Ladies & Gents we have a winner! Who doesn't like a guy who drinks booze and fights crime naked!!! I think the pick posted here would be his Super Hero GF! Mustluv send me a PM with your contact info and what you do/n't like.
Alabama plays for their umpteenth national championship tonight. Like a few of our brothers and sisters now, I was deployed the last time they played for one. Where was I?
On that cruise we did do some nofly zone enforcement, till Clinton got in swore and called it off that day. but we never had a middle eastern port call,(had quite a few scheduled) whole six month cruise we only hit three different ports, in two countries, saw the two ports in Italy more times than my home port. Hit the other one only once and it was during Christmas/New Years.
Alabama plays for their umpteenth national championship tonight. Like a few of our brothers and sisters now, I was deployed the last time they played for one. Where was I?
I think the year was 1992.. but I have no idea where you were
Alabama plays for their umpteenth national championship tonight. Like a few of our brothers and sisters now, I was deployed the last time they played for one. Where was I?
I think the year was 1992.. but I have no idea where you were
uugghh Marseille. I always said if I ever go back to Marseille I'm gonna cop a squat right in the middle of the street and take a nice big dump. That place reaks of dog **** because they have no pooper scooper laws and everyone lets their mut just go all over the sidewalks. Probably my least favorite port I ever hit in the Navy.
hmmmm? what to ask?
I think the year was 1992.. but I have no idea where you were
Pm your info you lucky dog
I was gonna guess Crete.