Drinking the last of the Panama, got some Timor, Ethiopia, and Mexican coffees in the wings (roasted extra in case we lose power this weekend).
The grinder is good, just grinds coarse enough to be good for the Behmor Brazen drip brewer and nearly fine enough for Turkish. Dialing in the right grind for espresso has been a challenge though. The combination of bean, level of roast, dose weight, and tamping pressure variables has not been easy and I am still not there yet. The grinder is quite loud but very fast and consistent, for a 1.2 liter pot of coffee it takes 12.4 seconds.
That's interesting. My father, myself, and my son all prefer the dark chocolate, my Dad only drank his coffee black, I like half & half in mine, but if I can't have that I drink it black and like it. I won't take "creamers", or 2% milk, even whole milk, I'd rather have it black than any of those added to it. My mom, and my sisters all prefer milk chocolate, say, Dove bars or something like that, and all will put any whitener and sugar in their coffee.
For those who don't know, powdered creamers will substitute for bleach when doing your whites. I'm not drinking that stuff.
WARNING: The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme. Proceed at your own risk.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
That's interesting. My father, myself, and my son all prefer the dark chocolate, my Dad only drank his coffee black, I like half & half in mine, but if I can't have that I drink it black and like it. I won't take "creamers", or 2% milk, even whole milk, I'd rather have it black than any of those added to it. My mom, and my sisters all prefer milk chocolate, say, Dove bars or something like that, and all will put any whitener and sugar in their coffee.
For those who don't know, powdered creamers will substitute for bleach when doing your whites. I'm not drinking that stuff.
I remember when transfat became a known problem and when I learned that creamers were loaded with trans fats. Never used them anyway so not my problem but then learned Oreos had it ☹️☹️☹️☹️
Just wanted to show off the new coffee mug my five year old son got me for Christmas. He picked it out all on his own and was quite happy to give it to me.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Am I the only one who’s thinking,… “Did you mean 5yr old grandson?” I’ve been assuming you were older. Well, congrats on outliving most of us. (There I go assuming again.)
Watching this introductory video from CoffeeMind on Coffee Science Methodology. This is video 1 of 4, it's the longest, and I hope the most boring because I'm hoping that this picks up.
Yesterday I roasted up four pounds of coffee, three batches instead of my usual two. I roasted two recent purchases and dug out a Colombia La Esperanza Guadalupe Huila I picked up from the Green Coffee Buying Club in 2013 and had vac sealed in a half-gallon canning jar. I have a lot of old, unroasted coffee that I am going to start roasting up.
I'm drinking this today, it's not bad. The greens smelled good so I decided to go for it. I'm interested to learn how much flavor is left after resting a few days.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
ran across this post on the Behmor facebook page and thought it worth sharing:
What level are you?
Levels of Coffee ☕ ☕☕☕☕
Level 1 - Wonders why people spend so much money on coffee. Scoffs... 😡
Level 2 - Wakes up before 7am. 🕢 *Contemplates existence. 😳
Level 3 - Ponders how adult humans survive without caffeine. 😩 Goes to the pantry and gets out some grounds that expired in May of 1994....
Level 4 - After a near death experience, goes to the grocery store to pick up some fresh grounds...☠️
Level 5 - Grew up on Folgers. Good enough for Grandpa and church folk, then it's good enough for me...⛪☕
Level 11 - Goes to Starbucks or 7Brew and orders 90% milk and 10% coffee. Thinks they are a real coniseour now. 😁🧐
Level 16 - A friend Introduces them to whole bean coffee. Interest piques. 🤔
Level 25 - Learns their $17.99 Mr. Coffee Walmart special won't get to the proper temp. Goes out and buys a French Press. 💸
Level 29 - Realizes they need whole bean coffee for their newly acquired French Press. Goes and buys the darkest whole beans. 💳
Level 32 - Realizes they ALSO need coarse ground coffee for their newly acquired Fench Press. Buys a grinder. 💲
Level 33 - *Buys a bur grinder. Blades aren't good enough. 💲💲💲
Level 39 - After a couple attempts they realize that they don't really know how this contraption works. In fact, they aren't really sure how to make coffee at all. Been guessing all these years. Googles "How to make a good french press?" 👨💻
Level 42 - knows they are a real coniseour now. 😁🧐
Level 45 - Thinks, "I'm good enough to work at a coffee shop" *applies to be a barista. ☕
Level 50 - Discovers YouTube Coffee tutorials. Sees cool hipsters in skinny jeans. Buys goose neck kettle, and pour over kit. 😎
Level 57 - Uses words like, "bloom, Onyx, concentric circles, Stumptown" in every day sentences. 😏
Level 59 - Realizes they aren't very good at making pour overs despite their newly acquired gear, leather boots, and jean jacket.
Googles "How to make a good pour over?" 🖥️
*Watches YouTube for hours 🤳
*Discovers the coffee rabbit hole 🐰
*Friends and family become concerned
Level 65 - Discovers James Hoffman. Gasps "I've been doing it all wrong!"
Perfects their pourover techniques. 🙌
Level 68 - Changes their Instagram bio to "Coffee Afficionido" ☕🎩
*A bit pretentious around other coffee drinkers.
Level 70 - New skill trees unlocked. Pursues either an opening at a "real" coffee shop (if not employed already), or starts roasting their own beans. Gotta make that 💸💸💸
Level 74 - Realizes neither skill tree pays well. 🥺 Still loves coffee. Back down the rabbit hole we go. 🐇
Level 79 - Discovers that coffee is 99% water and that they have been using trash H20 this whole time. Tries Third Wave Water and is impressed. 💦
Level 80 - Amasses a huge collection of various coffee brewing methods. Knows how to make an Aeropress, Kalita Wave, Clever Dripper, V60, Chemex, Cold Brew, and Espresso. *Friends and family are tripping over all your supplies. 👨🔬
Level 83 - Has a rehearsed speech for when people tell you that what your doing highly resembles that of a drug dealer. 💊 (Scales, grams, measuring equipment)
Level 85 - Experiments with exotic beans. Knows how to tell the difference between Gheshas, Kopi Luwak, natural coffees, washed coffees, and Swiss water decaf.
🇨🇴🇰🇪🇧🇷🇪🇹🇸🇻 (Isn't quite brave enough to try cat poop coffee 💩)
Level 90 - Invests their retirement/savings into a coffee shop or a commercial roaster. 💰💰💰Knows they are a coffee expert. ☕☕☕ *Has almost learned to be humble about it. 🙏
Level 95 - Realizes that they only need a couple brew methods and a few good origins to get their favorite results. 💯
Level 99 - Sells off the excess stuff. Happily makes coffee for family and friends until death. 😊☕⚰️
(Written my Josh Henderson)
Where's all the home roasting methods? Did I miss something, or did the proud author of this tongue in cheek list, skip over ALL of the home roasting methods and went straight to “commercial” roaster in level 90? If so, I figure he’s not even made it to level 90.
Well, that sounded snarky. Let me try that again.
He skipped all the small home roaster methods. Dude went straight to the “commercial” roaster, and/or “bought a coffee shop”.
Drinking coffee -- particularly two to three cups a day -- is not only associated with a lower risk of heart disease and dangerous heart rhythms but also with living longer, according to recent studies. These trends held true for both people with and without cardiovascular disease. Researchers said the analyses -- the largest to look at coffee's potential role in heart disease and death -- provide reassurance that coffee isn't tied to new or worsening heart disease and may actually be heart protective.
Drinking the last of the Panama, got some Timor, Ethiopia, and Mexican coffees in the wings (roasted extra in case we lose power this weekend).
The grinder is good, just grinds coarse enough to be good for the Behmor Brazen drip brewer and nearly fine enough for Turkish. Dialing in the right grind for espresso has been a challenge though. The combination of bean, level of roast, dose weight, and tamping pressure variables has not been easy and I am still not there yet. The grinder is quite loud but very fast and consistent, for a 1.2 liter pot of coffee it takes 12.4 seconds.
That's interesting. My father, myself, and my son all prefer the dark chocolate, my Dad only drank his coffee black, I like half & half in mine, but if I can't have that I drink it black and like it. I won't take "creamers", or 2% milk, even whole milk, I'd rather have it black than any of those added to it. My mom, and my sisters all prefer milk chocolate, say, Dove bars or something like that, and all will put any whitener and sugar in their coffee.
For those who don't know, powdered creamers will substitute for bleach when doing your whites. I'm not drinking that stuff.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I remember when transfat became a known problem and when I learned that creamers were loaded with trans fats. Never used them anyway so not my problem but then learned Oreos had it ☹️☹️☹️☹️
Sorry @peter4jc , they won over my business
My favorite cigar list here
...heading to Amazon now, to get me a two-piece. You just wait!
Simple Technique for removing fine particles from coffee before brewing
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Just wanted to show off the new coffee mug my five year old son got me for Christmas. He picked it out all on his own and was quite happy to give it to me.

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Am I the only one who’s thinking,… “Did you mean 5yr old grandson?” I’ve been assuming you were older. Well, congrats on outliving most of us. (There I go assuming again.)
I am but 35 years of age, @Bob_Luken. Still a young buck.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Watching this introductory video from CoffeeMind on Coffee Science Methodology. This is video 1 of 4, it's the longest, and I hope the most boring because I'm hoping that this picks up.
This Thursday Roast Magazine is hosting a free 2022 Roast Summit. I'm going to try to catch some of this.
Thursday, Feb 10th 9 - 3 pm PST
Session 1: Why Green Grading Matters
Session 2: Consistency in roasting
Session 3: Tasting the Roast Curve
Session 4: Coffee Research Trends
Yesterday I roasted up four pounds of coffee, three batches instead of my usual two. I roasted two recent purchases and dug out a Colombia La Esperanza Guadalupe Huila I picked up from the Green Coffee Buying Club in 2013 and had vac sealed in a half-gallon canning jar. I have a lot of old, unroasted coffee that I am going to start roasting up.
I'm drinking this today, it's not bad. The greens smelled good so I decided to go for it. I'm interested to learn how much flavor is left after resting a few days.
Enjoying reading The Lever Mag.
Brewed a fantastically delicious pot of 66/33 Panama Geisha / Rwanda that @TomC brought over, just a great combo.
And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
ran across this post on the Behmor facebook page and thought it worth sharing:
What level are you?
Levels of Coffee ☕ ☕☕☕☕
Level 1 - Wonders why people spend so much money on coffee. Scoffs... 😡
Level 2 - Wakes up before 7am. 🕢 *Contemplates existence. 😳
Level 3 - Ponders how adult humans survive without caffeine. 😩 Goes to the pantry and gets out some grounds that expired in May of 1994....
Level 4 - After a near death experience, goes to the grocery store to pick up some fresh grounds...☠️
Level 5 - Grew up on Folgers. Good enough for Grandpa and church folk, then it's good enough for me...⛪☕
Level 11 - Goes to Starbucks or 7Brew and orders 90% milk and 10% coffee. Thinks they are a real coniseour now. 😁🧐
Level 16 - A friend Introduces them to whole bean coffee. Interest piques. 🤔
Level 25 - Learns their $17.99 Mr. Coffee Walmart special won't get to the proper temp. Goes out and buys a French Press. 💸
Level 29 - Realizes they need whole bean coffee for their newly acquired French Press. Goes and buys the darkest whole beans. 💳
Level 32 - Realizes they ALSO need coarse ground coffee for their newly acquired Fench Press. Buys a grinder. 💲
Level 33 - *Buys a bur grinder. Blades aren't good enough. 💲💲💲
Level 39 - After a couple attempts they realize that they don't really know how this contraption works. In fact, they aren't really sure how to make coffee at all. Been guessing all these years. Googles "How to make a good french press?" 👨💻
Level 42 - knows they are a real coniseour now. 😁🧐
Level 45 - Thinks, "I'm good enough to work at a coffee shop" *applies to be a barista. ☕
Level 50 - Discovers YouTube Coffee tutorials. Sees cool hipsters in skinny jeans. Buys goose neck kettle, and pour over kit. 😎
Level 57 - Uses words like, "bloom, Onyx, concentric circles, Stumptown" in every day sentences. 😏
Level 59 - Realizes they aren't very good at making pour overs despite their newly acquired gear, leather boots, and jean jacket.
Googles "How to make a good pour over?" 🖥️
*Watches YouTube for hours 🤳
*Discovers the coffee rabbit hole 🐰
*Friends and family become concerned
Level 65 - Discovers James Hoffman. Gasps "I've been doing it all wrong!"
Perfects their pourover techniques. 🙌
Level 68 - Changes their Instagram bio to "Coffee Afficionido" ☕🎩
*A bit pretentious around other coffee drinkers.
Level 70 - New skill trees unlocked. Pursues either an opening at a "real" coffee shop (if not employed already), or starts roasting their own beans. Gotta make that 💸💸💸
Level 74 - Realizes neither skill tree pays well. 🥺 Still loves coffee. Back down the rabbit hole we go. 🐇
Level 79 - Discovers that coffee is 99% water and that they have been using trash H20 this whole time. Tries Third Wave Water and is impressed. 💦
Level 80 - Amasses a huge collection of various coffee brewing methods. Knows how to make an Aeropress, Kalita Wave, Clever Dripper, V60, Chemex, Cold Brew, and Espresso. *Friends and family are tripping over all your supplies. 👨🔬
Level 83 - Has a rehearsed speech for when people tell you that what your doing highly resembles that of a drug dealer. 💊 (Scales, grams, measuring equipment)
Level 85 - Experiments with exotic beans. Knows how to tell the difference between Gheshas, Kopi Luwak, natural coffees, washed coffees, and Swiss water decaf.
🇨🇴🇰🇪🇧🇷🇪🇹🇸🇻 (Isn't quite brave enough to try cat poop coffee 💩)
Level 90 - Invests their retirement/savings into a coffee shop or a commercial roaster. 💰💰💰Knows they are a coffee expert. ☕☕☕ *Has almost learned to be humble about it. 🙏
Level 95 - Realizes that they only need a couple brew methods and a few good origins to get their favorite results. 💯
Level 99 - Sells off the excess stuff. Happily makes coffee for family and friends until death. 😊☕⚰️
(Written my Josh Henderson)
Level 100 - makes a great cuppa and pairs it with a cigar. End of story.
Level 80
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Level 95 I suppose, it's level 99, getting rid of the excess coffee toys that eludes me so far.
Level 5 for me.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Where's all the home roasting methods? Did I miss something, or did the proud author of this tongue in cheek list, skip over ALL of the home roasting methods and went straight to “commercial” roaster in level 90? If so, I figure he’s not even made it to level 90.
John, You may have finished 80 and 85 but, you should be in level 90 if level 90 was more informed.
Well, that sounded snarky. Let me try that again.
He skipped all the small home roaster methods. Dude went straight to the “commercial” roaster, and/or “bought a coffee shop”.
Drinking coffee -- particularly two to three cups a day -- is not only associated with a lower risk of heart disease and dangerous heart rhythms but also with living longer, according to recent studies. These trends held true for both people with and without cardiovascular disease. Researchers said the analyses -- the largest to look at coffee's potential role in heart disease and death -- provide reassurance that coffee isn't tied to new or worsening heart disease and may actually be heart protective.
Also prevents cavities.
Just got this today for future reading.