We were supposed to be headed to OSU but they cancelled because her counts were so low I'm scared she's going to have a relapse. This is the 3rd one they cancelled. Ended up having to take her to the ER because she couldn't hardly breathe and on the way our car broke down and had to call my daughter for a ride( glad we weren't halfway to Columbus) Anyway now they got her on oxygen and tubes all over the place. Got to get blood transfusions every week I just don't know anymore. if things don't get better I don't know what we're going to do.
It turns out that the chemo they have been treating her with has damaged her heart. She's got a very high heart rate but it's only working at 35%. So now they are going to have to change her chemo and now she'll have to start seeing a cardiologist. But she's finally doing a little better. They've started her on beta blockers which has brought down her heart rate. Maybe she'll get out Monday if she continues to improve. But I bet they admit her at OSU Thursday when we go up there.
Thanks guys. She did get out Monday and OSU called her and said Thursday they wanted to discuss transplant options. Not sure if that's good news or bad. Praying for the former.
They said they have found her some matching cord blood and are talking transplant in a month or so. Depending on how long it takes to get it here from Spain. Praying this doesn't fall they to. Still not as good as bone marrow but it's something. Beats constant chemo.
Not yet. I have to leave to catch my boat today. Next week she goes to Columbus to get test done on her heart and some chemo. If the test show her heart is strong enough then hopefully she'll be getting a transplant in October. If that happens I'm hoping I'll get to ride a few extra weeks right up to just before she gets out of the hospital. So I don't have to go on FMLA and dip into my 401k to pay bills while I stay with her for a month in Columbus at the apartment up there at 200$ a week. Cross that bridge when I get to it. I know eventually I'm gonna have to start taking out our savings but I'm hoping to wait till afterwards when we can have a better idea of totals and such.
Well keep fingers crossed. Carla went to Columbus to get some tests done over the next couple days. If all goes well then she'll be getting a transplant date.
Well that all fell through. Again. Just got a call today they have another match so we leave for another round of testing Thursday and Friday. If all goes well they are talking transplant in November. This will make number 5. Hope this one doesn't fall through to. Keep her in your prayers.
Carla's at OSU. Getting mega doses of chemo in preparation for her bone marrow transplant Monday. So keep up the prayers. I'm on the boat which sucks but I got to do it so I can be with her for the month or more that she will have to stay in Columbus. This is the real critical time just pray there's no rejection.
If that happens I'm hoping I'll get to ride a few extra weeks right up to just before she gets out of the hospital. So I don't have to go on FMLA and dip into my 401k to pay bills while I stay with her for a month in Columbus at the apartment up there at 200$ a week. Cross that bridge when I get to it.
I know eventually I'm gonna have to start taking out our savings but I'm hoping to wait till afterwards when we can have a better idea of totals and such.
Still praying for you guys
I'm on the boat which sucks but I got to do it so I can be with her for the month or more that she will have to stay in Columbus.
This is the real critical time just pray there's no rejection.