Not a collector but I do keep a few nice hats around for the proper cigar occassion. This is an "Outback" solid wool and it serves me well. Couldn't resist throwing some labels on it that were laying around the garage (read: smoking lounge/man cave)
This is me, I practice about 2-4 hrs a day. Believe it or not cigars dont effect my endurance or breathe or anything like that. Smoke about 5-8 cigars a week. Mostly full bodied stuff. Eh cant get the link to come out for some reason. Just copy & paste in your web browser if your interested.
This is me, I practice about 2-4 hrs a day. Believe it or not cigars dont effect my endurance or breathe or anything like that. Smoke about 5-8 cigars a week. Mostly full bodied stuff. Eh cant get the link to come out for some reason. Just copy & paste in your web browser if your interested.
Thanks rad1964 for helping me to post this. I've learned a lot about computers by using them, but nothing compared to your knowledge...and I've bookmarked your thread on formatting posts..
Here's me at my step-daughter's wedding this past June. Hope it worked...
I'm the guy with the hammer.
Here's me at my step-daughter's wedding this past June. Hope it worked...
Try it again. It's amazing that I switched two letters the first time. scr instead of src
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
Yeah, that's me, the badass m.f. on the right.
I gotta tell you that this is one of the best pics of the 70's. Ever.
I like the puking Granny, that's classic
My wedding photo......... I like parrots........... and small assault rifles.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨