Corona Virus Vaccine

Would you take or be administered any Corona Virus Vaccine? There are 6 options to cover different opinions, instead of just no or yes. Also this is just a poll nothing more nothing less.
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Corona Virus Vaccine 29 votes
Sure. The Army injected me with whatever they felt appropriate, lots of injections, and I'm not dead yet.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Too soon to say. I'm not going to be the first to take the vaccine, there's others that need it more than I do, I feel, but I don't think I'd wait a year. Need more info. Can you still be a carrier if your vaccinated?
Don’t think I’ll have a lot of choice. I just hope there’s no side affects later on.
There are side effects (in the tests people were told to take acetaminophen every 6 hours....) but my wife and I will put up with that over possibly dying in some hospital.
Always been a bit of a procrastinator.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
I wanted to clarify after reading comments (can't edit 1 hour),
"No 1 or 5 Years After Vaccine Release" still means your open to the idea of being vaccinated but you may believe it's to soon still or skeptical of long term side effects etc. I could have put 10 or the max for voting choices but that might confuse people including my self lol.
I can deal with that too, I am talking long term down the road.
Yes as me and my other are high risk status.
I voted 1 year after.
I say that, because when the pneumonia shot came out, I waited longer than I should have to get the shot and I paid for it.
The 2 years previous to getting the pneumonia shot, I was down twice with pneumonia, mostly because of the conditions I work in.
IF the vaccine is mandatory, I will likely fight having it done.
I hate being told I have to do something. So if it is mandatory, I will likely put it off as long as possible to see the real information on it.
If it is not mandatory, I may look into getting it when I feel it is necessary.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
It depends. I've seen projections of it costing americans 10s of thousands for this shot. I've already got the damn virus. I survived. I will not go bankrupt to pay for it. If it's offered in a walk-in clinic like the flu shot, yeah, I'll get it.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Depends what the girl with the needle looks like.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
If I wasn't considered high risk myself, I probably would have intentionally tried to get the coronavirus once my job sent everyone to work from home, just to get it out of the way. Aside from being diabetic, I'm young and in shape so if my immune system was normal I would have been fine, and it would have been the easiest time to self isolate. A vaccine is just a controlled way of doing that, and the whole point of vaccines is to achieve herd immunity. I don't quite understand why people who believes that herd immunity needs to be the end goal, would oppose vaccines. Maybe someone on the other side could help explain it to me? Is it the Bill Gates microchip thing? (everyone already carries a phone around, Bill Gates is all set in terms of spying on us as it is). Are people worried the vaccine (aka, a controlled small dose of the virus) could be worse than the virus itself?
It's probably just one shot in the rump, you'll be able to sit in 3 weeks, it will be fine.

Two high riskers in my house. Fùck it...if you're man enough to be willing to get Corona, you should be man enough to get the vaccine for it, unless you're one of those bare bulb burning conspiracy theorists who thinks the government is trying to inject you with a nano robot (JD).
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
And that girl has some kind of fùcked up arm. And either it's really hairy or it's really not hairy, either way it's creepy.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
What girl?
It's not the arm nor person that scares me in that picture.
It's not just because all government today is a corporate oligarchy, it's not because Fauci is a murdering criminal scumbag, it's not because the FDA will permit big pharma to peddle poisons because the class action lawsuit business is good for the economy and the profits always outweigh the risk, and it's certainly not because Americans are heavily medicated to the point at which they've lined up for flu vaccines in the past and have no idea what virus interference really is and how they are more susceptible to corona viruses.
No, it's simply a matter of principle for me. Also, because Sweden. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If something kills you, then the weak perish and the people who remain are stronger and can continue the gene medley parade. I've never really been a Darwin fan, but this is one aspect he got right.
We ardently believe in the theory of natural selection, but not in its practice.
My diabetic friends will say this is a good thing.
My many contemporaries who were prevented from becoming polio victims are now free to opine either way.
The day we can cure influenza is the day that statement will have merit. Treating a disease is not the same as curing, and when a vaccine is developed and works (such as for polio) it's a very good thing for those who survived. I see apples and oranges here, and my statement was regarding the natural process of the Old Man's Blessing, not every terminal illness. Certainly, we could argue over the right to life versus any affliction, but I would side with you one hundred percent -IF we actually had a healthcare system which worked. As it turns out, Rockefeller medicine is just another snake oil scam, and that's a very true statement considering the history of healthcare and the Rockefeller dynasty.

And then there's this:
Never! Politicians don't care how many people die. They only care about themselves and their agenda. Look at the governor of New York...enough said.
Apparently the current republican politicians, they are willing to die for there agenda.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Hellava first post..... @Peaches
Maybe that's her in the photo...
nothing like a little fat-shaming to make one feel superior.
Fat shaming?
Stick your finger up your buttt in public shaming?
Are these really the same thing?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Maybe she was almost rear ended pulling in the gas station and had to check if she **** herself.
She is probably pulling up her bunched panties, thought she was unobserved, and didn't realize she was being monitored by a security camera and some jerk decided it would be 'funny' to spread it around the world on the internet. Yes, it is fat shaming. If it was a lithe 17-year-old it would be voyeuristic and equally an embarrassing violation.