NOT Getting Married :-)

I'm 42 years old, and have never been married, never wanted to get married, and had always viewed women as need-based objects. Not too long ago I met my soul-mate. She walked up to me and we talked for an hour and a half with our eyes never breaking contact with each other. I felt like I had known her my entire life, we have everything in common. We quickly became best friends, and fell in love.
It's always been easy for me to love a person, but never have I been "in love" with anyone but myself. I had felt that maybe there was something wrong with me as I was terminally shallow when it came to women. I have since come to beleive that God makes that special someone for each of us, and if we allow Him to take charge, great things shall come to pass. I had said a prayer for God to remove those he did not want in my life, and put the ones he does want for me. 2 days later, she walked into my life. As we talked, it turns out she had said the same prayer (worded differently) not long before I had come into her life.
Yesterday I asked her to be my wife and she, trembling with tears of joy, accepted. We will be married on the first day of May, 2010.
I have waited my whole life for her, and she's everything I never knew I wanted. It's amazing what wonderous results can come from Faith in a power greater than myself. I have been clean and sober for 6 1/2 years and had that not happened (through the Grace of God), I would have never met her, and would most likely be dead. As a result of changing my life, and allowing a kind and loving God to be in charge, I'm being rewarded with the woman I was meant to be with!
It's always been easy for me to love a person, but never have I been "in love" with anyone but myself. I had felt that maybe there was something wrong with me as I was terminally shallow when it came to women. I have since come to beleive that God makes that special someone for each of us, and if we allow Him to take charge, great things shall come to pass. I had said a prayer for God to remove those he did not want in my life, and put the ones he does want for me. 2 days later, she walked into my life. As we talked, it turns out she had said the same prayer (worded differently) not long before I had come into her life.
Yesterday I asked her to be my wife and she, trembling with tears of joy, accepted. We will be married on the first day of May, 2010.
I have waited my whole life for her, and she's everything I never knew I wanted. It's amazing what wonderous results can come from Faith in a power greater than myself. I have been clean and sober for 6 1/2 years and had that not happened (through the Grace of God), I would have never met her, and would most likely be dead. As a result of changing my life, and allowing a kind and loving God to be in charge, I'm being rewarded with the woman I was meant to be with!
Genesis 2:18
Congrats Cabi! As a fellow engaged man, I can definitely share your joy. I hope the best for you guys!
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
What kind of Humidor did she build and what are her squirrels' names???
Conversation must've went like this:
Her: "What are your hobbies?"
You: "Well, I like to smoke cigars..."
Her: "Me too!"
You: *Whips out engagement ring*
Congrats dude. Glad you and her are happy. =D
But remember, what yours now becomes hers hide the good cigars ;-) Haha. But seriously, mucho mucho congrats!!!!!
This is what a keeper looks like:
While the cigar was pretty damn good, the company was so much better. I am truly looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her!