The grainy ones will be the down flight and the not so grainy ones the up flight. Have to wait until tomorrow to sand and apply second coat, so that makes it beer 30!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Of course I ran into a problem after opening the staircase up. I basically rebuilt the stringers, leveled everything, added a center, and made them temporarily operational I finally got the risers on. Will do the treads Monday, so far looking good considering how **** up these stairs were. The downstairs will be done soon now that the rebuild is over this stuff will go faster. Colleen is happyish, wants it done already.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Are your new treads thick enough to cover where the old ones were or are you repainting too? Ok, stupid question, of course she’s gonna make you paint.
@Rdp77 said:
Are your new treads thick enough to cover where the old ones were or are you repainting too? Ok, stupid question, of course she’s gonna make you paint.
Both, the new treads will be 3/16 of an inch higher to makeup for the lack of carpet. These will end up being exactly to code and the height they should be. I will also be repainting, in this process I removed any old paint drips and sanded everything so there will be no possibility for paint lips.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Going to let these fully setup before I put the finishing touches. I’m replacing the top step, the rest came out good. Due to the walls being so messed up they aren’t going to get much better. So far so good (except the top stair). Starting on the downstairs now.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Finally got this done. Striving for respectability as the old ones were mismatched and ratty. All made with recycled pressure treated and paint left over from other projects. The mail lady likes these cause she doesn't have to get out of her car and leave my cigar purchases on the porch.
Bottom steps are in. The slight gap on the left side from the top view is bothering me, however it’s just the damn side being concave there. Had to pound these in, they are as good as will be. Patching holes and whatnot tomorrow. Time to go to work.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Yea and that hand rail should be longer. Just kidding, the insurance inspector said I needed to put one on our dungeon stairs, that was 5 years ago. I will do it after I fall and figure it would be a good idea.
The handrail does actually need to be longer and return to the wall. I will not be doing that. The only reason I added it to begin with is due our grandmas coming over and needing help up the stairs because there was no railing and yelling at me about it. That trim has been there for years, I don’t care how the base looks.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Thank you Rusty. I will clarify further on the railing. The stairs are perfectly to code and fixed to be correct from how they were shittily originally done. The railing I actually put thought into for function and aesthetics. I designed the railing so the bottom is recessed far enough from the wall so you can’t run into it or catch the non return. It is in a spot where a definitely shrinking no longer vertical 90 year old can perfectly reach before her foot is on the bottom stair. The pitch is one inch lower than it should be so she won’t have to try to go more vertical and be uncomfortable going up (also for the kiddos). The top is in a similar position, plus the bottom is not too far away to not be held while exiting the bottom stair. I did not do a return for two reasons.
1. Lazy, did not want to replace both railings. The bottom was like that and there when we bought the house.
2. I like how it functions and looks this way.
My tape measure is not broken yet.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Finally finished the interior trim Colleen wanted for the new windows. There’s another the same as this plus a double not pictured. There is an interior casing that’s harder to see that was a pain. All planed down from 3/4 to half inch or less plus various depths of rabbits on the window side to flush everything up. I milled the center posts as well. planed down, cut to width and rabbit both sides. Visual casing was just painted and cut. Colleen is happy.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Not a remodel but my Aunt has 24 solar panels on her roof and it was going to be a year out to get a company out there to remove them. She needed her roof replaced before monsoons arrive in June. Her favorite nephew and his drunk Mexican sidekick got those panels to the ground and back on the new roof last week.
The grainy ones will be the down flight and the not so grainy ones the up flight. Have to wait until tomorrow to sand and apply second coat, so that makes it beer 30!
MOW badge received.
Of course I ran into a problem after opening the staircase up. I basically rebuilt the stringers, leveled everything, added a center, and made them temporarily operational I finally got the risers on. Will do the treads Monday, so far looking good considering how **** up these stairs were. The downstairs will be done soon now that the rebuild is over this stuff will go faster. Colleen is happyish, wants it done already.

MOW badge received.
This means she gives you free rein to buy all the cigars you want, right?
Are your new treads thick enough to cover where the old ones were or are you repainting too? Ok, stupid question, of course she’s gonna make you paint.
Both, the new treads will be 3/16 of an inch higher to makeup for the lack of carpet. These will end up being exactly to code and the height they should be. I will also be repainting, in this process I removed any old paint drips and sanded everything so there will be no possibility for paint lips.
MOW badge received.
Going to let these fully setup before I put the finishing touches. I’m replacing the top step, the rest came out good. Due to the walls being so messed up they aren’t going to get much better. So far so good (except the top stair). Starting on the downstairs now.

MOW badge received.
Looking good, Patrick!
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Nice work... even better than @Jrflickster's floor!
Leave my floor out of this
Finally got this done. Striving for respectability as the old ones were mismatched and ratty. All made with recycled pressure treated and paint left over from other projects. The mail lady likes these cause she doesn't have to get out of her car and leave my cigar purchases on the porch.

Bottom steps are in. The slight gap on the left side from the top view is bothering me, however it’s just the damn side being concave there. Had to pound these in, they are as good as will be. Patching holes and whatnot tomorrow. Time to go to work.

MOW badge received.
They look great. That gap is not bad, don't try to fill it in.
Thank you Edward.
MOW badge received.
according to Kermit, those are stairs, not steps....
I look forward to slipping down those in socks when I see you next
A. We all know you do not wear socks
B. I'm a professional, they are not slick.
MOW badge received.
My nightmare is finally over! Painted and upstairs railing is in. Hopefully Colleen doesn’t have any other ideas for a few weeks.

MOW badge received.
Looks great, but you know that in a couple weeks, you'll get the, "You know what we should do?"
Which translates to, you have more work to do.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I can't tell the difference - they look the same as before. ?
I think he should have used one of those mitre jig thingamabobs on that trim 😂
Yea and that hand rail should be longer. Just kidding, the insurance inspector said I needed to put one on our dungeon stairs, that was 5 years ago. I will do it after I fall and figure it would be a good idea.
The handrail does actually need to be longer and return to the wall. I will not be doing that. The only reason I added it to begin with is due our grandmas coming over and needing help up the stairs because there was no railing and yelling at me about it. That trim has been there for years, I don’t care how the base looks.
MOW badge received.
Either way, they came out looking pretty damn good.
Thank you Rusty. I will clarify further on the railing. The stairs are perfectly to code and fixed to be correct from how they were shittily originally done. The railing I actually put thought into for function and aesthetics. I designed the railing so the bottom is recessed far enough from the wall so you can’t run into it or catch the non return. It is in a spot where a definitely shrinking no longer vertical 90 year old can perfectly reach before her foot is on the bottom stair. The pitch is one inch lower than it should be so she won’t have to try to go more vertical and be uncomfortable going up (also for the kiddos). The top is in a similar position, plus the bottom is not too far away to not be held while exiting the bottom stair. I did not do a return for two reasons.
1. Lazy, did not want to replace both railings. The bottom was like that and there when we bought the house.
2. I like how it functions and looks this way.
My tape measure is not broken yet.
MOW badge received.
Yeah > @Rdp77 said:
Such a brown noser
Finally finished the interior trim Colleen wanted for the new windows. There’s another the same as this plus a double not pictured. There is an interior casing that’s harder to see that was a pain. All planed down from 3/4 to half inch or less plus various depths of rabbits on the window side to flush everything up. I milled the center posts as well. planed down, cut to width and rabbit both sides. Visual casing was just painted and cut. Colleen is happy.

MOW badge received.
Great work…but we all know that last sentence is all that matters.
Not a remodel but my Aunt has 24 solar panels on her roof and it was going to be a year out to get a company out there to remove them. She needed her roof replaced before monsoons arrive in June. Her favorite nephew and his drunk Mexican sidekick got those panels to the ground and back on the new roof last week.
If it can’t be done with a hammer, screwdriver and a crescent wrench then it can’t be done
Yoi forgot duct tape.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.