Required to take a test before voting?

Is it just me or does anyone else think it would be a good idea to have people take a short test before voting. I talk to too many people who say they made a big mistake voting for Obama in the last election. I couldn't help but notice that many Obama supporters had no idea about his past voting record or have any clue about his agenda to "fundamentally transform America." Many voted for him because he was cool and a good public speaker. I think you should know a little more about the person you are voting for besides that he is for hope and change. Hitler was a great public speaker and wanted hope and change. That didn't work out so great for Germany. I was not crazy about voting for McCain but when i voted I knew how they both stood on the issues. I know many voted for McCain without knowing anything about him, but i would bet twice as many uninformed voters voted for Obama.
I would not want to exclude anyone besides those who vote without knowing who or what they are voting for. Basic questions about those who are running and their policy. Many times I have told people about a candidates stance on abortion, taxes, and immigration and they have told me that if they knew that they would not have voted that way. Those people should not be voting. Everyone should have the right to vote but if don't do your homework you should loose that right. Everyone has the right to bear arms but if you commit a felony you loose that right. It has nothing to do with race or classes.
God Bless America....
Being able to vote is one of our freedoms though so requiring a tax or test doesn't seem right. What disturbs me is a certain left leaning party trying to give the right to vote back to convicted felons and illegal immigrants. They are after all trying to give United States Constitutional Rights to enemies of the US. An enemy combatant has no right to a fair trial in our country. That said we do not have the right to torture and abuse them either. They are not and should never be entitled to the same rights we have in our country. I am sure that opens a can of worms but it is how I feel and no matter what anyone says you will never convice me otherwise.
You have to have some level of intelligence to vote. You should know your candidates and the issues at hand. I vote for what I believe in. I vote according to my morals and what I feel is right and wrong. There is usually no perfect candidate and sometimes it is as though you are picking the lesser of two evils. Simply voting for a candidate based on what someone else told you was the cool thing to do makes you a complete idiot.
I have 2 kids currently in the liberal anti-christian schools run by our government. I have explained to them that what our family believes in might go against everything they learned in school but they need to know the material to pass their tests. Evolution is a scam. Global warming is a scam. Did the Big Bang Theory happen? I am sure it is possible and if it did it is because that is the way God created our universe. Like it or not I believe in Jesus Christ and if you are offended I really don't care. I am tired of all the anti-christian politically correct garbage going down in this country. I refuse to follow what is cool and let others tell me what is right and wrong. This country is morally bankrupt. I am not perfect and better then anyone who disagrees with me just in case you might think that is what I am getting at.
Just a lot of stuff on my mind lately.
The schools aren't anti-Christian by any means. They just can't cater to one specific religion. You have to realize that there are children from many backgrounds in our schools (Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, etc). It would be unfair to adapt the curriculum to be compatible with the Bible. I don't want to offend you, but like it or not, evolution is well supported by scientists. Religion should never get in the way of science.
That said, I thoroughly respect your beliefs and I hope I didn't offend you.
"Long ashes my friends."
I hate to offend anyone but if you think you are the ancestor of a monkey I feel sorry for you. Scientists support global warming too and it is funny how now we find out about all the manipulation they have done with their "scientific proof". Look throughout history at all of the scientifically proven this and that only to find later in life that it was all wrong. Animals might have evolved over time. Such as snakes and whales having legs. But man sure as hell didn't come from some monkey. Science seems more and more to be a tool to force the masses into believing one thing or another. I find it odd that mostly it is a tool used to be anti-God. I also find it odd how the scientific community can't agree completely on a subject such as global warming yet all of the scientists who take the opposing view are ignored even though they have "scientific proof" also. How about the scientists that are ignored that say if you look at the Big Bang Theory correctly and other scientific facts that science proves there is a God? I think so called science is subjective.
We all come from different walks of life and we all have to make decisions for ourselves. I for one would like to see my friends in heaven. Just because we do not agree does not mean I won't be your friend or treat you with respect.
Didn't mean to derail this thing here. Back to the voting thing. Now that I think about it I think Krieq just said it best.
But faith is a gift, given by God. It is not earned by mental prowess.
How does the sun rise from the east to the west? You will tell me its because of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Do you know how the Greeks thought it happened. It was Apollo in his chariot and all you saw was his wheel in the sky. We look back at it and skoff and laugh at them being silly. They didn't know how to explain it so they claimed it was done by their gods. Sounds a little like us on certain subjects.
I do live in the midwest and this is happening in our schools. Minnesota has foot baths in schools and Muslim only school buses. The schools also do not allow any type of pork product to be served.
They are installing the footbaths at Minnesota State and other colleges not public high school, and the bus controversy you are talking about was set up for the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy. A muslim school. The ACLU is currently or was fighting this. How is this different than a school bus used for Saint Stephens the Martyr Catholic School. I know its because it is for a Christrian school
Theses incidents of bending over backwards for Muslims is not just in universities. An elementary school in San Diego created a separate recess so muslim kids could have prayer time. In several schools across the country, Muslims are being allowed prayer time. Rooms are set aside for this purpose and students are sometimes excused from class to attend prayers.
Now maybe you are hearing me wrong. I am not saying people need to be indoctrinated with what I believe and that everything Christian has to be accepted in public schools. I am saying I am tired of the political correct nonsense that is dictating we not offend others as long as they aren't a Christian or Jew. It seems to be PC nowadays to slam everything Christian and Jewish. If I can't say a Christian Prayer in school you can't say a muslim prayer either. If a muslim is offended the school has no foot bath too bad. I know I was offended in school many times by all sorts of things but I survived. We need to have standards straight across the board for everyone.
I agree...
Brian "Head" Welch was the guitarist for KORN. He found God, beat meth, beat abuse, and quit. If you like music that is heavy like KORN his album is incredible. He wrote a song called Die Religion Die. I included a link to hear it on Youtube for you hardcore rockers. Below are the lyrics. Says it really well. Die Religion Die
Im sick of all your rules
They're so man-made
You treat them all like fools
You put my name to shame
Im everything youre not
I give them love
My ways you have forgot
You put yourselves above
I'll testify!
Its time to see religion die!
The truth cant lie!
Its time to see religion die!
Who cares? Who's right?
Its time to see religion die!
I'll crush the fight!
Its time to see religion die!
My church is not inside your building walls
On Sundays you all hide, while the world just falls
Now go into the world and destroy Hell
You have authority, use it for the kill
Children come away with me
I want you all to be mine
I am taking back whats mine
And youve killed too much time
With pointing all your fingers
At your kids thats why theyre lost
Try to look deep in their eyes
You will see suicide
Blame it on yourself
Cause no one else will pay your price, your price
Die just, die religion die, just die
Die just, die religion die, just die
Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!
Die! Religion, die! Die! Die! Die!
Do not be afraid
Religion is man-made
Everything is OK
The rules have just been changed
On a side note, no where did I say one must believe in Christianity. Jesus the person is fact, Zeus is a known mythological figure. Go ahead and assume about my beliefs all day long. I find it interesting that just because I bring up that Jesus was real, as opposed to Zeus, you automatically think I'm a Christian. Huh, I wonder how most historian's would feel about your position on this?