If only life were that easy, here in the land of the regulated and the home of the circumspect.
Love that mold Marc. Where'd you get it?
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
@El_Fumador have you tried your hand at any of the Hemingway preferido shapes? Those, torpedos, and Salomons (smaller ones not the biggies) have always been my fav.
Edit: Do you sell yours at all? Always a fan at trying some home made ones and yours are real gems to behold. Rodger’s ( @First_Warrior) are fantastic, but I can’t say I’ve tried @Webmost ones but everyone who has has continuously said how great they are.
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
@El_Fumador have you tried your hand at any of the Hemingway preferido shapes? Those, torpedos, and Salomons (smaller ones not the biggies) have always been my fav.
Edit: Do you sell yours at all? Always a fan at trying some home made ones and yours are real gems to behold. Rodger’s ( @First_Warrior) are fantastic, but I can’t say I’ve tried @Webmost ones but everyone who has has continuously said how great they are.
Please PM me an addy.
I was just thinking this morning I need to devise a way to get rid of a ton of home rolls. Can't smoke 'em fast as I make 'em. Have a chest full of well-aged sticks. Can't vouch for their appearance... I prolly do a much better job now than when they were salted away. But the price is right. Tell me what not type flavor you enjoy. I'm into mellow blends.
Do Not Want To Trade!
Just want to jettison.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
@El_Fumador have you tried your hand at any of the Hemingway preferido shapes? Those, torpedos, and Salomons (smaller ones not the biggies) have always been my fav.
Edit: Do you sell yours at all? Always a fan at trying some home made ones and yours are real gems to behold. Rodger’s ( @First_Warrior) are fantastic, but I can’t say I’ve tried @Webmost ones but everyone who has has continuously said how great they are.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Sounds real easy if you say it fast. But then you got the FDA, the ATF, the blah de blah blah. Not to mention state stuff. Marc's Merryland, for instance, wants 52.75% tax to sell a gar. Now you got to get a license so you can pay the tax.
Better off with a PM offering a swap, I'd spose.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
@El_Fumador have you tried your hand at any of the Hemingway preferido shapes? Those, torpedos, and Salomons (smaller ones not the biggies) have always been my fav.
Edit: Do you sell yours at all? Always a fan at trying some home made ones and yours are real gems to behold. Rodger’s ( @First_Warrior) are fantastic, but I can’t say I’ve tried @Webmost ones but everyone who has has continuously said how great they are.
Please PM me an addy.
I was just thinking this morning I need to devise a way to get rid of a ton of home rolls. Can't smoke 'em fast as I make 'em. Have a chest full of well-aged sticks. Can't vouch for their appearance... I prolly do a much better job now than when they were salted away. But the price is right. Tell me what not type flavor you enjoy. I'm into mellow blends.
Do Not Want To Trade!
Just want to jettison.
Thank you so much Davis, you rock brother these look amazing and can’t wait to burn them!
EDIT: What can you tell me about each blend and the age on each cigar? Since you rolled them yourself I have to say I’m incredibly interested to know these things going into smoking each one and trying to see what I can taste and experience based on that. Thanks!
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
T-13 is a new Dominican tobacco, combining Creole 98 with Cuban Piloto. They've been at this grafting project for 13 years, hence the "13". You have five small leaves of T-13 viso, one regular sized leaf of Brazilian Piloto, bound in Honduran Habano seco, and wrapped with Dominican Rosado. Aged since May of this year.
The next one down is named Bliss, after the roller who inspired the blend. Hence the band is, shall we say, a harem scene. We're talking two leaves of Criollo ligero from the Cibao valley, one of Vuelta Abajo seco from the same valley, bound in Dominican Olor ("olor" translates as "aroma"), wrapped in Brazilian Mata Fina. Aged since March.
The next and penultimate are banded with a picture of Vuelta Abajo, roughly translated "lowland stroll" I spose, Two leaves of seco grown in the valley pictured, one of Mata Fina from Brazil, bound with the aforementioned Dominican Olor, wrapped with Criollo 98. These were rolled last January. They seemed damp when rolled, so the result may have seasoned tight.
The antepenultimate and ultimate are parejos rolled in December 2016 named Oloroso ("aromatic"). You have two Corojo seco, probably from the DR, bound in Dominican Olor seco, wrapped in a Habano 2000 which does not burn well. Wish I could get good Habano 2000 wrap; but no such for years.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Love that mold Marc. Where'd you get it?
47 RG
5.6 X 47
San Vicente, T-13, mata fina, 98
I did buy a real one. I like mine better.
Never had a box that fit these till now.
Edit: Do you sell yours at all? Always a fan at trying some home made ones and yours are real gems to behold. Rodger’s ( @First_Warrior) are fantastic, but I can’t say I’ve tried @Webmost ones but everyone who has has continuously said how great they are.
I was just thinking this morning I need to devise a way to get rid of a ton of home rolls. Can't smoke 'em fast as I make 'em. Have a chest full of well-aged sticks. Can't vouch for their appearance... I prolly do a much better job now than when they were salted away. But the price is right. Tell me what not type flavor you enjoy. I'm into mellow blends.
Do Not Want To Trade!
Just want to jettison.
I deg to biffer.
You are plainly the master.
Better off with a PM offering a swap, I'd spose.
EDIT: What can you tell me about each blend and the age on each cigar? Since you rolled them yourself I have to say I’m incredibly interested to know these things going into smoking each one and trying to see what I can taste and experience based on that. Thanks!
The next one down is named Bliss, after the roller who inspired the blend. Hence the band is, shall we say, a harem scene. We're talking two leaves of Criollo ligero from the Cibao valley, one of Vuelta Abajo seco from the same valley, bound in Dominican Olor ("olor" translates as "aroma"), wrapped in Brazilian Mata Fina. Aged since March.
The next and penultimate are banded with a picture of Vuelta Abajo, roughly translated "lowland stroll" I spose, Two leaves of seco grown in the valley pictured, one of Mata Fina from Brazil, bound with the aforementioned Dominican Olor, wrapped with Criollo 98. These were rolled last January. They seemed damp when rolled, so the result may have seasoned tight.
The antepenultimate and ultimate are parejos rolled in December 2016 named Oloroso ("aromatic"). You have two Corojo seco, probably from the DR, bound in Dominican Olor seco, wrapped in a Habano 2000 which does not burn well. Wish I could get good Habano 2000 wrap; but no such for years.
3.5 x 43 / 20 count box with san vicente, cibao / Vuelta Abajo seco,ligaro. piloto viso. pabl, mata fina, criollo 98 wrappers.

all freehand .. no cigar mold