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Whatcha smokin tonight?



  • ejenne87ejenne87 Posts: 1,925 ✭✭
    smoked a very enjoyable ccom brazilian torpedo tonight. glad i have another one.
    Have you tried the mini corona? IMO, the best brazil label.
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    I'm smoking an A. Fernandez Signature and it looks darker than the box of torpedos I have...
    So I'm going to say a Corojo wrapper? or Maduro??? I got it from Cabi... CABI!!!! HELP ME OUT!!!!
  • JZJZ Posts: 827
    Im thinking about enjoying a RP Olde World Reserve Muduro along with an adult beverage of some sort this evening.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Nothing for me the last few nights, but I'm hoping to be able to relax and enjoy a good cigar tonight after dinner. If not at least I will be going down to the lake for my dad's birthday this weekend and I will damn sure have a smoke down there. I'm even going to try to talk my dad into having a smoke with me.
  • HugemooseHugemoose Posts: 458
    Got home from the bar too late last night.....no Kristoff for me :-( I do have to mow the field this afternoon before work......so may find a milder smoke to enjoy.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I didn't get to smoke last night during cigaar night at the arsenal. I ended up staying inside because I was playing with the band but I did take home 3 cigars. All R&J. I forget which ones though.

    Today is our picnic at work so I brought with me a Fuente 8-5-8, Gurkha Royal Reserve, Padilla Habana, RP 92 and a few others.
  • Had a CAO Brazilian Gol last night and let me tell this thing was a great smoke! Great flavor, good smoke, great construction, it's getting put into my rotation asap!
  • ironhorseironhorse Posts: 469
    I got a montecristo vintage 1999 platinum lined up for later. Anyone ever had this? It looks fantastic.
  • Renaissance_ManRenaissance_Man Posts: 973 ✭✭
    I got a montecristo vintage 1999 platinum lined up for later. Anyone ever had this? It looks fantastic.
    I think I might join you with this... Its been resting for a while now - time to get smoked...
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Just had an Indian Tabac Super Fuerte. These keep getting better, only have about two months on them now.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I went and got me a Gurkha Shaggy and hung out at the lounge after lunch. Nice way to relax and what a smoke! Heard so much about it and gave it a try and man I want more.
  • Titan lasted me almost an entire round of golf today - never went out. Jeff told me they were not going to get anymore Leon Jimenes Don Fernando No4's, but I just received a box from another site today - that will be my afternoon delight.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Posts: 1,214
    Had a Cafe Con Leche for breakfast, now enjoying a Graycliffe 1666 Pirate. An almost perfect smoke.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Had some good ones today. I started off with an Oliva Serie V double robusto which was good. Later was an Illusione 888, otherwise known as a churchill, that was damn good until I started getting some really nasty tar buildup, a recut fixed that and it was really good again. To end the night I had a Joya de Nicaragua Antaño belicoso, that one too was damn good all the way down to the nub.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I started off the picnic today with the Royal Reserve. Then, got $h!t faced with a couple of guys from the office. We tried to finish off a freshly tapped keg ourselves. When I finally made it home a friend picked me up for some poker and I had a VSG robusto. A good day indeed!
  • TheShaunTheShaun Posts: 425
    Smoked a ccom Cameroon label. Nice and mild. I kept thinking that I'd like to enjoy this one on the golf course. Sadly the wrapper got all jacked up and unwrapped itself. :(
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Well last night a buddy of mine brought me over a smoke I've never heard of and I have no idea who makes it, but it was one of the most unigue cigars I've ever had. It was called the Viaje Fifty/Fifty, and to look at it there was nothing special about it. He told me before I lit though that it had 2 different filler blends inside and it switched half way through. It started off with a ton of pepper and spice! Very strong cigar with lots of flavor. I was waiting for the flavor change and it hit mid puff about half way through the cigar and it was a total 180. The pepper was gone and out came sweet flavors with cashew and earthy tones. It was the most dramatic change in a cigar I've ever tasted. The burn and construction were great on this one! It was a very densely rolled cigar that was heavy in the hand. It ended very well with a nice smooth flavor with some ceder and woody notes.
    Has anyone else here had one of these or even heard of them?
  • TheShaunTheShaun Posts: 425
    Well last night a buddy of mine brought me over a smoke I've never heard of and I have no idea who makes it, but it was one of the most unigue cigars I've ever had. It was called the Viaje Fifty/Fifty, and to look at it there was nothing special about it. He told me before I lit though that it had 2 different filler blends inside and it switched half way through. It started off with a ton of pepper and spice! Very strong cigar with lots of flavor. I was waiting for the flavor change and it hit mid puff about half way through the cigar and it was a total 180. The pepper was gone and out came sweet flavors with cashew and earthy tones. It was the most dramatic change in a cigar I've ever tasted. The burn and construction were great on this one! It was a very densely rolled cigar that was heavy in the hand. It ended very well with a nice smooth flavor with some ceder and woody notes.
    Has anyone else here had one of these or even heard of them?
    Never heard of it but want to try it.
  • HugemooseHugemoose Posts: 458
    Enjoyed a RP Connecticut last night while reading a good book and drinking a Lagunitas Pale Ale. Man, I love this cigar!
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Well last night a buddy of mine brought me over a smoke I've never heard of and I have no idea who makes it, but it was one of the most unigue cigars I've ever had. It was called the Viaje Fifty/Fifty, and to look at it there was nothing special about it. He told me before I lit though that it had 2 different filler blends inside and it switched half way through. It started off with a ton of pepper and spice! Very strong cigar with lots of flavor. I was waiting for the flavor change and it hit mid puff about half way through the cigar and it was a total 180. The pepper was gone and out came sweet flavors with cashew and earthy tones. It was the most dramatic change in a cigar I've ever tasted. The burn and construction were great on this one! It was a very densely rolled cigar that was heavy in the hand. It ended very well with a nice smooth flavor with some ceder and woody notes.
    Has anyone else here had one of these or even heard of them?
    That sounds good Jason. I've had one of the other Viajes, the Oro I think, and it was really good too, I've wanted to try the 50/50 once I heard about it.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    sounds good ...would def try one
  • Renaissance_ManRenaissance_Man Posts: 973 ✭✭
    Enjoyed a RP Connecticut last night while reading a good book and drinking a Lagunitas Pale Ale. Man, I love this cigar!
    I forgot - did you try the 1999s?
  • HugemooseHugemoose Posts: 458
    Enjoyed a RP Connecticut last night while reading a good book and drinking a Lagunitas Pale Ale. Man, I love this cigar!
    I forgot - did you try the 1999s?
    Not yet. I want them to keep looking at them, and if I have one then I only have one left :-) It is a vicious cycle! But, I am really looking forward to it. I have a find a more special occasion for it though.
  • TheShaunTheShaun Posts: 425
    Had a three-fer today. I started with an Ambos Mundos white label robusto ( I can't remember if the white is the Sumatra or habano, I want to say Sumatra) and it was good, better than I remember the others I've had actually, maybe this one had more time on it (thanks Brandon). Later was a Gurkha Fuerte from nickgonzo that he tells me was from the first batch in '07, and it was a good one, I have not enjoyed a Gurkha that much in some time. Later still was a Tatuaje house blend from PuroFreak, it looks just like a Miami but the blend is different, it was a flavor bomb and I'll have to have more of these sometime down the line.

    All of the cigars I smoked today were from trades or bombs, thanks to all the guys responsible for them.
    I'm glad you enjoyed that house blend. I was surprised when it didn't have a special band, but you can tell from the first puff it isn't the regular Miami. They should be getting in another 100 boxes soon so I will be able to get my hands on some more.
    Pretty sure the white is the habano. Glad you enjoyed it.

    I have to say I'm intrigued by the house blend Puro has mentioned all this time. I love the tat miamis, and especially in the noella size.
    If some of you guys wanted to do a box split on some of these I'd be happy to be the middle guy. lol Just get how ever many people want in on a split and send me the money. I'll take money and go get a box and ship em out to you guys. If anyone is interested in something like this I'll find out the exact price and let you guys know.
    I'd definately still like to try one of those house blends, is anyone else interested in doing a 2 or 3-way box split?
    Depending on cost, I may be in. Shipping to Canada though. Keep me in the loop by PM.
    Is anyone still up for this?
  • TheedgeTheedge Posts: 316
    Just polishing off a Golden Bear on the front porch. Still warm enough (just) for shorts.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    Had a Nub Maduro 460 today with a friend. he had to leave so I only got to smoke about half of it before I had to toss it. My truck is in the shop and I've said before that I don't smoke in my S4 so I had to let it go. :-( I almost came to tears.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Had a Curly Head Delux...I still enjoy these as a budget stick ...Then a Tabak Especial Maduro ...ummm uummmm good I love these ...enjoyed it at work with a cup of coffey on the deck watching a light rain ...
  • Had a Gran Habano Habano #3. Just didn't suit my tastes, shoulda got the corojo! doh
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Today was a 2 stick day for me. Went down to the smoke shop to meet Tim and Joe and picked up a Nording, that stick flat out impressed me. Can't quite pick out what exactly I liked about it, but it was a good overall smoke. After that I smoked my first Verdadero and it didn't really change at all from prelight sniff to lighting to finishing it. It's got an interesting flavor, but it didn't change much as I smoked it.
  • TheShaunTheShaun Posts: 425
    I had a Cruz Real out on my balcony today. Not great, but not bad either. I won't be going out of my way for these in the future. I think I read somewhere on these boards that there a few fans of these on here.
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