Home Trades, Passes and Bombs




  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Photobucket Wow!
    Thanks for the trade and welcome to the Forums!!

    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133

    sinis·ter·ness n. Synonyms: sinister, baleful, malign
    These adjectives apply to what is indicative of or threatens great harm, disaster, or evil. Sinister usually implies impending or lurking danger that makes its presence felt by ominous signs or portents: We heard a sinister laugh from behind the door.
    Baleful intensifies the sense of menace; it suggests a deadly, virulent, or poisonous quality: The guard's baleful glare frightened the children.
    Malign applies to what manifests an evil disposition, nature, influence, or intent: "The Devil . . . with jealous leer malign/Eyed them askance" (John Milton).
  • Hello everyone, I am new to the forms but have been smoking cigars for over a year. I am looking to get into trading etc. I am just unclear on how it goes. Any help would be very appreciated, thank you.
  • reggie713reggie713 Posts: 2,517 ✭✭✭✭
    Hello everyone, I am new to the forms but have been smoking cigars for over a year. I am looking to get into trading etc. I am just unclear on how it goes. Any help would be very appreciated, thank you.
    hey rammer, ill do a 5 for 5 trade with ya! if interested pm me and we will set it up! welcome to the forums!
  • reggie713reggie713 Posts: 2,517 ✭✭✭✭
    on second thought...you have a pm!
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    on second thought...you have a pm!
    very nice:-)
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • hardczhardcz Posts: 75
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    huh oh lol:-)
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • ddubridgeddubridge Posts: 3,978 ✭✭✭
    alright boys...let's dance!!! Be foreworned I have mostly 50+ RG's. Just Starting to get in to the Smaller RG's
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    it would be my first...
    no matter where you go, there you are.

  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Ok guys seems we have an influx of newbs so after seeing this work well on another board lets try it here.

    Newbs (seeking to get on the good traders list) will be paired up with a sponsor (someone who has 500+ post and on the good traders list) and will agree upon some sort of trade that the newb has to send first. Once the sponsor recieves the newbs end of the trade he puts him on the list and sends out his end. All this can be handled in PM's but would like for all the delivery confirmation numbers to be posted here.

    Anyone wanting to be a sponsor or wanting to be in a newb trade just post here

    Sponsors waiting for newbs: RCYCigars, JudochinX, marker

    Newbs waiting on sponsors:

    Trades ongoing: wwestern/90+Irishman, MTucelli/greg2648, Lakota72/Kevin1323, bandyt09/dopeyferree, FTG/CivillE, T Evan 50/scarlin, BigT06/Mphisto
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • hardczhardcz Posts: 75
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    If you only knew....
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    If you only knew....

    Something smells fishy here, doesn't matter new old guy. Incoming Noob fiver...

  • hardczhardcz Posts: 75
    RCY Cigars:
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    If you only knew....

    Something smells fishy here, doesn't matter new old guy. Incoming Noob fiver...

    Please take this time to make peace with enemies and express your love for those you're close to.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    it would be my first...
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • ddubridgeddubridge Posts: 3,978 ✭✭✭
    alright boys...let's dance!!! Be foreworned I have mostly 50+ RG's. Just Starting to get in to the Smaller RG's
    50+ RG scare you? No worries. I dont have anything you want anyway.
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    RCY Cigars:
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    If you only knew....

    Something smells fishy here, doesn't matter new old guy. Incoming Noob fiver...

    Please take this time to make peace with enemies and express your love for those you're close to.
    lol, mm hmmm
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    it would be my first...
    hmmn room for anyone else???
    You lookin for a trade there Pilgrim????
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    alright boys...let's dance!!! Be foreworned I have mostly 50+ RG's. Just Starting to get in to the Smaller RG's
    50+ RG scare you? No worries. I dont have anything you want anyway.
    Large don't scare me did, I think I can do this pm me!.......:-)
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • ddubridgeddubridge Posts: 3,978 ✭✭✭
    alright boys...let's dance!!! Be foreworned I have mostly 50+ RG's. Just Starting to get in to the Smaller RG's
    50+ RG scare you? No worries. I dont have anything you want anyway.
    Large don't scare me did, I think I can do this pm me!.......:-)
    you got my attention. check it.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    alright boys...let's dance!!! Be foreworned I have mostly 50+ RG's. Just Starting to get in to the Smaller RG's
    50+ RG scare you? No worries. I dont have anything you want anyway.
    Large don't scare me did, I think I can do this pm me!.......:-)
    you got my attention. check it.
    OK let the venture begin!:-)
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    alright boys...let's dance!!! Be foreworned I have mostly 50+ RG's. Just Starting to get in to the Smaller RG's
    50+ RG scare you? No worries. I dont have anything you want anyway.
    Large don't scare me did, I think I can do this pm me!.......:-)
    you got my attention. check it.
    OK let the venture begin!:-)
    Drew, meet Mike. Now, DUCK!
  • ddubridgeddubridge Posts: 3,978 ✭✭✭
    alright boys...let's dance!!! Be foreworned I have mostly 50+ RG's. Just Starting to get in to the Smaller RG's
    50+ RG scare you? No worries. I dont have anything you want anyway.
    Large don't scare me did, I think I can do this pm me!.......:-)
    you got my attention. check it.
    OK let the venture begin!:-)
    Drew, meet Mike. Now, DUCK!
    already took insurace out on my mail box. should be good.
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    RCY Cigars:
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    If you only knew....

    Something smells fishy here, doesn't matter new old guy. Incoming Noob fiver...

    Please take this time to make peace with enemies and express your love for those you're close to.
    lol, mm hmmm

    Fourth post and he's all world around here. Rudy your endorsing this, really. So another made name I guess. Nevertheless, after this Newbie trade. They will call you softcz, lol....

  • puffmasterpuffmaster Posts: 254 ✭✭
    So been here a week and looking to gain some trust so Im looking for a sponser to get some trading going on.

    #DE4L #StillPuffin

  • twistedstemtwistedstem Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    it would be my first...
    hmmn room for anyone else???
    You lookin for a trade there Pilgrim????
    actually i am .one more thing i need to check off my to do list.
    no matter where you go, there you are.

  • hardczhardcz Posts: 75
    RCY Cigars:
    The Kid:
    RCY Cigars:
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    If you only knew....

    Something smells fishy here, doesn't matter new old guy. Incoming Noob fiver...

    Please take this time to make peace with enemies and express your love for those you're close to.
    lol, mm hmmm

    Fourth post and he's all world around here. Rudy your endorsing this, really. So another made name I guess. Nevertheless, after this Newbie trade. They will call you softcz, lol....

    Words are wind, actions are what count. I hope to be able to call you a friend after this week.
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    RCY Cigars:
    The Kid:
    RCY Cigars:
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    If you only knew....

    Something smells fishy here, doesn't matter new old guy. Incoming Noob fiver...

    Please take this time to make peace with enemies and express your love for those you're close to.
    lol, mm hmmm

    Fourth post and he's all world around here. Rudy your endorsing this, really. So another made name I guess. Nevertheless, after this Newbie trade. They will call you softcz, lol....

    What????? Rick,, your words are hurtfull.. did you not see the lol,, or the mmm hmmmm,, meaning sure or yeah right.. so will I see you at the pancake social?????
    I love you
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    RCY Cigars:
    The Kid:
    RCY Cigars:
    RCY Cigars:
    I've been around for years, never really posted, so i guess that puts me in the noob category. If anyone's interested in being the sponsor for me, I'll put something together for you.

    Blind 5 what you say, send the PM if your really up for it :)... Oh yeah, welcome back with your second post from 2008, wow.
    If you only knew....

    Something smells fishy here, doesn't matter new old guy. Incoming Noob fiver...

    Please take this time to make peace with enemies and express your love for those you're close to.
    lol, mm hmmm

    Fourth post and he's all world around here. Rudy your endorsing this, really. So another made name I guess. Nevertheless, after this Newbie trade. They will call you softcz, lol....

    Words are wind, actions are what count. I hope to be able to call you a friend after this week.

    I'm just hoping I don't scare you off for another 4 years Buddy. This will be fun...
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