Should we raise the minimum age limit to buy/possess an AR15 ?

I'm thinking of the shooter's mental condition combined with his age and the fact that mental/emotional maturation occurs at different rates for different young adults. It's obvious he was unstable already but, here's the thing, he wouldn't have been allowed to buy a handgun until 21 yet he's allowed to buy an AR15 at 18. I know the AR15 has uses besides shooting at people but it's original design is for shooting people so, I wonder why we shouldn't be at least as concerned with the AR15 age requirement for the same reasons as we are with handguns. (And I know there would be other rifles involved also. High magazine capacity would be the factor for inclusion.) I would assume exemptions could be allowed for those 18 through 20 with prior military service (with honorable discharge) and I would also suppose an exemption could be proposed for 18 through 20 year old individuals who can state their need/use for this rifle and produce a handful character references to be reasonably be assured these exempted individuals are not a risk to public safety.
Should we raise the minimum age limit to buy/possess an AR15 ? 21 votes
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In 2016, there were 987 people killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes where a driver was under the influence of alcohol. This is 26% of the total number of people killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes.
If that many people can be killed by drunk driving in Texas alone in 2016 and the minimum age was raised from 18 to 21 back in the day to purchase alcohol, what good is it going to do now to do that for rifles? So Cruz was of age to buy one and the FBI and others did nothing when they knew he was a loose cannon, well what if he just went down to the hood and bought a real AK-47 for $900? No background check, no paper work, no one knows and the arms dealer sure as hell ain't talking.
My point is people kill people and it doesn't matter if there impaired, mentally ill, they use a gun or a vehicle to do it, loss of life is still the result.
What we need to work on is our society.
Illegal arms dealers don't give a **** its about moving product and making money...hitting him for a lick for $900 would be bad for business.
Maybe the schools should do something about bullying? They said he was known to be bullied and the result had aggressive behavior changes where kids at school were afraid of him! Family problems, being bullied, school did nothing other than expel him...that really helped, makes me wonder if that's why the school was his target.
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
Get bullied by 2 people, a chair evens the odds and don't get bullied the rest of your high school years.
But that kind of thing is no longer acceptable.
If they have to work for it and hurt afterwards, they are less likely to do it again.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
one of the originals is as rare and valuable as unicorn tears
Most people that regurgitate the liberal drivel are bumbling fools that are not educated about firearms, their limitations and capabilities. Just wondered where you fell in that respect. More people in the U.S. die due to automobile related events than firearm related events. Wondering why you did not create a poll about that. What triggered you?
*so others didn't know their strategy
*the vest was where the handgun was in case things went south
My school experiences are very similar to what @Opatience described above, except that I was in 9 different schools, 5 different systems, between K - 12. Rifle racks, a guy I knew handed me his loaded .40 six-shooter in the hallway, I checked it out, no one who noticed freaked out. No one got shot. Same with dealing with bullies. Life went on.
So, what's the new common denominator? Bullying no longer happens in person, and this generations investment in self is determined by a status obtained only in a "virtual reality" through a hand held portal.
So, perhaps if we raised the legal age of owning a smart-phone to 19, or so, we would be much closer to addressing the core of the actual problem.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I have a story I'll share later today of someone I personally knew that was bullied, picked on, etc. and it didn't turn out so well... and could have been A LOT worse.
18- Legal age to enter into contracts
18-age to be drafted(military service w/o parental consent)
18-age to vote
18- legal age to buy rifles/shotguns/ammo
21- legal drinking age
21- legal smoking age(varies by state?)
21- legal handgun purchasing age
23- age at which you are kicked out of high school
26- age at which you age off mommy's/daddy's insurance
The age to be considered an adult should be standardized and not all over the age spectrum depending on the activity. Quit mollycoddling people and make them responsible for their actions. Poor choices made by some young adults should not make the "age of adulthood" for that activity to rise.
High school kids have been bullied since time began. This is nothing new. The only thing new is post 1995's kid's reaction to the bullying/adolescent pressures. My observations say that is roughly when we started giving out awards to everybody. We wouldn't want someone's feelings to be hurt because they didn't earn an award, so we will just give one to everybody. We stopped keeping score in sporting events, so no one would have to cope & grow from losing. It is also the rise of adddhd...ohhh whatever letters they call it this week... We always used the term "hyper" otherwise known as a normal young boy, but now that it is adddhd, they receive drugs for it.
We have taken all growth/maturity/ life lessons from these young adults and now they lack the skills to cope with life until they are well into their 20's unfortunately.
Just my 2 cents...
Get off my lawn!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain