All Good Things come to an End
I am sorry but I am leaving the forum. It was very nice to meet most of you.But I joined here to make some friends and not enemies.I was getting on the vherf a lot to have fun and meet people and relax and forget about some of the things I am going through in life. Not to have someone continuously ridicule me even after asking them to let it go.I wish peace and happiness to everybody here. Long ashes brother and sisters of the leaf.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Like that?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
-- Winston Churchill
Hey, you can't quit, how will we all know how that great fridgedor you got performs long term if you leave?
Seriously, You are well liked around here, just read all the post like I did. No reason to depart the AO
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Glad you are sticking around though. Just pm whomever it is and let him know, it's likely not intentional and likely unknown that it's rubbing you the wrong way. I can't count on all my fingers and toes all the folks I've pissed off here. "Unintentionally" of course.
and we wonder why this country is the way it is now.
We hide behind keyboards....
I stand by my words above. This forum has gone weak and people have lost sight of what this forum used to be and should be about.
Let me step back and watch y'all bomb each other and think that makes this place "special" or "great"
MOW badge received.
MOW badge received.
-- Winston Churchill
God knows I am sure I have pissed people off (if I have, I truthfully apologize), but the ideal is there. Be a true BORK. Give, uplift, support, sustain, pull together, ask for and give support. My Father in Law would call it 'casting your bread upon the waters'.
Ccom/cigar culture is great because it unifies all of us, asks us to unify in a true unabashed fashion; not the BS 'look at me' lifestyle, but the quiet, sometimes funny, always uplifting lifestyle that I suspect all of you really lead.
Sometimes that calls for us to swallow our pride and apologize, or buck up and carry on.
When I think of true cigar culture, I think of giving. If it is striking up a conversation at a lounge and sharing stories, wisdom, sticks or drinks or the many kindnesses shown here -- a few which come to mind: Barry's kids auctions, the support you guys showed when Jeremys brother passed, the auctions for Ricky and Carla, the Shizz graduation bomb, or yes sending out newsletters/cigar bombs (and bunches of others I am neglecting to mention, simply due to the format here).
I know you guys all have big hearts. I also know guys can give each other sh.t sometimes. Weird to say, but it is one way of bonding.
Most of all I know you want good for one another; you want good for me and you and all of us.
We come from all walks of life, across the spectrum of Gods earth. Humans by birth, BOTL by choice.
At least that's how I see it...