A buddy of mine was given two Five Star cigars, and he doesn't smoke so he gave them to me.
Also, I got my end of a trade with our very own King of the "Things I Hate Thread" stephen_hannibal. Simply put, he leveled my entire house and half the block. Pics to follow...
Mike (y2pascoe) sent this a$$ kickin' package of cigars for the movie trivia contest. If you don't know Mike you need to put him at the top of your A list. This guy is a true BORK in every sense of the word. Thanks Mike, and I can't wait to return the favor.
I dont know why my photos do this, I crop them in Photobucket and replace the original, It saves the new pic , and it will show the new pic here but at times it will go back to the original pic, when theres no original copy of the pic???
Those are looking good my brother, looking good! And I have to say, DAMN, that's a nice haul! I bet the mail man will be out on OJI. LOL! Thanks again kid.
Was able to convice my wife that I had to have the past Weekend Blitz deal. She grinned like I was losing my mind, and agreed even though I agreed not to buy anymore for awhile. :-) The Gurkha's Legends Weekend Blitz Sampler arrived this afternoon......
Mike (y2pascoe) sent this a$$ kickin' package of cigars for the movie trivia contest. If you don't know Mike you need to put him at the top of your A list. This guy is a true BORK in every sense of the word. Thanks Mike, and I can't wait to return the favor.
Glad they made it there in good condition, Greg! Enjoy!
It is an awesome box, love how the stained wood looks ancient. Only thing strange is the burlap sack type cover, but I guess its mostly the same as the wax paper plasticy type thing most cigars have covering the top row. Price was insane also.
OHHHH RampMonkey, Looky at what I got today, I'll be getting your pkg out soon
Hey Kid, if you PM your addy to me, I'll show you just how special they can get.
Thanks Bandyt09!! I appreciate it!!, But Im under a no fly zone att. Plus my life has been pretty screwed up here lately and tomorrow I could be in Toledo.
I got my first purchase from cigarsprintsale, a box of Nica Libre Robustos, I couldn't pass @ $33.00. I know they are hit or miss, but when they are on they are good.
I got my first purchase from cigarsprintsale, a box of Nica Libre Robustos, I couldn't pass @ $33.00. I know they are hit or miss, but when they are on they are good.
I like em, and at that price its a steal. I think they get better as we all grow a little older...
Winnings from Lakota's trivia, and an OpusX from ASGARLETT!!
also got another 10 pack of Armada coronas. Thanks, Tim.
Holy pahsqueeters Batman!!!! Way to go BOTL! One day I will be off my tuna-fish budget and onto a T-Bone/Prime Rib budget and will enjoy an OpusX, till then the wait makes it sweeter That and the Padron Familia Reserve 45 year are the "unacheivables" that will remain on my list, but patience is a virtue and I'm finally willing to learn lol -- Jarman
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
A buddy of mine was given two Five Star cigars, and he doesn't smoke so he gave them to me.
Also, I got my end of a trade with our very own King of the "Things I Hate Thread" stephen_hannibal. Simply put, he leveled my entire house and half the block. Pics to follow...
And a few from my local B&M
BIG T's Bomb..Thank You!!
Finally open, ready for a good nap
Sorry for the blurriness on the last one.
I like em, and at that price its a steal. I think they get better as we all grow a little older...
also got another 10 pack of Armada coronas. Thanks, Tim.