1256 Republican

candidates and counting. Billary Clintonista will be dead in the water before it is over and who knows who will run. I wish the libertarians would be one of two candidates running, we really need a completely different mind set. But that won't happen, and it will come down to voting against what ever liberal progressive socialist Marxist the democrats run. Hell of a way to run an election.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Politicians, by nature, are as slimy as used car dealers, my apologies to car dealers, lol. If we spent as much time researching our voting choices as we did buying that vehicle or new phone we may get some better leadership. But then it's who is presented to us as the best choices by the political machine to choose from. It appears Hillary is it for the dem's but the other side has some interesting candidates and more every day it seems. Look forward to the debates, but even those are too moderated. Be nice to see a debate that's less moderated, a real debate that goes off the script and maybe gives you a glimpse of the real person and how they react. I think of Romney/Obama when the moderator, was it Crowley, shut him right off on Bengazi. If Romney knew the facts that was his opportunity to tear her and him a new one, showing some leadership, but he backed down, slimy. But then he would have been accused of racism and sexism, oh wait I think he was anyways. Divide and conquer, don't fall for it, that's out job to do that to government not them to us.
With the decision of citizens united it really changed the political scene. What I don't understand, why we as the people let them keep the money after the election to spend as they wish.
In my home state I have seen some political attacks to favor a side in the elections. New district maps drawn up by attorneys to favor one side. Lines drawn to separate houses on the same street as that particular house tended to vote one political side. Laws changed on the supreme court justice chief to favor a side. Changing laws on rights of workers to unionize. Voter I'd laws changed. Powers stripped from officials due to political sides. There are few more, these are the ones most people are talking about. These were done to ensure those in power stay in power.
The Constitution was written and intended to be a balance of power. We the people are the words, not we.the corporations, political parties, special interests.....
It is good people come and shake the hand of veterans and soldiers thanking them for their service and attend funerals of soldiers they do not know.The people stand behind them even if congress will not.
But to your statement, I don't really agree that the citizen's vote in a presidential election doesn't matter. Yes, it does matter, because your representatives are obligated to vote in the Electoral College following the popular vote results in your state. True that most of the time a single vote doesn't matter, but in some cases, like the 2000 Florida results, a president was elected by a margin of only a few hundred votes. So it does matter.
I'm not a huge fan of the electoral college, but it wasn't really "invented" simply because people couldn't vote in a timely fashion. It was really invented because the Founders did not believe in the idea of direct election of the Chief Executive by the people (they also did not believe Senators should be directly elected by the people, either. It took a constitutional amendment to change that).
During that time--when no one was really sure how this new government would work-- they were very worried about a demagogue who might capture all of the popular votes who would turn the new nation into a dictatorship or monarchy. The Electoral College was created to provide a "barrier of reason" by which the legislative branch would have the final say over who become president. And, indeed, the Electoral College did exert its "final say" over who became president in a number of early elections, most notably in the elections of 1800 and 1824.
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
Totally agree. I don't know how the governor of a State can spend all that time traveling the country running for President and somehow also do the job he is currently paid to do. Seems like you should have to quit your current job to take on the full time job of running for President. That might also help shrink the field to legit candidates that could win.
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
I stand corrected and admire your knowledge! Thank you for kind words.of service to our service.members.and families. I know my family made sacrifices during my deployments.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Now, that doesn't mean that she isn't perfectly capable of making such incoherent statements, since so far she hasn't done a particularly good job of articulating what she DID accomplish as Sec. of State. Which wasn't all that much.
There's a joke going around that says the way to tell if a lawyer is lying is to see if his lips are moving. I think I've spotted a 'tell' with Billary that'll let you know when she's lying - just watch her eyes. They get really big when she's telling a bald-faced lie. Like, watch her when she's talking about Benghazi, for example....
Just my opinion....
And I'll go so far as to say that even if the quote turns out to be fabricated by someone, the words, regardless of who said them, are completely true in meaning....
Do not underestimate the power of large groups of stupid people.
Not once, but twice, obozo was elected POTUS, even after all the warnings, which all proved to be true, and even after his first term.
And now billary waits in the wings. The saddest excuse for voting for her will be "yea I know she can't be trusted but I want my daughter to know that a woman can be president".
Which large group of stupid people are you referring to? The ones that twice elected Bush, the guy that blatantly fabricated evidence to go to war with Iraq, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of human lives or the ones that twice elected a president that passed universal health care? Personally, I learned this lesson all too well in 2004.
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
So to answer your question, Obama didn't send a bunch of the best Americans we have to die in a war for oil. Bush did. So yes, Obama wins in my mind.