Crap Cigar Pass

Ok so we have the premium pass and stuff like that, which are fun and awesome. How about a crap cigar pass? Let's say you got a 5'er or 10 pack of something and to you it's crap or you've grown out of it but as we know somebody else might love it. How about we start a pass for these sticks. I'll kick it off and we'll start it with 5 sticks. When you receive it you take out whatever in there you might like to try and replace with whatever you have that you don't want and then send it and the repeat. If you wanna sneak in something special then by all means do so. I think it'd be fun.
Ok rules are: You must take and replace atleast 2 sticks and be on the good traders list (wouldn't want somebody taking our crap cigars lol).
This will go in order of responses:
myself to Smoke em if you got em
then to Kuzi
then to RedtailhawkOz
then to bigharpoon
then to ailenmisprint
then to stephen_hannibal
then to ljl
then to t_evan50
then to millenium115
then to skweekz
then to RaschNuts
then to rossdavey2
then to hayblet
then to brotheradam
then to bandyt09
then to firetruckguy
then to lilwing88
then to kingjk729
then to lcpleel
then to vulchor
then to letsgowithbob
then to beatnic
then to jlmarta
then to dennisking
then to longashes
then to jj20030
then to dbeckom
then to lakota72
then back to me
then to millenium115
then to.......
mfotis, smokysuit, absolutjer, pending
if you are after someone please PM them your addy so that they can forward the package to you after they get it. Thanks guys!
Ok rules are: You must take and replace atleast 2 sticks and be on the good traders list (wouldn't want somebody taking our crap cigars lol).
This will go in order of responses:
myself to Smoke em if you got em
then to Kuzi
then to RedtailhawkOz
then to bigharpoon
then to ailenmisprint
then to stephen_hannibal
then to ljl
then to t_evan50
then to millenium115
then to skweekz
then to RaschNuts
then to rossdavey2
then to hayblet
then to brotheradam
then to bandyt09
then to firetruckguy
then to lilwing88
then to kingjk729
then to lcpleel
then to vulchor
then to letsgowithbob
then to beatnic
then to jlmarta
then to dennisking
then to longashes
then to jj20030
then to dbeckom
then to lakota72
then back to me
then to millenium115
then to.......
mfotis, smokysuit, absolutjer, pending
if you are after someone please PM them your addy so that they can forward the package to you after they get it. Thanks guys!
Just last week you said your Humidoor was EMpty and you didnt have any stciks .... LOL Did you Rob a B&M ? LOL