Favorite U.S. City

So what is your favorite city you've been in the states?
Mine is San Diego. Being from Louisiana, and hot natured..the weather usually gets unbearable about April and then pretty much sucks until November. So my favorite city is San Diego, which I only visited for about 10 hours in mid June 2008. In North Louisiana that day it was 103 degrees, with a humidity of 436 percent. In San Diego it was 63 degrees when we arrived at noon, and at 10 pm when we left it was..63 degrees. Awesomesauce.
Mine is San Diego. Being from Louisiana, and hot natured..the weather usually gets unbearable about April and then pretty much sucks until November. So my favorite city is San Diego, which I only visited for about 10 hours in mid June 2008. In North Louisiana that day it was 103 degrees, with a humidity of 436 percent. In San Diego it was 63 degrees when we arrived at noon, and at 10 pm when we left it was..63 degrees. Awesomesauce.
im less than 20 min for wilderness, its ON superior (my favorite great lake), and it has one of my favorite parks in the world. i could sit there all day and watch the Ore Docks load up ships.
I did like Augusta ( I think that's how you spell it) Georgia.
We flew in from LAX and I was so tired from the flight that I didn't really notice much at the time. The next morning, we had to go to a K-Mart because my dad was supervising the installation of the in-store bank, and there were Moose just crossing the parking lot and nobody gave a damn and there were big hairy mountain goats all over the mountains across the street and people didn't even notice.
We had lunch feet away from the ocean, and talk about FRESH crab, it was just heavenly. We had a view of whales breaching the water every few seconds, absolutely incredible!!
The next day we were going salmon fishing. Where we went had signs all around warning of active bears in the area because of the salmon and tons of Forest Rangers walking around carrying loaded and ready shotguns on the look out. Real nice guys. Picture this, I was 16, barely weighed 130lbs, I'm in my fishing waders in the middle of a river holding a salmon I just caught in one hand and my fly rod in the other with signs that warn of bears just on the shore... I felt like a Slim Jim holding a sign that says "Eat Me". But it was still so amazing.
Later on, we were driving back to the hotel and saw a little pond with some fish activity. So we pulled over and dipped our poles in. My dad asked me "Guess what time it is?" So I said "I dunno, 5 or 6pm?" It was 10pm still bright outside.
Unforgettable. That's my favorite city so far.
Kuzi, I think you are spot on with Marquette. It has some amazing food too from great cajun to awesome thai. I have spent some time prospeting up there and will take any excuse to go back. If you like that place you should go to Duluth.
For me its a toss up between Minneapolis and Corvallis OR. Minneapolis has all 4 seasons plus the people are super nice but Corvallis just has a vibe to it that is really fun.
I know of a tobacco shop that would be cool to hang out at in Seaport Village if your ever down there again Cooper. It's got a nice humidor but the real gem of the shop is the at least 10 foot high wall of jars of pipe tobacco.
I guess I'm baised since I was born and raised in the area. But, it has almost everything within an hour drive: culture, history, activities, copious sites, sounds, and food choices. It has 5 pro sports teams and is within 30 minutes from another great city, Baltimore.
If I had to pick one, I would have to say Orlando, Fla. or Branson Missouri.
Coop, San Diego is a really cool city too. Ive always said that it is the biggest city Ive been to that was extremely clean. It would be a little better if the ocean temp was a bit warmer but thats not their fault!
No contest.