We had someone that was stealing folks lunches and nothing anyone came up with would catch whoever it was. It was a regular thing and people were accusing everyone and their brother. There was a S American family in my condo and we use to get together once in awhile to have a good time. They would teach me their Grandmother's old country family recipes. Believe me when I say that the food that passes for S American in this country does not even come close to the goodness of the real stuff. Anyway, one day a recipe called for some "picante". Laughing on the way to the fridge a very small jar of very small peppers was produced. They asked me to open it and I must have jumped back three feet. My life flashed before my eyes and I begged them not to make me eat one and that was just from the smell. They stopped laughing and explained the peppers were smuggled into the country and their Father (passed away) was the only one who could eat them, they kept them in his memory. Took 1, one, single, lone, uno, all by itself to work. Used tongs and aluminum foil which were placed in a burn bag. Maybe 3/4 of an inch long. Placed it in a cold cut hoagie. No luck the 1st night. 4AM the 2nd night and there was a scream that woke the dead for miles around. We rushed to the break room but we were too late, all we saw was a stairway door close and a draft that sucked out all the air The thefts stopped.
There was a S American family in my condo and we use to get together once in awhile to have a good time. They would teach me their Grandmother's old country family recipes. Believe me when I say that the food that passes for S American in this country does not even come close to the goodness of the real stuff.
Anyway, one day a recipe called for some "picante". Laughing on the way to the fridge a very small jar of very small peppers was produced. They asked me to open it and I must have jumped back three feet. My life flashed before my eyes and I begged them not to make me eat one and that was just from the smell. They stopped laughing and explained the peppers were smuggled into the country and their Father (passed away) was the only one who could eat them, they kept them in his memory.
Took 1, one, single, lone, uno, all by itself to work. Used tongs and aluminum foil which were placed in a burn bag. Maybe 3/4 of an inch long.
Placed it in a cold cut hoagie. No luck the 1st night. 4AM the 2nd night and there was a scream that woke the dead for miles around. We rushed to the break room but we were too late, all we saw was a stairway door close and a draft that sucked out all the air
The thefts stopped.