Home Trades, Passes and Bombs




  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    From Armaes

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  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    From Armaes

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Very Nice!!!
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm a Newb and looking to do some trades with a Sponsor. I'm a fan of Medium-Full and will do back flips for a box-pressed. Tom
    Ok Tommy Boy, lets do this and get you started right off!!!
    Sounds good, I'm ready to go! I'll PM you.
    pm to you
    BTW Tom this is Flying!! DC # 0311 3260 0001 7073 4853 !!!
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • MVW67:
    I'm a Newb and looking to do some trades with a Sponsor. I'm a fan of Medium-Full and will do back flips for a box-pressed. Tom
    Ok Tommy Boy, lets do this and get you started right off!!!
    Sounds good, I'm ready to go! I'll PM you.
    pm to you
    BTW Tom this is Flying!! DC # 0311 3260 0001 7073 4853 !!!
    so we need welding helmets and big bowls of popcorn. Gotcha sorry Tom better luck next time. I've still got some caution tape taylor sent me.I will make sure it finds its way to your remains.
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    Seeing that the only B&M near me doubles as a headshop and doesn't have much of a selection, I suppose I ought to toss my hat into the ring. It may not be very wise, but it sure sounds like fun. Care to sponsor a newb anyone? Maybe a little 3 or 5 stick swap?
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Seeing that the only B&M near me doubles as a headshop and doesn't have much of a selection, I suppose I ought to toss my hat into the ring. It may not be very wise, but it sure sounds like fun. Care to sponsor a newb anyone? Maybe a little 3 or 5 stick swap?

    Aaaaahhh, fresh meat... *cough*... I mean, I'll sponsor you. Shoot me your info and we'll get down to bidnez, bruddah!!
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭
    Seeing that the only B&M near me doubles as a headshop and doesn't have much of a selection, I suppose I ought to toss my hat into the ring. It may not be very wise, but it sure sounds like fun. Care to sponsor a newb anyone? Maybe a little 3 or 5 stick swap?

    Aaaaahhh, fresh meat... *cough*... I mean, I'll sponsor you. Shoot me your info and we'll get down to bidnez, bruddah!!
    You are in for the raping of the magic trunkidor now...
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Seeing that the only B&M near me doubles as a headshop and doesn't have much of a selection, I suppose I ought to toss my hat into the ring. It may not be very wise, but it sure sounds like fun. Care to sponsor a newb anyone? Maybe a little 3 or 5 stick swap?

    Aaaaahhh, fresh meat... *cough*... I mean, I'll sponsor you. Shoot me your info and we'll get down to bidnez, bruddah!!
    You are in for the raping of the magic trunkidor now...

    Or will it be a visit to the Fatalistic 40-ct? Muwahahahahahahahahaha!
  • Toombes:
    Seeing that the only B&M near me doubles as a headshop and doesn't have much of a selection, I suppose I ought to toss my hat into the ring. It may not be very wise, but it sure sounds like fun. Care to sponsor a newb anyone? Maybe a little 3 or 5 stick swap?

    Aaaaahhh, fresh meat... *cough*... I mean, I'll sponsor you. Shoot me your info and we'll get down to bidnez, bruddah!!
    You are in for the raping of the magic trunkidor now...

    Or will it be a visit to the Fatalistic 40-ct? Muwahahahahahahahahaha!
    I remember when Toombes was my sponsor.... brother the don't make lube slippery enough...
  • cmartincmartin Posts: 130
    Just got my end of a trade with Ryan (Aron_Spiral) thanks for the great sticks bro. I can't wait to fire up that My father.


  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    So today is my official start of summer after a long day back at the school for the last teacher meetings, I couldn't wait to get to the car and play some Alice Cooper. It was a rough day of blah blah blah blah, to my surprise when I got home there was not one box but three!!! aeon_spiral trade, greg2648, and scariln! FELLAS you guys went above and beyond welcoming me to the trading world. 20+ sticks in total it was like the baby Jesus birthday except at my house in the middle of a 90 degree sunny day in Colorado.
  • armaes8:
    So today is my official start of summer after a long day back at the school for the last teacher meetings, I couldn't wait to get to the car and play some Alice Cooper. It was a rough day of blah blah blah blah, to my surprise when I got home there was not one box but three!!! aeon_spiral trade, greg2648, and scariln! FELLAS you guys went above and beyond welcoming me to the trading world. 20+ sticks in total it was like the baby Jesus birthday except at my house in the middle of a 90 degree sunny day in Colorado.
    hope you enjoy that media noche. 1 of my favs
  • cmartin:
    Just got my end of a trade with Ryan (Aron_Spiral) thanks for the great sticks bro. I can't wait to fire up that My father.


    let the my father rest I just got em Sunday at the B&M to replace the 1's I smoked from the guys on here. Worth the wait though! That diesel corona has about...17? Months...maybe less
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    I have heard great things! thanks for that one.
  • armaes8:
    I have heard great things! thanks for that one.
    no problem man. You figure pictures out? Lol I forgot what the heck I sent you
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    Got my end of my trade with scarily. He outdid himself fellas, hit me up with wish list and favs!!!!!! I can't wait to fire them up. No more students until August, going to enjoy the sticks all summer long

    scarlin, thanks for the love
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    NO! I feel like a real newb now. Sorry fellas Im working on it. I mean I know how to take pictures but can't get the upload part down.
  • create a photobucket.com accont (free) then upload click the HTML link (it auto copies) then you just paste into your reply on the threads here and bam! pictures posted
  • so easy a caveman could do it. I have proof! toombes doe s it all the time! :)
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    This is my trade with aeon_spiral
    Thank you! Thank you!

  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    what am i doing wrong?
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    On the rh side of the screen, look for the link that says IMG code. That is the URL you want to put into the [img src] tags.
    You were using the Page URL.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    not following, sorry I'm so slow
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    not following, sorry I'm so slow
    No worries.
    On the photobucket page, where your image is. On the Right hand side of the page, scroll down to where you see the part that says Links.
    Then find the link that says IMG Code.
    That is the link you want to put into your post.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • just click HTML code (it auto copies) its the 3 rd one down in the list that pops up when you hover a picture in your album. just click it then open up the thread post here right click, paste, done
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