pelosi is a pig

Trump slams Pelosi for visit to shuttered salon: 'Constantly lecturing everyone else'
'Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated,' president tweets
Trump slams Pelosi for visit to shuttered salon: 'Constantly lecturing everyone else'
'Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated,' president tweets
power corrupts
Evidently lying, cheating and misuse of power to steal more power is also more corrupting. And they will continue to bring down this country as long as they get away with it.
I feel sorry for the complete fools and idiots that will continue to vote for these cockroaches.
I can't wait to hear from that miserable used up hag as "she" tries to explain this. I am sure part of "her" explanation will be about how important "she" is, and it was necessary to maintain "her" image.
"she" should be forced to wear a body camera to keep track of how many times "she" leaves "her" guarded, gated mansion and where "she" actually goes. Can't be often, "she" has highly paid ,minions for most things. "She" doesn't have to go out for ice cream since "her" $20,000 freezer is stuffed with the high end brands.
Absolute power corrupts Absolutely
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
But if we found out Pelosi was a cigar smoker, you'd say she's alright.
Edit [Sarcasm]
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Pelosi is among the vilest of the vile. She deserves nothing short of exile.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I'm OK with that. It seems you're having a rougher-than-normal day. Hope you get better soon.
There you have it! I'll see if she can make the 2021 herf.
Who are you to decide if Peter (or any else) is an idiot? Hypocrite....
How many times do I have to tell you to play nice?!!!
You had me till you called Peter an idiot. Ya grouchy bastàrd
-- Winston Churchill
Peter is a lot of things......Idiot isn't one of them.
Whassamatta, JD? Out of your meds again??
Why do you even hang out here anymore JD? You smoke shít cigars, all you do is post political crap, and now you're insulting us? Why don't you find a political forum to post on and leave here permanently, you fuckîng old fück.
JD is drunk, cut him some slack. Yes he is often irascible but I like him, don't agree with most of what he says, but he is really who he says he is and I find it refreshing, if largely obnoxious.
That’s an interesting way to look at it Edward. I think that’s true that he’s honest and doesn’t lie about what he thinks. But on the other hand he acts like someone who has rabies. I think he needs to find a community where other people will want to see what he has to say.
-- Winston Churchill
Plus, having JD around gives me something to strive toward; someday, I hope to be the grumpy basterd he models for me. A co-worker used to say, "Everybody's good for something, even if it is a bad example.
I kinda agree with Edward. We should be a community that has a place for everybody. I must be drunk too.
Enjoy the 46.
Everyone who rants on why they hate on JD describes me. Far as I am concerned, salty beats quinoa any day of the week.
The only way that a happy family can thrive is to accept that it takes all kinds in practice, not merely in principle.
And, yes, that old hag is a political pig. She embodies everything that makes young people want to riot and old people want to vote for a reality TV douche.
You guys may share political views, but in my opinion you're not the same @webmost. In a community where most of the members have conservative views, why is the most conservative person constantly getting beat up around here?
The answer is that this is a cigar community whose membership primarily consists of cigar enthusiasts. It seems to me, as someone who pays pretty close attention to the community, that JD doesn't participate in any of the cigar aspects of the cigar community, And in my humble and often debated opinion, I don't think that he is an enthusiast. He smokes a non-premium brand almost exclusively, only broken up by the occasional five Vegas. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but it doesn't jive with what everyone else around here is doing.
More than 90% of his postings here are about non cigar-related things. Moreover, he doesn't even seem to care about premium cigars whatsoever.
That vegs the question that he if he isn't that into cigars, why doesn't he just go to one of the 10 million political forums and post there? While it's true that he's not really breaking any rules by only talking about how evil the Democrats are, he doesn't really bring anything of primary interest to a cigar community like you do @webmost.
To top it off, I happen to be an amateur psychiatrist on the weekends, and JD's behavior is nothing more than attention seeking like you would find in a puppy dog or a 6-year-old child. He'll post something about some political cause or about dog food or something else, and then people will ignore him. since he needs to know that we are still listening to him, he'll start some new thread, like this one calling Nancy pelosi a pig. I firmly believe that all of the negative feedback he gets is better than no feedback at all in his mind. So the end result is he knows that people are still listening to him, and he derives a certain degree of satisfaction from that.
That's why even though you guys share political opinions, you are not treated with the same disdain as JD is treated with. Don't worry, that's the kind of feedback that JD really wants: any at all.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I didn't realize there were prerequisites for being in a cigar group and that the cigars you smoke make a difference.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Agreed 100%. Manners should be a prerequisite though. Salty is great, being an utter A-hole, not so much.
Can I be a salty Ahole?
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Just to take a step back, what a luxury that we live in a time and place and that we have the ability, security, and money to be able to complain about our elected officials. Even when things seems like they're going to ****, things are pretty effing great. I mean, I have a humidor full of premium cigars that I can go choose what flavor I want to taste from my tobacco.
Helps me to get some perspective.