earlier a Los Hermanos maduro, I didn't like it, seemed like a nice cigar, burned well, drew well, lots of smoke, maybe it was my taste buds were on vacation but I got no nuances subtleor otherwise, just lots of tobacco taste and a little sweetness. There are times when that would be just fine, not this afternoon.
Went on a fantastic charity ride and poker run with the Colorado Bikers today and had one of the best times and rides I’d been on before. 320 miles door to door on a 33 year old sport bike was a bit rough since that 2x4 I call a saddle hurt like hell but was still a blast. Had a Whiskey Rebellion in the morning and a Santa Meurta in the evening at the last stop. Big thank you to Jim for the smokes. Made a lot of friends passing out cigars to share lol, turns out quickest way to make new friends with bikers is to share tobacco or alcohol haha. Thanks Jim!
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Celebrating 2 years sober today. Lit up something special. Heading out later tonight to celebrate. Thanks @Patrickbrick for the cigar worthy of the occasion.
'16, watching the Open.
followed up with a Panacea Habano corona.
compliments of the generous @Oyam123
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....