New Dad Pass **Home again**

I sent it out today guys! Please PM me if anything comes up. Please get the addy of the person you are sending to as I may not be around. Thanks for joining!!!
So heres the list. I tried to put it in order as best as possible. If I have forgotten or missed anyone, please pm me. Thanks guys, I'll get it rolling in the next few days!
1. Jliu
2. Nickiam
3. James40
4. Pbchevo
5. Mmccartneydc
6. Rail Jockey
7. scarlin
8. SleevePlz
9. Toombes
10. Medic45
11. Buckeyecigar
12. Kingjk729
13. BigT06
14. RCYCigars
15. RobertGreen
Remember guys.... do not feel obligated to put.Take a Jamie Garcia and enjoy. This is a pass to say thank you and to welcome a new boy in a week (with Gods blessing). I thank you all in advance and remember to sign the box. I wanted to do this now as I may not have the time to get involved as much in the upcoming months. Thanks again!
So heres the list. I tried to put it in order as best as possible. If I have forgotten or missed anyone, please pm me. Thanks guys, I'll get it rolling in the next few days!
1. Jliu
2. Nickiam
3. James40
4. Pbchevo
5. Mmccartneydc
6. Rail Jockey
7. scarlin
8. SleevePlz
9. Toombes
10. Medic45
11. Buckeyecigar
12. Kingjk729
13. BigT06
14. RCYCigars
15. RobertGreen
Remember guys.... do not feel obligated to put.Take a Jamie Garcia and enjoy. This is a pass to say thank you and to welcome a new boy in a week (with Gods blessing). I thank you all in advance and remember to sign the box. I wanted to do this now as I may not have the time to get involved as much in the upcoming months. Thanks again!
Toombes, you were one of my first trades and I would love for you to be in this. Its open to everyone and if goes over I will just have to buy some singles
Hop in bro. Yes it up to date.... I appreciate this guys, I do.. I am just a proud "Dad to be" wanting to pass out sticks to people I enjoy talking with. I don't expect anything in return.....just help and advice when I need it. Thank you to all involved so far.
Congratulations as we both have said to each other.. Is it too late to be a part of your pass?
So far so good! Thanks!