pesticide use increased by 190% in a single decade. Estimates show that roughly 38 million kilograms of pesticides are used annually in Brazilian coffee production.
And since 2019, 475 new pesticides have been approved in Brazil. More than a third of these are not approved in the EU due to their toxicity.
"The problem is that there are more and more reports of pesticide contamination in groundwater and ecosystems, and harmful symptoms and disorders among animals and humans in areas where coffee is grown—from skin disorders, respiratory problems, to high blood pressure, organ damage, cancer and cardiovascular disease. All of this seems to be linked to the use of pesticides in coffee production," says Athina Koutouleas, a newly graduated Ph.D. fellow at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management.
Dr. Koutouleas is the lead author of a meta-study published in the journal Plant Pathology that reviews research regarding alternative plant protection strategies for coffee. The study was conducted with Professor David B. Collinge of the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences and Associate Professor Anders Ræbild of the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management.
@peter4jc, that PNG you gave me is bangin', really tasty one week from roast. I'd decided to post this before Kim had a cup and asked me which coffee this was and remarked on it's quality. Thanks, Peter, for a fine coffee.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
Ran out of home-roasted coffee yesterday, taking in a thermos for the guys at work has it's drawbacks, especially if they don't show up or partake. Drank some boring brewed coffee made from an Italian style espresso blend my sister picked up in Iceland and my Son woke me up at 6:30 am this morning to brew before he hits his postal route. Roasting good coffee now. Two or three batches this time depending on how fast the heat of the day comes on.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
This AM brewed up 32oz of Peters famous Colombian Hula. Gosh I'm spoiled now, I finally realize what great coffee tastes like. After drinking all that wonderfulness I finished my morning walk in double time.
Don't tell him about the joys of roasting your own coffee.
I just came in here to ask about roasters, lol
Cigars are great and so is this
Oh, i didn't know you had fallen that far down the rabbit hole yet. This is the machine I use. I believe Chris spent some time with one also before moving on to a more capable machine. While it is rated for 1 lb. roasts, most people feel 12 oz. is the largest amount the machine can handle without the roasts taking too long in the drying phase,
Climate change imperils coffee. A rescue plan is brewing in Vietnam.
Climate change is a myth created to gain power and wealth by the elites.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
It’s not that climate change is a myth. The Earth’s climate has constantly changed since the beginning of time. The myth is that taxes will stop it from changing and too many people believe it.
I decided to show you guys what I drink all day, every day. This Rubbermaid jug holds a half pot of coffee. I usually drink about four of these daily. Sometimes more, rarely less.
I know I'm going to get some WTFs but I'll admit that I pretty much only buy folders ground coffee. I had to switch to half-caff because the caffeine makes me pizz every half hour, which makes taking naps difficult. I usually drink one jug of half-caff in the morning and then three jugs of decaf the rest of the day. Today I'm drinking two jugs of half-caff this morning and three jugs of decaf the rest of today, since the first jug went down in less than ninety minutes.
I make these at night, adding sugar, and put them in the freezer. When I want to drink one I nuke it until it's about half slush/liquid. It's better than dunkin donuts coffee. Anyway, here's the final product.

Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
If you’re adding sugar it may not be just the caffeine working on your kidneys
Gotta add sugar or it's just too bitter.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Since you showed me yours...
I brew a pot of coffee every morning for the three members of the household which consists of roughly 900 ml of water and 60 grams of coffee. I brew it early enough so that everyone can get a cup before they have to leave for work, then I'll take half a cup upstairs to enjoy with my morning ablutions, I'll take a full cup with breakfast, then another half cup after that. These are all Corelle cups, about 6 - 7 ounces, and I keep the cup on a coffee warmer so that I can take my time to enjoy it while I work.
I may have another cup in the afternoon, either brewed using a pour-over or if all three of us are home I'll make a small pot (~500 ml / 33.333 g).
My routine for when I work in the office is a bit different, I'll make the same morning pot for everyone but pour off the two cups I normally drink into a double-walled brew travel mug and take it with me to work along with 18 grams of ground coffee in a salad dressing cup so that I can brew another two cups of coffee at work in the travel brew mug.
I brew a couple of 10 cup pots, much of the second one gets nuked the next morning. I get up very early and don't want to awaken Rachel with the screaming Barazata grinder. Life of an early bird/night owl couple.
Two 14oz. mugs of two different coffees, brewed in a french press, every morning. That satisfies my coffee genes and I'm good for the rest of the day.
That's my Bodum double-walled mug, which helps keep it warmer, sitting on a little pad I made because it's too tipsy on the chair's arm, which has the two magnets for the ever-needed pen.
His brain looks like a coffee seed.
Just received this month's shipment of coffee from @peter4jc. Thanks for the green Panama! Haven't tried the Costa Rica yet but looking forward to it, smells wonderful.
That last one was for @IndustMech
Unsustainable coffee production is making more and more people sick, says study
In Brazil, the world's largest coffee producer and pesticide consumer, chemical pesticide use increased by 190% in a single decade. Estimates show that roughly 38 million kilograms of pesticides are used annually in Brazilian coffee production.
And since 2019, 475 new pesticides have been approved in Brazil. More than a third of these are not approved in the EU due to their toxicity.
"The problem is that there are more and more reports of pesticide contamination in groundwater and ecosystems, and harmful symptoms and disorders among animals and humans in areas where coffee is grown—from skin disorders, respiratory problems, to high blood pressure, organ damage, cancer and cardiovascular disease. All of this seems to be linked to the use of pesticides in coffee production," says Athina Koutouleas, a newly graduated Ph.D. fellow at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management.
Dr. Koutouleas is the lead author of a meta-study published in the journal Plant Pathology that reviews research regarding alternative plant protection strategies for coffee. The study was conducted with Professor David B. Collinge of the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences and Associate Professor Anders Ræbild of the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management.
More here:
I want my 8.5 minutes back.
I’ll stick to pour over.
@peter4jc, that PNG you gave me is bangin', really tasty one week from roast. I'd decided to post this before Kim had a cup and asked me which coffee this was and remarked on it's quality. Thanks, Peter, for a fine coffee.
Thanks for the feedback. Seth liked it too.
So did John
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Ran out of home-roasted coffee yesterday, taking in a thermos for the guys at work has it's drawbacks, especially if they don't show up or partake. Drank some boring brewed coffee made from an Italian style espresso blend my sister picked up in Iceland and my Son woke me up at 6:30 am this morning to brew before he hits his postal route. Roasting good coffee now. Two or three batches this time depending on how fast the heat of the day comes on.
This AM brewed up 32oz of Peters famous Colombian Hula. Gosh I'm spoiled now, I finally realize what great coffee tastes like. After drinking all that wonderfulness I finished my morning walk in double time.
Thanks for the kind words, Rodger. I enjoy providing the beans as much as you enjoy drinking it.
Having some of the Mexican coffee from @peter4jc
Cigars are great and so is this