A couple Liga 10pk samplers and some Ezra Zions that I've been wanting to try.
Dude Chris ya killing me bro, haven't been able to find a Dirty Rat in years personally lol, still my fav to date LP lol! Congrats man and enjoy such a delectable stash and smoke em bro!
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Got this last weekThen on my way home from the boat I picked up these for my Bday Then my wife gives me these for my day.The little one is a local smoke to SC. Looking forward to that for breakfast one day.
Some stuff for Vision Sr who enjoys churchills and Spencer helped me out by unloading sticks he doesn't want to smoke..which is good news for Pete's dad. I hope enjoys then, he set me up with some great baseball cards from when I was a kid.
I haven't had a Bauza in years. I used to get them from the local shop and remember them as a flavorful smoke with a bit more body than some of the regular Fuente line.
I haven't had a Bauza in years. I used to get them from the local shop and remember them as a flavorful smoke with a bit more body than some of the regular Fuente line.
Stop talking about Bauza.. They are hard enough to find now, with all this chitter-chatter they are going to be impossible to find !! On a side note, they are a great smoke.
The Snakes are motivation to finish my master's by June, and I was born in a year of the Snake too.
Those camacho triple maduros are fulltilt flavor. Got a 10 pak for 39.95 last week. Enjoy. If u love maduros try fuente hemingway short story maduro. 5 pak 30.00 no tax free shipping. Slipperyrock.com
Outstanding shipping!
A little overseas love for me today! smoking one of the Jose piedra right off the truck, not bad for such an inexpensive smoke, can't wait to see what a little time will do!
A little overseas love for me today! smoking one of the Jose piedra right off the truck, not bad for such an inexpensive smoke, can't wait to see what a little time will do!
Nice pick-up Richard!! Enjoy..San Cristobal de la Habanna is another great inexpensive CC.
Getting my lanceros collection started. Couldn't pass on this deal anyways. I'm thinking carlos torano virtuoso and Oliva V for my next lancero order. Any recommendations or must haves for all you lancero lovers please pm me with some recommendations!
PM to you.
I haven't had a Bauza in years. I used to get them from the local shop and remember them as a flavorful smoke with a bit more body than some of the regular Fuente line.
Drew, Chris, Jim --- very nice smokes.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Thanks Jim!!! Who da man??? You da man!!!!!
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
smoking one of the Jose piedra right off the truck, not bad for such an inexpensive smoke, can't wait to see what a little time will do!