The issue I see with what you are saying (or at least what I understand you to be saying) is that it doesn't account for the possibility that folks out there genuinely enjoy something like a bundle cigar, Natty Ice, or $3 wine and that their enjoyment of it motivates their purchase of it. Their purchase of these cheap options isn't necessarily to just get drunk or have something to puff on.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
And a person's paradigm for any particular thing and how they define what's "good" to them has to enter the discussion. As a coffee snob, I need to constantly remind myself of this. You probably drink coffee that if I had only that to drink, I would stop drinking coffee. But you think that's what good coffee is. (you as in "every-man" not you in particular)
So, I surmise, that at the heart of the matter, if we buy our cigars based on what we enjoy w/o price entering into the equation, and we smoke them because to me this is what I consider a good cigar and I'm grateful for the X minutes I can smoke it, we're all on even footing.
@Vision , @Hobbes86 , I find each of you making arguments that mostly make sense. Perhaps you're viewing the elephant from different perspectives?
There came a time in my life when I just said "I don't drink Nast-ural Light, but thanks for the offer". Why waste time with it? I try to shop for cheap wines, but all too often find it so disappointing, still, sometimes there's one that suits me. Usually means that it's about to be discontinued, but that's another story.
A few years back, my usual routine in buying consisted of The Cigar of the Month Club, a wheel of Primeros, Costa Rican, and 4 or 5 singles of everyday - midrange premium cigars. Out of a wheel of 40 Primeros, there'd usually be 4 or 5 that were simply outstanding. Complex nuanced nice burn, the whole experience. Also a few with strands of nylon string used to hold the pilons together etc., but I still savored my time with each of those good cigars.
Nowadays is different. Haven't smoked a Primero in years, don't waste my money on questionable purchases, I've learned what I like. I watch what you guys smoke, and sometimes try those out, often finding that I now have a new "good cigar" to look for. I've learned, for one thing, and I have a more expansive budget now than I did then.
So, the point is, enjoy what you have, where you are in life, and if an ice cold Natural Light tastes and feels good, savor that moment.
On this subject, I smoked a Bishop's Blend the other night and realized that there's something I really hate about that cigar.
You want the next one to be another Bishop's Blend.
First world problems.
WARNING: The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme. Proceed at your own risk.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I guess bundle was what through me, since more and more high-end brands sell cigars in bundles. Maybe these are more catalog sales cigars that we're talking about, not sure the right name for it.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
Yes. We have gotten off track. Never once did I mention that someone isn't enjoying what they choose. Simply that the bundle only cigar smoker, probably smokes those cigars for a way different reason then why I smoke Opus and Davidoff. Not that they aren't receiving enjoyment out of their time or actually like what they choose. Never said either.
@peter4jc said:
And a person's paradigm for any particular thing and how they define what's "good" to them has to enter the discussion. As a coffee snob, I need to constantly remind myself of this. You probably drink coffee that if I had only that to drink, I would stop drinking coffee. But you think that's what good coffee is. (you as in "every-man" not you in particular)
So, I surmise, that at the heart of the matter, if we buy our cigars based on what we enjoy w/o price entering into the equation, and we smoke them because to me this is what I consider a good cigar and I'm grateful for the X minutes I can smoke it, we're all on even footing.
Maybe this right here explains most of it. When I buy coffee I want it to be cheap and quick because I don't care about the flavor, I don't care about the nuances, I want my caffeine and I want it now. It's not about the experience of the drink but solely the outcome.
True, we all draw the line somewhere when we decide between craft and commodity. I drew the line when I learned that to really enjoy cinnamon you have to hand rasp it from a whole stick. That's too much work for me and there's a point where everything you do could be a decision between craft and convenience and you can't spend your whole day at the pinnacle of each category.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
What I adore is that you are working so hard to polish your vids. From spiffy duds to the careful script to asking for reviews here, it seems obvious you're willing to put work in. As simple a thing as rehearsing your lines enough so that they roll off the tongue... I can't tell you how annoying it is to watch other people um & er & hunt for the phrase only because they were too damn lazy to roll thru it over and over until they knew what they were about to say. Much better to watch someone who's willing to put in the time & effort. That's what performers do. They practice.
I am sure that with more practice, you will soon be able to relax into it, so that you don't speak in a slight sing-song, and so that you don't contrive pauses for puffs. Good theater never appears theatrical.
All in all, good on ye and thanks for putting in effort.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Positives: The subject is direct and to the point. No room for error. Clean audio is a big bonus.
Critiques: Angle is bottom up, this is how larger than life figures are presented, however, when you go to extreme angles, it's usually done to make the audience uncomfortable and anxious. If that is what you were going for, you nailed it.
Lighting is flat and your background should be darker than the main subject so it makes it easier on the audience to focus on the speaker. A rim light might help separate you from the background, but with as bright as the lighting is, it might not even be noticeable. Window light is a great natural way to light a subject. Sit close to the window facing at a 45 degree angle to achieve the Rembrandt lighting effect.
You've met me, are you saying I'm not larger than life? I'ma,at least larger than most.... 😂
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
What I adore is that you are working so hard to polish your vids. From spiffy duds to the careful script to asking for reviews here, it seems obvious you're willing to put work in. As simple a thing as rehearsing your lines enough so that they roll off the tongue... I can't tell you how annoying it is to watch other people um & er & hunt for the phrase only because they were too damn lazy to roll thru it over and over until they knew what they were about to say. Much better to watch someone who's willing to put in the time & effort. That's what performers do. They practice.
I am sure that with more practice, you will soon be able to relax into it, so that you don't speak in a slight sing-song, and so that you don't contrive pauses for puffs. Good theater never appears theatrical.
All in all, good on ye and thanks for putting in effort.
Your words are too kind. I really appreciate you taking the time to notice. I think i need to add some more dry runs in for efficiency sake but yes, i am all in on this and hoping to make a living from it by years end. No room for half assing it.
Is this you in this video??? I could listen to this guy talk all day. His voice is velvety smooth and his demeanor is comforting. I really enjoyed how you can see in his eyes that he's talking from the heart about something he truly enjoys.
My question is, how many of you fine folks actually read/watch reviews to decide what to purchase or smoke? I for one find reviews to be a joke and haven’t read one in years. This is my opinion on reviews, but seriously how many of you folks who have been at this hobby for a while pay attention to reviews?
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
@ScotchnSmoke said:
Is this you in this video??? I could listen to this guy talk all day. His voice is velvety smooth and his demeanor is comforting. I really enjoyed how you can see in his eyes that he's talking from the heart about something he truly enjoys.
a million views, six thousand subscribers, two thousand comments...
Most comments are along the line of "ASMR"
I get a hell of a lot of comments saying "I don't roll cigars, but so and so told me to watch this, and I liked it."
I have no ambition to vlog. I only adduced this cowboy vid to point out to you the value of ASMR. He's got that natural flowing personality thing which might be missing from your presentation. I don't think I'm wrong in saying that charm attracts more viewers than primping and posing. It's harder for guys to attract attention, cause we don't have b00bs. We have to lean over backwards; they just have to lean over forwards. How can you attract an audience?
@Patrickbrick said:
My question is, how many of you fine folks actually read/watch reviews to decide what to purchase or smoke? I for one find reviews to be a joke and haven’t read one in years. This is my opinion on reviews, but seriously how many of you folks who have been at this hobby for a while pay attention to reviews?
I agree with @Patrickbrick completely... NOW. But I can report that back in the day when I was trying to find out what I might like in cigars, I absolutely DID stand in the walk in humi at the B&M surfing reviews on my smart phone. The key is the bit where he says: "...you folks who have been at this hobby for a while..."
On the other hand, I also disagree with you, in that, when selecting a new cigar, the wrapper color is most def a big factor. First off, because it's apparent. It's all fine and dandy to say that how binder and filler contribute to the flavor. But you can't get to them until you buy the thing. You can smell the foot and smell the wrapper. That's all you got. Secondly, because the exception does not disprove the rule. Seems like everyone is on a mission to fight a "misconception". Bull. The conception generally outperforms the misconception. Like Newton versus string theory. Newton swings the hammer; string theory bores the student. So, for me, I woulda tuned out right as soon as some dude in a monkey suit tells me he's fighting useful misconceptions. 98 times out of 100, the wrapper color DOES tell you a lot. Third, appearance counts toward cigar enjoyment. Nothing like a nice shiny object. I like my wrappers reddish brown and shiny tight. Some like 'em black. I also like the super smooth light tan CT shade. XLNT. YMMV.
But, again, it's not about my opinion, not in the least, no more than it's about factual inaccuracies re dark wrappers. What you're working for is good presentation. The fact you are willing to work at it is what counts. That's my 2 cents.
Me, I roll my own.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I watch a few review channels but have never purchased any cigar because of them. The ones I like it's the reviewers personality/views that keep me interested and coming back.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
@Patrickbrick said:
My question is, how many of you fine folks actually read/watch reviews to decide what to purchase or smoke? I for one find reviews to be a joke and haven’t read one in years. This is my opinion on reviews, but seriously how many of you folks who have been at this hobby for a while pay attention to reviews?
No. I've never purchased based on a review done by some person getting paid buy big companies to review their product.... BUT..... I do have the luxury of being able to ask you guys what you all think of a cigar before I purchased. For some people those reviews are their only insight into the Cigar
Your words are too kind. I really appreciate you taking the time to notice. I think i need to add some more dry runs in for efficiency sake but yes, i am all in on this and hoping to make a living from it by years end. No room for half assing it.
Congratulations… you got me out of the dark under the stairs.
All in with 2-7 off suit?
If you want to make a “living” by expressing your opinion, instead of providing goods or services, good luck.
You lack the experience and knowledge to professionally review cigars, why would anyone waste time listening?
Friends don't let good friends smoke cheap cigars.
Congratulations… you got me out of the dark under the stairs.
All in with 2-7 off suit?
If you want to make a “living” by expressing your opinion, instead of providing goods or services, good luck.
You lack the experience and knowledge to professionally review cigars, why would anyone waste time listening?
Googled it. Because I wanted to know if you said something good or something bad about his suit and tie.
Congratulations… you got me out of the dark under the stairs.
All in with 2-7 off suit?
If you want to make a “living” by expressing your opinion, instead of providing goods or services, good luck.
You lack the experience and knowledge to professionally review cigars, why would anyone waste time listening?
Googled it. Because I wanted to know if you said something good or something bad about his suit and tie.
Can't you just explain it to me, so I don't have to Google it too?
2 and 7. Holding 2 and 7 off suit is considered the worst hand in Texas Hold'em. They are the lowest two cards you can have that cannot make a straight (there are five cards between 2 and 7). Even if they are suited, they will make you a very low flush, and if either makes pairs, it is still a low hand.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
Congratulations… you got me out of the dark under the stairs.
All in with 2-7 off suit?
If you want to make a “living” by expressing your opinion, instead of providing goods or services, good luck.
You lack the experience and knowledge to professionally review cigars, why would anyone waste time listening?
Googled it. Because I wanted to know if you said something good or something bad about his suit and tie.
Can't you just explain it to me, so I don't have to Google it too?
As Yak said. He's going all in with nothing at all. Starting off against all odds.
Providing opinion and information on a given topic is providing a good or service. People watch YouTube for this kind of content all the time.
@ScotchnSmoke may not be as informed or authoritative as some other sources, but he is not starting from the bottom. He has experience and information to share and he is going to become more accurate as time goes by. The guy posted his video here knowing he would likely get some harsh criticism. Someone who isn't willing to learn and grow wouldn't do that.
The greatest danger I see facing Lawrence is the potential to overstate his level of authority on the subject of cigars. But if he keeps it grounded and humble then I don't see much issue with him pursuing this YouTube channel.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
The issue I see with what you are saying (or at least what I understand you to be saying) is that it doesn't account for the possibility that folks out there genuinely enjoy something like a bundle cigar, Natty Ice, or $3 wine and that their enjoyment of it motivates their purchase of it. Their purchase of these cheap options isn't necessarily to just get drunk or have something to puff on.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Pete, you ok man?
And a person's paradigm for any particular thing and how they define what's "good" to them has to enter the discussion. As a coffee snob, I need to constantly remind myself of this. You probably drink coffee that if I had only that to drink, I would stop drinking coffee. But you think that's what good coffee is. (you as in "every-man" not you in particular)
So, I surmise, that at the heart of the matter, if we buy our cigars based on what we enjoy w/o price entering into the equation, and we smoke them because to me this is what I consider a good cigar and I'm grateful for the X minutes I can smoke it, we're all on even footing.
@Vision , @Hobbes86 , I find each of you making arguments that mostly make sense. Perhaps you're viewing the elephant from different perspectives?
There came a time in my life when I just said "I don't drink Nast-ural Light, but thanks for the offer". Why waste time with it? I try to shop for cheap wines, but all too often find it so disappointing, still, sometimes there's one that suits me. Usually means that it's about to be discontinued, but that's another story.
A few years back, my usual routine in buying consisted of The Cigar of the Month Club, a wheel of Primeros, Costa Rican, and 4 or 5 singles of everyday - midrange premium cigars. Out of a wheel of 40 Primeros, there'd usually be 4 or 5 that were simply outstanding. Complex nuanced nice burn, the whole experience. Also a few with strands of nylon string used to hold the pilons together etc., but I still savored my time with each of those good cigars.
Nowadays is different. Haven't smoked a Primero in years, don't waste my money on questionable purchases, I've learned what I like. I watch what you guys smoke, and sometimes try those out, often finding that I now have a new "good cigar" to look for. I've learned, for one thing, and I have a more expansive budget now than I did then.
So, the point is, enjoy what you have, where you are in life, and if an ice cold Natural Light tastes and feels good, savor that moment.
On this subject, I smoked a Bishop's Blend the other night and realized that there's something I really hate about that cigar.
You want the next one to be another Bishop's Blend.
First world problems.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I guess bundle was what through me, since more and more high-end brands sell cigars in bundles. Maybe these are more catalog sales cigars that we're talking about, not sure the right name for it.
Yes. We have gotten off track. Never once did I mention that someone isn't enjoying what they choose. Simply that the bundle only cigar smoker, probably smokes those cigars for a way different reason then why I smoke Opus and Davidoff. Not that they aren't receiving enjoyment out of their time or actually like what they choose. Never said either.
Maybe this right here explains most of it. When I buy coffee I want it to be cheap and quick because I don't care about the flavor, I don't care about the nuances, I want my caffeine and I want it now. It's not about the experience of the drink but solely the outcome.
True, we all draw the line somewhere when we decide between craft and commodity. I drew the line when I learned that to really enjoy cinnamon you have to hand rasp it from a whole stick. That's too much work for me and there's a point where everything you do could be a decision between craft and convenience and you can't spend your whole day at the pinnacle of each category.
Not really sure.
What I adore is that you are working so hard to polish your vids. From spiffy duds to the careful script to asking for reviews here, it seems obvious you're willing to put work in. As simple a thing as rehearsing your lines enough so that they roll off the tongue... I can't tell you how annoying it is to watch other people um & er & hunt for the phrase only because they were too damn lazy to roll thru it over and over until they knew what they were about to say. Much better to watch someone who's willing to put in the time & effort. That's what performers do. They practice.
I am sure that with more practice, you will soon be able to relax into it, so that you don't speak in a slight sing-song, and so that you don't contrive pauses for puffs. Good theater never appears theatrical.
All in all, good on ye and thanks for putting in effort.
Did you like this one, posted in the vids thread?
You've met me, are you saying I'm not larger than life? I'ma,at least larger than most.... 😂
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Your words are too kind. I really appreciate you taking the time to notice. I think i need to add some more dry runs in for efficiency sake but yes, i am all in on this and hoping to make a living from it by years end. No room for half assing it.
Is this you in this video??? I could listen to this guy talk all day. His voice is velvety smooth and his demeanor is comforting. I really enjoyed how you can see in his eyes that he's talking from the heart about something he truly enjoys.
My question is, how many of you fine folks actually read/watch reviews to decide what to purchase or smoke? I for one find reviews to be a joke and haven’t read one in years. This is my opinion on reviews, but seriously how many of you folks who have been at this hobby for a while pay attention to reviews?
MOW badge received.
No. This is me:
a million views, six thousand subscribers, two thousand comments...
Most comments are along the line of "ASMR"
I get a hell of a lot of comments saying "I don't roll cigars, but so and so told me to watch this, and I liked it."
I have no ambition to vlog. I only adduced this cowboy vid to point out to you the value of ASMR. He's got that natural flowing personality thing which might be missing from your presentation. I don't think I'm wrong in saying that charm attracts more viewers than primping and posing. It's harder for guys to attract attention, cause we don't have b00bs. We have to lean over backwards; they just have to lean over forwards. How can you attract an audience?
I agree with @Patrickbrick completely... NOW. But I can report that back in the day when I was trying to find out what I might like in cigars, I absolutely DID stand in the walk in humi at the B&M surfing reviews on my smart phone. The key is the bit where he says: "...you folks who have been at this hobby for a while..."
On the other hand, I also disagree with you, in that, when selecting a new cigar, the wrapper color is most def a big factor. First off, because it's apparent. It's all fine and dandy to say that how binder and filler contribute to the flavor. But you can't get to them until you buy the thing. You can smell the foot and smell the wrapper. That's all you got. Secondly, because the exception does not disprove the rule. Seems like everyone is on a mission to fight a "misconception". Bull. The conception generally outperforms the misconception. Like Newton versus string theory. Newton swings the hammer; string theory bores the student. So, for me, I woulda tuned out right as soon as some dude in a monkey suit tells me he's fighting useful misconceptions. 98 times out of 100, the wrapper color DOES tell you a lot. Third, appearance counts toward cigar enjoyment. Nothing like a nice shiny object. I like my wrappers reddish brown and shiny tight. Some like 'em black. I also like the super smooth light tan CT shade. XLNT. YMMV.
But, again, it's not about my opinion, not in the least, no more than it's about factual inaccuracies re dark wrappers. What you're working for is good presentation. The fact you are willing to work at it is what counts. That's my 2 cents.
Me, I roll my own.
The guy who's doing these reviews is a pure genius.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I watch a few review channels but have never purchased any cigar because of them. The ones I like it's the reviewers personality/views that keep me interested and coming back.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
No. I've never purchased based on a review done by some person getting paid buy big companies to review their product.... BUT..... I do have the luxury of being able to ask you guys what you all think of a cigar before I purchased. For some people those reviews are their only insight into the Cigar
Congratulations… you got me out of the dark under the stairs.
All in with 2-7 off suit?
If you want to make a “living” by expressing your opinion, instead of providing goods or services, good luck.
You lack the experience and knowledge to professionally review cigars, why would anyone waste time listening?
Googled it. Because I wanted to know if you said something good or something bad about his suit and tie.
Can't you just explain it to me, so I don't have to Google it too?
I thought you were talking about his clothing.
As Yak said. He's going all in with nothing at all. Starting off against all odds.
Republic of debauchery?
Did he even google a definition before using this word?
Apparently he just likes saying it, and hearing his own voice.
And again, as for "reviews"..... I read about the Blend, Vitola, Price, and Factory and then stop reading as the reviewer starts with their opinion.
Yeah, I look on Halfwheel for that info too, Edward.
Um, Pete. Sorry.
Just busting em!
Providing opinion and information on a given topic is providing a good or service. People watch YouTube for this kind of content all the time.
@ScotchnSmoke may not be as informed or authoritative as some other sources, but he is not starting from the bottom. He has experience and information to share and he is going to become more accurate as time goes by. The guy posted his video here knowing he would likely get some harsh criticism. Someone who isn't willing to learn and grow wouldn't do that.
The greatest danger I see facing Lawrence is the potential to overstate his level of authority on the subject of cigars. But if he keeps it grounded and humble then I don't see much issue with him pursuing this YouTube channel.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17