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    peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 15,741 ✭✭✭✭✭

    We had some blueberry-size hail this afternoon.

    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
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    CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,275 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Five inches of rain yesterday and at least a couple more today and now a huge crack of thunder and the power is out. Coworker was just telling me today he's got a battery backup for his sump pump. Smart.
    I'm enjoying a cigar by candlelight and listening to CCR.

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    CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,275 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm a little moist but this is block and a half away from my house

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    silvermousesilvermouse Posts: 19,710 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nature reminding humans they're not omnipotent. Glad you are on higher ground.

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    dirtdudedirtdude Posts: 5,711 ✭✭✭✭✭

    First monsoon of the season rolled through yesterday afternoon, 105 to 75 in a matter of minutes. It was glorious.

    A little dirt never hurt
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    TRayBTRayB Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @CharlieHeis said:
    I'm a little moist but this is block and a half away from my house

    More rain coming? Is your ground high enough?

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    ShawnOLShawnOL Posts: 8,735 ✭✭✭✭✭

    100 on Thursday, 81 on Friday. 20 degrees makes a huge difference.

    Trapped in the People's Communits Republic of Massachusetts.

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    TRayBTRayB Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It's been hot here for a week or so, high 90's in the late afternoon, and very dry. I have not cut the grass for two weeks now, and won't cut it this weekend either.

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    silvermousesilvermouse Posts: 19,710 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Fogged in and 70 degrees.

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    d_bladesd_blades Posts: 3,808 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Feels like Florida, hot and sticky.

    Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.

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    First_WarriorFirst_Warrior Posts: 3,264 ✭✭✭✭✭

    3700 ft elevation here makes a lot of difference in temperature.
    On the mountain it is 15 degrees cooler. Seldom reaches 80 in these parts. The rest of NC is cooking.

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    ShawnOLShawnOL Posts: 8,735 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Wouldn't be so bad here if the humidity were low. We only get low humidity in the winter. The rest of the time it's ball sweat sticky.

    Trapped in the People's Communits Republic of Massachusetts.

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    YaksterYakster Posts: 26,393 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 22

    Beach weather today. Going to where it'll be 30⁰ cooler and possibly foggy. Gotta love NorCal beaches.

    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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    CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,275 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @TRayB said:

    @CharlieHeis said:
    I'm a little moist but this is block and a half away from my house

    More rain coming? Is your ground high enough?

    I'm good, a little water in the unfinished basement. Very little really, compared to others. Official total rainfall was just shy of 8" for a two day total.

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    CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,275 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Looking around at some pics on fb and many said their rain guage had 10 to 12" and more. An hour east of me got 17"+ which is an insane amount of rain.

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    peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 15,741 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Must be climate change. Again.

    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
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    CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,275 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A local hutterite colony (like Amish but they have cars and tractors) is asking for jet skis to help them move some cattle. Not really hilarious, it's sad actually but the absurdity of it made me laugh out loud.

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    CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,275 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @peter4jc said:
    Must be climate change. Again.

    Maybe the government could tax us even more to make it go away? Something to think about.

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    YaksterYakster Posts: 26,393 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A little cold and foggy at the beach.

    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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    dirtdudedirtdude Posts: 5,711 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Second monsoon today not nearly as dramatic as it was still cool from yesterday. Downside is the power is out all down this 8 mile little strip, Tucson Power will prioritize Tucson first.

    A little dirt never hurt
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    TRayBTRayB Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭✭✭

    We had a brief but very windy rainstorm here, while I was away at my niece's graduation party. Both of my flag brackets were snapped off. But, it is at least 20 degrees cooler than it was 2 hours ago.

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    YaksterYakster Posts: 26,393 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Got too cold at the beach so it's time for dinner.

    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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    YaksterYakster Posts: 26,393 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It was hotter Sunday than Saturday, and it's 92 F already today but they're calling for rain in the next hour.

    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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    HawksHawks Posts: 1,052 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Yakster said:
    It was hotter Sunday than Saturday, and it's 92 F already today but they're calling for rain in the next hour.

    Yep. I'm looking at it. 🧐

    Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes

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    d_bladesd_blades Posts: 3,808 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Temp hit 96 today

    Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.

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    ShawnOLShawnOL Posts: 8,735 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You must have moved to north dakota.

    Trapped in the People's Communits Republic of Massachusetts.

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    First_WarriorFirst_Warrior Posts: 3,264 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hot for here mid 80's. Dry, dry, dry, having to water the small transplants in the garden twice a day.

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    VisionVision Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭

    82 degrees 82 RH...... miserable.

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    ShawnOLShawnOL Posts: 8,735 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Last night I opened my bedroom window due to it dropping down into the 60s. Mistake. Very humid. Woke up sweaty.

    Trapped in the People's Communits Republic of Massachusetts.

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