Stafford vs the World II -- Final Standings

That's right, everyone's favorite football contest is back after a one year hiatus. The premise is simple. I think Matthew Stafford will have more passing yards than your QB. To prove it, I'll put up a 5'er for anyone that wants to take up the challenge.
Few little rules. Since this contest doesn't pay out until January, to participate you must have 6 active months here and at least 500 posts to play (I want some assurance that the participants will still be here when this ends). To avoid this being a race to pick Manning/Brees/etc, you must reside in the home viewing area of the team that your QB plays for. I don't want a Patriots fan rooting for Brees, I want a Saints fan rooting for his home team! If a particular QB is still available a week before the regular season and someone wants to grab him but doesn't live in their area, that is fine.
This is a contest for most passing yards in the regular season. Not average yards per game, so injuries will be huge if they occur. If your QB is injured during the preseason, you can elect to leave the contest before the regular season starts. You can not change your mind after the first snap of the first game.
If anyone would like to make additional side bets with the other participants, that's cool too. Feel free to throw it out there. So who wants in?
Stafford (SleevePlz) - 4257 yds
Brees (ehehat) - 4952 yds
Roethlisberger (rsherman24) - 4952 yds
Luck (Bigshizza & Martel) - 4761 yds
P. Manning (pelirrojo) - 4727 yds
Ray (bearb) - 4595 yds
E. Manning (Tyland64) - 4410 yds
Rodgers (avengethis) - 4381 yds
Rivers (bandyt09) - 4286 yds
Brady (No_One21) - 4109 yds
Romo (Rain) - 3705 yds
Smith (jsnake) - 3265 yds
Newton (Hayblet) - 3127 yds
Foles (Ken Light) - 2163 yds
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
ahem ... I like lanceros
Jim wins. TY and Reggie are having a monster camp along with Nicks and Moncrief, and Allen and Fleener. More tools than Stafford if everyone stays healthy.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
I'll take Philip "Cry Me a" Rivers.
If your rules allow I will back avengethis and his Aaron Rogers pick. Your decision.