Hillary Sucks

Since we have a "Trump Sucks" thread I thought it would only be fair to make one for $hillary as well.
I know I've just alienated some of the forum but **** it.
$hillary lie$ & cheat$.
$he knowingly break$ the law and act$ like the rule$ don't apply to her.
$he flip flop$ on i$$ue$ day in and day out and pander$ to her audience $olely to win their vote.
$he and her campaign rigged the DNC, and bernie never $tood a chance.
$he i$ bought and paid for by the world'$ top 1%.
$he prey$ on the intellectually immature with her $peeche$, and her supporter$ love to pu$h the "it'$ time for a female pre$ident" a$ her main qualification.
how can one take her $eriously after all the lie$, cheating, $candal$, and cover up$?
ye$, it may be time for the United States of America to elect a female pre$ident, but $he'$ not the an$wer.
I know I've just alienated some of the forum but **** it.
$hillary lie$ & cheat$.
$he knowingly break$ the law and act$ like the rule$ don't apply to her.
$he flip flop$ on i$$ue$ day in and day out and pander$ to her audience $olely to win their vote.
$he and her campaign rigged the DNC, and bernie never $tood a chance.
$he i$ bought and paid for by the world'$ top 1%.
$he prey$ on the intellectually immature with her $peeche$, and her supporter$ love to pu$h the "it'$ time for a female pre$ident" a$ her main qualification.
how can one take her $eriously after all the lie$, cheating, $candal$, and cover up$?
ye$, it may be time for the United States of America to elect a female pre$ident, but $he'$ not the an$wer.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
-- Winston Churchill
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Take Laureate University as one example. 80 some campuses across the world, (including in several countries where for profit universities are illegal, where laureate bought a non profit college, then hired itself as consultant, so as to launder the money). Specializes in students who have flunked out elsewhere. Applied for grants from our state department. Appointed Bill as honorary chancellor (by "honorary" I mean a sinecure -- no duties with big pay). Paid Bill sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000.00). In exchange, Hillary's state department granted Laureate fifty five million dollars ($55,000,000.00).
Right now, I can hear my liberal democrat friends scrambling for all their usual straw men, their everybody does its, their you're a bigots, their why does it matters, and such not horse pebbles. Here's why it matters, my brothers: If some knucklehead enrolls in Trump U, well, a fool and his money are soon parted. But when Hillary swipes $55 mil from the public treasury to siphon $16 mil of that into her household pocket... you, me, all of us get robbed. Despite we had common sense enough never to enroll.
That's just one out of a dizzying series of scams detailed in Clinton Cash. I'd like to hear our leftist brothers defend this schidt. I'll send anyone this book. PM me if you want it. Read it, and then tell me how Crooked Hillary is not a crook. No, not a word about a glass ceiling, not another straw man, no Putin prefers Trump, nothing about how Trump didn't pay a plumber, not a word about I'm a misogynist, no but but but but but but but buts... Strictly this:
Is Hillary a crook?
Why did so many, even people like myself who didn't vote for Obama and disagree with him on many things come to his defense, and not to Hillary's?
Obama took office after one of the worst presidencies ever in American history, after a mostly Republican government had spent the last 8 years crashing the American economy, and most of the world's with it, and was blamed for everything that had gone wrong since the constitutional conventions convened.
He was innocent of the vast majority of complaints that the rabid right leveled.
Hillary isn't.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
the second part follows soon...
anyway, here's the rest of the article...
(Edit: Yep, it's Richard Morris, aka D I c k.....)
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
When Khan and his wife came to the US, a certain Georgia peanut farmer was president. Carter was neither a braying jackass nor a lying criminal, like these two running this year. And yet, regulations promulgated by Carter required a Moslem applicant to prove he was Sunni, and not Shiite. That was Carter's method of sorting them out. Nobody called Carter racist or islamophobe. Why not? Why was vetting sensible for Khan but bigotry for the next Mohammed Atta?
That's the point.
The only one I see bringing up meaningful points is Trump. I don't mean to say he's not a jackass. I mean he's the only one saying it's stupid to let the wolves into the sheep fold.
The Left's knee jerk response to to most any substantive discussion, however, is simply to holler "racist!" Soon as you call someone a racist, they are no longer heard. They contemptible, shut your ears. Nothing they say matters. Just like that.
Any nation must maintain borders.
Don't let terrorists into the country.
Welfare produces ghettoes.
If you can't show you're a citizen you have no right to vote.
I have had it happen to myself, here, right on this forum, time and again. At one time, all you had to do was criticize any of the idiotic policies of our present dimwit fascist in chief. Obamacare is a debacle. Racist. There are no five million shovel ready jobs. Racist. The president should enforce the law, not make it. Racist. Obama lies like a rug. Racist. In bed with the Chicago machine, protecting banksters from prosecution, running guns to drug lords, red line in the sand... Racist, racist, racist.
We need to stop worrying about Khan's feelings versus Trump's big mouth and face the facts. It's a Trojan horse lettin these guys in.