Transplanted three flats of winter greens. Collards, kale, escarole, endive, radicchio, and arugula went into beds that we will cover. Collards for luck in the new year is a southern tradition.
got the garden mulched with shredded leaves, still have lettuce, arugula, scallions, spinach, garlic, and kale growing. We have had 2 hard frosts but these are all pretty hardy, they will all come back in the spring after the ground thaws for an early harvest.
Got my min green house setup. This year I upgraded the lights to LED grow lights and a better heating mat. I also wrapped the inside of the container with insulated foil that I get weekly with my hello fresh delivery. Hoping it will help to keep the heat inside of the container and reflect the light all around the seedlings 🌱 for better growth
Going to grow ghost peppers and Carolina reapers (first time for me) more updates to follow
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
Planting my pepper seeds today. Realized I didn’t have any plant markers so I made my own out of bamboo coffee stirrers I had. They work great and are super cheap (500 for $2).
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
We had a big snow storm coming last week so we pulled the tarps off our two remaining raised beds and harvested the collards and kale we started in August 2020. Had a nice mess of collards last night.
Heard that seed companies are beginning to get sold out so we are calling our seed order in today.
Happy gardening Allan, good to see you know about priming the seeds before planting, most people aren't aware of that. And thanks Rodger for the heads up about stock getting low at the seed companies. Last year we had terrible luck getting what we ordered from Johnny's Selected Seeds co. The pandemic threw them off by months on some items.
I'm planting Asian pear seeds today from last year's harvest. They have been sitting in the refrigerator nestled in damp paper towels in a baggie since September.
My brother-in-law used to own greenhouses. He loved weather that caused people to have to plant multiple times and could always tell me when the marijuana plants were getting started.
Post edited by d_blades on
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
I was cleaning my fountain the other day and the tabs broke. Decided it was time to get a new one.
This fountain lasted 11 years. Hoping the new one lasts as long
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
A friend at work gave me a bunch of bulbs for the garden. She didn’t know the names so we will have to wait till spring to see what I got. Going in the ground today 👍🏻
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
successfully germinated Asian pear seeds. 4 months wrapped in damp paper towel in the refrigerator first. They are getting up-shifted next week and will stay indoors the first year.
I have 4 Brown Turkey cuttings, been in the soil since last October, buds are starting to green up now. I have one outside year-round but it has never produced, usually dies back over winter, just nice to have since our shop is called Eden, lol. I grew one when I had a greenhouse that bore every year. Just too cold up here I guess.
Took advantage of the nice weather and mulched the garden.
I don’t have a lot of room so I do high density planting for my fruit trees and vegetables. Here are my mandarin trees. 2 are doing great. Thinking about replacing the one in the middle
The line tree I planted in the fall is doing great and has a ton of blooms on it.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
Cleaning up my grow bed today and look what I found. I planted potatoes back in 2019 and must have missed a few. I also planted some onions that I get from Hello Fresh. I just cutter the bottom off and left about 1” to see if they would grow. Yep they did and now I have green onions for my salad tonight 👍🏻
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
Transplanted three flats of winter greens. Collards, kale, escarole, endive, radicchio, and arugula went into beds that we will cover. Collards for luck in the new year is a southern tradition.
Planted the garlic today 😊

All Ya ALL...woW.... excellent.
got the garden mulched with shredded leaves, still have lettuce, arugula, scallions, spinach, garlic, and kale growing. We have had 2 hard frosts but these are all pretty hardy, they will all come back in the spring after the ground thaws for an early harvest.

Got my min green house setup. This year I upgraded the lights to LED grow lights and a better heating mat. I also wrapped the inside of the container with insulated foil that I get weekly with my hello fresh delivery. Hoping it will help to keep the heat inside of the container and reflect the light all around the seedlings 🌱 for better growth

Going to grow ghost peppers and Carolina reapers (first time for me) more updates to follow
Brilliant. I was wondering what to do with the shiny bubblewrap bags. Thanks for the idea.
I would love some of those peppers! Awesome idea.
MOW badge received.
You are on the list 👍🏻
My cherry tree and peach tree are starting to get leaf buds. This is the earliest I have ever seen them do that.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Planting my pepper seeds today. Realized I didn’t have any plant markers so I made my own out of bamboo coffee stirrers I had. They work great and are super cheap (500 for $2).

We had a big snow storm coming last week so we pulled the tarps off our two remaining raised beds and harvested the collards and kale we started in August 2020. Had a nice mess of collards last night.
Heard that seed companies are beginning to get sold out so we are calling our seed order in today.
Happy gardening Allan, good to see you know about priming the seeds before planting, most people aren't aware of that. And thanks Rodger for the heads up about stock getting low at the seed companies. Last year we had terrible luck getting what we ordered from Johnny's Selected Seeds co. The pandemic threw them off by months on some items.
I'm planting Asian pear seeds today from last year's harvest. They have been sitting in the refrigerator nestled in damp paper towels in a baggie since September.
Edward, try Pinetree Seeds.
My brother-in-law used to own greenhouses. He loved weather that caused people to have to plant multiple times and could always tell me when the marijuana plants were getting started.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
I think it was urban seeds I used last year, absolutely terrible.
I was cleaning my fountain the other day and the tabs broke. Decided it was time to get a new one.

This fountain lasted 11 years. Hoping the new one lasts as long
A friend at work gave me a bunch of bulbs for the garden. She didn’t know the names so we will have to wait till spring to see what I got. Going in the ground today 👍🏻

Update on the peppers 🌶 they are doing great 👍🏻

successfully germinated Asian pear seeds. 4 months wrapped in damp paper towel in the refrigerator first. They are getting up-shifted next week and will stay indoors the first year.
Got our seed order yesterday. Also saw our first Robin. Spring is right around the corner.
Friend at work brought me some trimmings from his fig tree. Fig trees are super easy to start. Should have some nice trees by summer 👍🏻

I have 4 Brown Turkey cuttings, been in the soil since last October, buds are starting to green up now. I have one outside year-round but it has never produced, usually dies back over winter, just nice to have since our shop is called Eden, lol. I grew one when I had a greenhouse that bore every year. Just too cold up here I guess.
Is that where organic turkeys come from?
No wonder that they are so expensive!
Sorry Edward, couldn’t resist.
Took advantage of the nice weather and mulched the garden.

I don’t have a lot of room so I do high density planting for my fruit trees and vegetables. Here are my mandarin trees. 2 are doing great. Thinking about replacing the one in the middle
The line tree I planted in the fall is doing great and has a ton of blooms on it.
Pepper update. They are doing great!

Highs are reaching the high 80’s this week so I’m bringing the peppers outside during the day to get them ready to plant in the grow beds

Holy crap! They are huge.
MOW badge received.
They are getting big fast. If the morning temps warm up I’ll be able to plant them in a few weeks 👍🏻
Allan's got the green thumb thing goin' on, for sure.
Cleaning up my grow bed today and look what I found. I planted potatoes back in 2019 and must have missed a few. I also planted some onions that I get from Hello Fresh. I just cutter the bottom off and left about 1” to see if they would grow. Yep they did and now I have green onions for my salad tonight 👍🏻