What does everybody do for a living?

What do you all do to support your cigar smoking extra curricular activities. I work at an office cubicle installing company right now. And, I'm going to school to become a registered nurse. Then I can afford to smoke the really good stogies. Yeeeaaah!
We were talking about what we did (other than the obvious), and of course the obvious rhetoric of how we are over in Iraq to build a ...blah blah..... AND "give the Iraqi people the same liberties we enjoy"
Talk about internal conflict. Ha ha... Whatever, the fighting is the fun part of our jobs.....
That was the internal conflict. We fight for liberties (even though we dont agree with some of them).
I'm just another software guy. Software Consultant for a EAM consulting firm.
Kuzi, when you open your own place, can I make your steaks, and operate your humidor?
If you all can give me some pointers on what I might need to change to make it ready for opening. You can make accounts, just know you are registering on the beta version.
Nights I run the bar at a 4 star, 98 room "boutique" hotel. We actually just got the bar open this month for the first time since Katrina hit.
My primary occupation though is full time student. I was self employed as a political consultant/campaign manager for a few years, making damn good money until I decided to move across the country and go back to school to finish a couple of half complete degrees. Takes 2 jobs to come close to replacing what I was making before, but I decided I need to do this before I move out of my mid 20's.
dont tell my other managers but... many of the cooks and servers tell me that i am a better manager than some of the managers we have. I you have a problem at applebees ill solve it. I promise.
And Mikalsan, if any smart *** ever pops off and tells you that the Marines are a department of the Navy, just smile and say "Yes we are; the Men's department"
And since I am now on the subject of Marines, I have a picture of Chesty Puller behind my monitor here even as I type, with one of my favorite quotes...
"Our country won't go on forever, if we stay as soft as we are now. There won't be any America - because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race."
Good night Chesty, wherever you are