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Whatcha smokin tonight?



  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    I had a CAO Habano this evening at the B&M with my Dad.

    Good times Maddy ...glad for ya that you can do that with your dad ...
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    CAO italia...good stuff there. I'm torn...not sure if I can say I like it better than the Brazilia...I really liked the Brazilia. Gonna have to have a few more of each to say definitively.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    I had a CAO Habano this evening at the B&M with my Dad.

    Good times Maddy ...glad for ya that you can do that with your dad ...
    Yea it was a good time he's just getting into cigars a little, he's a heavy cigarette smoke but I got him into a RP vintage 1999 tonight.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    So, I smoked three today. I am definately smoked out. Started with an ISOM Hoyo Robusto. Then a Nub Maduro 464T. After I had a freshly rolled Connie Nub. It was a nice event. I believe Sam and Oliva will be there again in July but I am not positive of the date.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    I had a CAO Habano this evening at the B&M with my Dad.
    Did the same thing with my dad, minus the B&M part. Had a 5 Vegas Relic, good smoke, wasn't paying attention to the flavors, but I had so much trouble with draw issues on this stick. I'm hoping that it doesn't happen with the other I have, but anyone know exactly where the point on the cigar is that is safe to cut before it starts unwrapping?
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    I have had a pretty tight draw on all the Relics I have smoked so far. I just use a paper clip on them after the foot opens up a little and it seems to do the trick.

    Had a Padilla Series 68 earlier. I am running a little low, but I have a 5 pack of toros on the way, so I figured it was safe to burn one of my last robustos. They are definately my favorite Padilla, just ahead of the habano.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    I think Ill be unwrapping a Ghurka Centurian this evening!
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    I had a CAO Habano this evening at the B&M with my Dad.

    Good times Maddy ...glad for ya that you can do that with your dad ...
    Yea it was a good time he's just getting into cigars a little, he's a heavy cigarette smoke but I got him into a RP vintage 1999 tonight.

    swweeeet !!!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Last night was a GREAT smoking night to start the vacation! Started with a Rocky Patel Vintage 99 with about 2 years on it and WOW! Amazing smoke! Mild body but TONS of flavor! Next up was the first Anejo I've ever had and it was without a doubt in the top three cigars I've ever tried! This thing was a full bodied, even fuller flavored masterpiece! I will be getting many more of these! Ended the night with a Sol Cubano Cuban Cab and as always, another great smoke!

    Also stopped by the B&M yesterday and picked up another Opus Perfexion no. 4! I didn't think it was a bad deal at $12 a stick. I'll probably be smoking one next weekend since I'm starting to get a stock of them!
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Seems like alot of posts recently have referred to the Vintage 99, so I had a hankering for one. Unfortunately, I don't have any on hand, so I had the closest thing to it I did have on hand, a Rocky Patel American Market. Still a very good mild stick, maybe even a little better than I remember the 99 being. Of course, that could also be a little sour grape syndrom, lol.
  • sdipsdip Posts: 406
    I like the '99 a bunch too. Have a couple leftand am hanging on to them. Today started off w a Man O War. Next up was a Padilla Achilles - which was great. Finished up w a RP MM toro.
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    5 Vegas Cask Strength...mmm, mmm good. Started off with that toasty flavor I love, developed a nice pepper flavor. Perfect...this immediately moved into my "must smoke again soon" file.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    5 Vegas Cask Strength...mmm, mmm good. Started off with that toasty flavor I love, developed a nice pepper flavor. Perfect...this immediately moved into my "must smoke again soon" file.
    Damn I need another one of those.

    Just finished a Gurkha Royal Brigade, truly one of my favorite Gurkhas. I think I like these even more than the Centurians. The age on this one really showed, it has been in my humi for about 3 months and I think Urbi said he had it for around 7 when we did the trade. Excellent cigar, makes me want to buy a bundle of them just to let em sit a year, lol.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    We got back from a buddy's apartment (penthouse apartment a couple of miles from Waikiki, damn it has a great view) and I closed out the night with an Oliva Connecticut.
  • bbc020bbc020 Posts: 1,422
    Had one smoke yesterday, a Garcia & Garcia My Father Lancero. This stick came my way by Jozer in a movie trivia package. This stick just reminds me how much I'm digging the Lancero sizes in certain smokes. A long burning elegant smoke with plenty of spice in the beginning. The second third had some nice toasty and sweet notes. Toward the end a more defined spice/maybe peppery essence came back. All in all, another good DPG cigar. Thanks Jozer for opportunity to try this one out!
  • betasynnbetasynn Posts: 1,249
    Yesterday, I started the day off with a La Aurora 100 Anos, which I was a little disappointed in. It was very good for the first third, but sort of sunk into mediocrity. Later, I had a Camacho Triple Maduro, and remember why I love that cigar so much, even in the smallest size. Great smoke. Today, I'm thinking about springing for a camacho liberty or a opus at my local B&M,
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Glad you enjoyed it Brandon...I need to revisit that one myself.

    Beta, was that the robusto you had in the Triple Maduro? I personally think the robusto is the best size...it may be small, but it never lasts less than 90 minutes for me.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    Had myself a DPG Series JJ. This is my second one and I enjoyed it a lot more than the first onme. This one had a few months of age on it. That may be why. I think I have one more somewhere. Today is either going to be a Hemingway Signature or a Sherpa. A friend gave me the Sherpa last night.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Just had a Cruz Real robusto. They really are a good smoke, one of my favorite sumatras. I really need to get on board and try some more of Nestor Placencia's stuff.
  • bnccna2bnccna2 Posts: 44
    i'm going to try another RP double maduro tonight. last one i had just wasn't quite right, so i'm hoping this one will be better.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    Went with the Sherpa today. This one was a lot better than I remember the last one. Burn was near perfect. Drawy was tight. Got a little tar buildup but noticed it before I tasted it so I but some off. Draw was still tight after that but got a small amount better. Smoked almost 1 1/2 hours. Still had some to get but I had to get home.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Last night I started with one that will make Maddy JELOUS! I had the Pete Johnson El Truinfador Lancero! AWESOME FREAKING SMOKE!!! This was the first one of that brand I've had and it was such a good smoke. Lasted a little over an hour and burned perfect! Never got hot. Ended the night with a DPG Cuban Classic robusto that was fantastic as always! Today the anniversary for the wife and me so not sure what I'll have, but if we go the the bar up the road Cape Buffalo I'll be taking a smoke with me for sure!
  • dep691dep691 Posts: 311
    Had a Hemmingway Classic this afternoon. This moring had a Padilla 2006 reserve not exactly sure about the name, got it in a Bomb, was a very good tasting stick.
  • sdipsdip Posts: 406
    Too many today - highlights were a Nestor Special Selection Coffee Break, Perdomo 2, Cusano 97 and an Ambos Mundos
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    This morning was a Perdomo ESV '91 second torpedo with coffee, awesome cigar, goes great with coffee. Tonight was a Padilla Miami churchill and, well you guys know how I feel about Padilla by now.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Just got back from the beach park, had a Defiance toro, this is my favorite size for the Defiance so far. The torpedo is a close second, and the lonsdale is very good too. I picked up the only other size, the robusto, today also, and am going to smoke it tonight.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Just finished the Defiance robusto. Although it is still a great cigar, it is my least favorite size. I would be really suprised if the Defiance doesn't at least make it in the top ten best cigars of the year this year.
  • TumblerTumbler Posts: 338 ✭✭
    I had a Padilla Miami for breakfast with my coffee. Great smoke. Beautiful weather here in Chicago Land so the wife and I drove a couple of hundred miles North of Monroe in Wisconsin on the bike. Nice drive and smoked a couple of special Gs - another good smoke. It's 2 am and still haven't went to bed, so I fired up a MB 3 courtesy of Bryan Smith. Damn I am spoiled...
  • HugemooseHugemoose Posts: 458
    I had a CAO America the other day and I was extremely dissapointed. It had a strong leafy taste and it progressed through the entire cigar. There were no flavor changes and the cigar never wowed me like I would have hoped from an eight dollar cigar. A few days later I had a Carlos Torano Virtuso and was extremely pleased! I had been sitting for about 10 months and I got it as a birthday gift. I really enjoyed this one! It made up for the horrible smoke a frew days prior.
  • betasynnbetasynn Posts: 1,249
    Yesterday, started up with a La Flor Dominicana Box Press III, which I was extremely pleased with. Lasted me almost three hours, at my local B&M. Fun time, I then came back and smoked a RP Vintage 1990 while I barbequed, and I really enjoyed the experience.
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