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Things I Hate



  • No_one21No_one21 Posts: 2,182 ✭✭✭
    Finding out my car won't pass state inspection because the rear tires are too bald and one strut is leaking. Finding out that gives me 30 days to either get rid of the car, or pay like $600. Now, I was planning to get rid of the car in a few months, but this moves my time frame up to about a month.

    So, I spend the weekend looking at cars, talking to dealers, etc and not only is their run-around bullshit getting annoying, but they also keep mislabeling their cars online and waste my time before I find out it isn't a manual or w.e

    Then, last night coming home from soccer, my freaking radiator blows. So I didn't get to go to work today, car is still in shop, $350 down the drain. On top of that, I get denied my $8k loan I asked for from my bank because my job "isn't stable" in the sense that I'm ending my current job and starting a new one on Aug 11th. My new job will pay 50% more than my current one and my current one could have afforded the payments, but nope. I'm not stable. So you know what? F**K it. I'll just pay for the car outright and wipe all this BS from my hands as soon as possible.

    PS: Without the car, I've had to walk 3 miles back and forth from the mechanic and from AdvanceAuto twice so far with one more walk to go. Guess what? It's raining.
  • Beaker38Beaker38 Posts: 183
    Finding out my car won't pass state inspection because the rear tires are too bald and one strut is leaking. Finding out that gives me 30 days to either get rid of the car, or pay like $600. Now, I was planning to get rid of the car in a few months, but this moves my time frame up to about a month.

    So, I spend the weekend looking at cars, talking to dealers, etc and not only is their run-around bullshit getting annoying, but they also keep mislabeling their cars online and waste my time before I find out it isn't a manual or w.e

    Then, last night coming home from soccer, my freaking radiator blows. So I didn't get to go to work today, car is still in shop, $350 down the drain. On top of that, I get denied my $8k loan I asked for from my bank because my job "isn't stable" in the sense that I'm ending my current job and starting a new one on Aug 11th. My new job will pay 50% more than my current one and my current one could have afforded the payments, but nope. I'm not stable. So you know what? F**K it. I'll just pay for the car outright and wipe all this BS from my hands as soon as possible.

    PS: Without the car, I've had to walk 3 miles back and forth from the mechanic and from AdvanceAuto twice so far with one more walk to go. Guess what? It's raining.
    Sounds like you need a beer!
  • No_one21No_one21 Posts: 2,182 ✭✭✭
    And... now my start date for my job got moved back a month. Great. Just great.
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    new cabinets went in (yay).....
    measurements are all off (boo).....

    from the start of this project we have repeatedly said we:
    "want the new cabinets to match the original, nearly 100 year old, built in cabinets so the new ones will look like they've been there all along."

    easy enough right?

    measure the toe kick height, door heights & widths & rails/stiles, drawer heights, reveal, etc.
    traditional shaker style door, figured the bevel wouldn't exactly match but ok, we can live with that if everything else is right.

    been saying, from the start, that we don't want any "fancy" new-aged add ons like pull outs, wine racks, trash can pull outs, etc.

    all along: "make them look & feel original."

    simple shelves, a couple drawers, easy peasy.

    not exactly rocket science.

    anybody wanna place a bet on the number of different measurements they got wrong...

    you got your bets in?

    let's count up the results:

    welp, other than the boxes widths, not a single g*d damn measurement is correct and nothing matches the original cabinets.

    let's take a count of what they f**ed up

    base cabinets:
    1) toe kick: new is taller by 1/2"
    2) base door height: new is taller by 2"
    3) base door rails & stiles: new is narrower anywhere from 1/2" to 2"
    4) base drawers: wrong style (inset, should be overlay),
    5) base drawers: wrong sizes outside is shorter by 3" and inside is shorter by 4"
    6) overall height of bases: 1/2" taller

    upper cabinets:
    6) overall height of "tallest" cabinets: 4 1/2" shorter
    7) height of tallets doors: 4 1/2" shorter
    8) uppers door rails & stiles: new is narrower anywhere from 1/2" to 3"
    9) included pull-outs in the cabinet above the fridge, which we did not want. and will be removed
    10) missing shelves above the fridge which we did want (this is where the pull-outs are) 11) missing shelves in the cabinets above microwave

    11 out of 12 measurements total wrong.
    or 91 2/3% wrong
    Spread across all 10 new cabinet boxes....
    Makes for a whole lotta **** that doesn't match

    1 out of 12 measurement total correct --- the only correct thing being the overall width of new boxes.
    so 8 1/3% right

    They've said they'll make new doors and replace them to match. OK.
    That solves a big, noticeable part of the problem

    They also said they will remove the "pull outs" and build shelves where there are none.
    Ok good, then we can actually have more storage space which is also something we've stressed from the beginning which was to tear out the old "open" pantry and move all that into the cabinets so we wanted to "maximize storage space"

    And we can live with the wrong overall height of the upper cabinets since there will be more clearance when using the counter tops and it's not that noticeable.

    But, this is where I really got a bone to pick....
    They want to simply put a new overlay on the base drawers and call it fixed but then all the other measurements will still be off, and it's noticeable.

    I've talked to the guy a couple times, he knows they effed up, but I'm sure they'll lose $$ on this so he wants to just do the "easy" and cheap fix.
    Hey, that's your fault, not my f*ckin problem buck-o.
    Wife and I agree that the two base cabinets need ripped out and replaced with new ones that will be built to the correct dimensions. It's a galley style kitchen, with the old cabinets all along one wall, and only two new base cabinets with drawers on the other wall (remaining space is filled by fridge and stove) so for those only 2 bases to be off, it's pretty damn noticeable.

    He even told me that the cabinet maker just "built them to the standard dimensions."
    Well then why the hell did we order "custom cabinets"?!????!
    Could have gone to the big box store, spent a whole lot less $, and installed them ourselves and had this done weeks ago!

    Oh and, to top it off, he wants me to measure the stiles & doors and send him the dimensions.
    Probably so if they f*ck up again it will be my liability since i took the measurements.
    WHAT? No I'm not doing your f*cking job, come over and measure these correctly, which you obviously failed to do the first time.

    And to top it all off....we can't put the floor, counter tops, or back splash in until this is resolved since the base countertops will be coming out and replaced.

    Effin A.

    Hate dealing with this $hit, hate having to get mad at people.
    But god lord did they screw the pooch on this one.

    I just want the cabinets fixed so we can proceed and put the rest of the kitchen back together (floor, countertops, backsplash, etc)

    God damn.

    Good thing is they only have half the $$ though and will not be getting a penny more until this is 100% fixed.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Love ya John ^^^^^^^ yes it's a PIA. I believe water is the source of so many problems.... Especially trying to contain it so that it does not escape. In a year and half we had the ice maker go out and water dripping into the basement level. Had to replace a special water heater that geo-thermally heats the basement and put in a new soft water system. Then the sink had no hot water, spent the last day trying to get the locking nut undone from the faucet under the sink. Plumbers purty on rivets that contain no water... Why? Finally got it all undone and now to go find new innerds but first I'm having a cigar! F'n plumbing....
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Love ya John ^^^^^^^ yes it's a PIA. I believe water is the source of so many problems.... Especially trying to contain it so that it does not escape. In a year and half we had the ice maker go out and water dripping into the basement level. Had to replace a special water heater that geo-thermally heats the basement and put in a new soft water system. Then the sink had no hot water, spent the last day trying to get the locking nut undone from the faucet under the sink. Plumbers purty on rivets that contain no water... Why? Finally got it all undone and now to go find new innerds but first I'm having a cigar! F'n plumbing....
    don't even get me started bro. during this kitchen project, i've learned all too well how big of a PIA it is to fix a plumbing problem...especially when it is fixing someone else mistake that wasn't done right the first time.

    i hear ya though...
    gonna cut out work early, mow the grass, call the cabinet guy back, and grab a drink (or 5 LOL) and fire up a stogie. damn, i need a vacation man!

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Love ya John ^^^^^^^ yes it's a PIA. I believe water is the source of so many problems.... Especially trying to contain it so that it does not escape. In a year and half we had the ice maker go out and water dripping into the basement level. Had to replace a special water heater that geo-thermally heats the basement and put in a new soft water system. Then the sink had no hot water, spent the last day trying to get the locking nut undone from the faucet under the sink. Plumbers purty on rivets that contain no water... Why? Finally got it all undone and now to go find new innerds but first I'm having a cigar! F'n plumbing....
    don't even get me started bro. during this kitchen project, i've learned all too well how big of a PIA it is to fix a plumbing problem...especially when it is fixing someone else mistake that wasn't done right the first time.

    i hear ya though...
    gonna cut out work early, mow the grass, call the cabinet guy back, and grab a drink (or 5 LOL) and fire up a stogie. damn, i need a vacation man!
    Being in somewhat in the construction field, I see this happen all the time. When I remodeled our kitchen, I ordered the cabinets myself (well the wife picked the color, hardware etc.) and installed them myself. Obviously, being in the countertop business, I picked out my own slab and measured it as well. I was like a freakin hawk when it was being fabricated and installed. So many things get effected if one slight measurement is off. I know because I do it for a living, and I'm not perfect. When I f*ck up, I F*CK UP

    . Sorry to hear all this. I hope it gets better from here on out bro sauce.
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Not having enough money to buy more camera equipment.

  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    you know what stinks???

    giving the DOG a tomato juice bath at midnight because she got sprayed by a skunk in the backyard......

    let's not do that again

    setting up the live trap after work and getting some different ammo
    (and maybe i'll get lucky and catch some of the stray/feral cats too)

    wife swears she's seen more wildlife in our neighborhood in the 'burbs, than she's ever seen out in the country at her parents house

    muscrat, ground hog, deer, skunk, red tailed hawk --- you'd think we lived in a damn nature preserve!

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    When HP decides to tell you that you aren't going to get your computers you ordered WAY back in May by August 8th and you have to go tell your boss that it is happening again this year and then having to deal with almost getting fired, and then changing vendors with 3 weeks before the start of the school year which completely changes how things are done around my office.

    holy *** i need many beers
  • matkn293matkn293 Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When HP decides to tell you that you aren't going to get your computers you ordered WAY back in May by August 8th and you have to go tell your boss that it is happening again this year and then having to deal with almost getting fired, and then changing vendors with 3 weeks before the start of the school year which completely changes how things are done around my office.

    holy *** i need many beers
    Sorry to hear that!!!!' Does not sound like this would be your fault though. Sucks your head is I a vise for it. Good luck my man!

    Life is too short to smoke bad cigars!!!

    Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues go marching in!

  • matkn293matkn293 Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭✭✭
    you know what stinks???

    giving the DOG a tomato juice bath at midnight because she got sprayed by a skunk in the backyard......

    let's not do that again

    setting up the live trap after work and getting some different ammo
    (and maybe i'll get lucky and catch some of the stray/feral cats too)

    wife swears she's seen more wildlife in our neighborhood in the 'burbs, than she's ever seen out in the country at her parents house

    muscrat, ground hog, deer, skunk, red tailed hawk --- you'd think we lived in a damn nature preserve!

    Life is too short to smoke bad cigars!!!

    Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues go marching in!

  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    That thanks to new taxes our power bill went up 50%.
    nope we didn't use more energy it's just costs more.

  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    you know what stinks???

    giving the DOG a tomato juice bath at midnight because she got sprayed by a skunk in the backyard......

    let's not do that again

    setting up the live trap after work and getting some different ammo
    (and maybe i'll get lucky and catch some of the stray/feral cats too)

    br>The gentleman that owned all the property around us passed away and his idiot son clear cut everything before the man was buried. The humming birds have disappeared but all the snakes and mice moved to our little patch. The work came to a screeching halt for some reason, and I'm hoping someone filed a complaint with the EPA. wife swears she's seen more wildlife in our neighborhood in the 'burbs, than she's ever seen out in the country at her parents house

    muscrat, ground hog, deer, skunk, red tailed hawk --- you'd think we lived in a damn nature preserve!
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    you know what stinks???

    giving the DOG a tomato juice bath at midnight because she got sprayed by a skunk in the backyard......

    let's not do that again

    setting up the live trap after work and getting some different ammo
    (and maybe i'll get lucky and catch some of the stray/feral cats too)

    T wife swears she's seen more wildlife in our neighborhood in the 'burbs, than she's ever seen out in the country at her parents house

    muscrat, ground hog, deer, skunk, red tailed hawk --- you'd think we lived in a damn nature preserve!

    The gentleman that owned all the property around us passed away and his idiot son clear cut everything before the man was buried. The humming birds have disappeared but all the snakes and mice moved to our little patch. The work came to a screeching halt for some reason, and I'm hoping someone filed a complaint with the EPA.
  • perkinkeperkinke Posts: 1,572 ✭✭✭
    Parents who think their kids are my problem:

    1) If an f-bomb will damage your little darling, don't take them to a bar during an intense sporting event! Even if it is 11 am it's still a friggin' bar and everyone is day drinking.

    2)If your little gem can't handle seeing someone buy a Pepsi without having a meltdown don't take them to the damn grocery store! Stay at the stupid hippie stores, we have two. And if seeing something they can't have scars them, they are gonna have a looooong hard life.

    3) If you don't want the apple of your eye seeing someone smoke and have a beer then teach the little scamp not to climb the fence into my yard! Don't you dare tell me what I should and shouldn't do in my own back yard and use the excuse "it takes a village." Well, if it does then I will be happy to teach him about things like "boundaries" and "trespassing" (or if I like the kid, how and when to swear and why Man United is the greatest team on earth) and why "pushy douchebag" perfectly describes his mommy and daddy. And for s**t's sake, if any of the above exposure can undo all you've taught them, then you are a sh*tty parent and should put them up for adoption. I didn't get to participate in the fun part of making them, so I don't have any responsibility for the unpleasant part of raising them.

    I genuinely like kids, but I'm starting to sour on parents.
  • Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 9,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Parents who think their kids are my problem:

    1) If an f-bomb will damage your little darling, don't take them to a bar during an intense sporting event! Even if it is 11 am it's still a friggin' bar and everyone is day drinking.

    2)If your little gem can't handle seeing someone buy a Pepsi without having a meltdown don't take them to the damn grocery store! Stay at the stupid hippie stores, we have two. And if seeing something they can't have scars them, they are gonna have a looooong hard life.

    3) If you don't want the apple of your eye seeing someone smoke and have a beer then teach the little scamp not to climb the fence into my yard! Don't you dare tell me what I should and shouldn't do in my own back yard and use the excuse "it takes a village." Well, if it does then I will be happy to teach him about things like "boundaries" and "trespassing" (or if I like the kid, how and when to swear and why Man United is the greatest team on earth) and why "pushy douchebag" perfectly describes his mommy and daddy. And for s**t's sake, if any of the above exposure can undo all you've taught them, then you are a sh*tty parent and should put them up for adoption. I didn't get to participate in the fun part of making them, so I don't have any responsibility for the unpleasant part of raising them.

    I genuinely like kids, but I'm starting to sour on parents.
    Right f--ing on. For a while I thought maybe people should have to get licenses to have kids, then I realized the morons who created these attitudes would be in charge of licensing.
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
  • MartelMartel Posts: 3,306 ✭✭✭✭
    Parents who think their kids are my problem:

    1) If an f-bomb will damage your little darling, don't take them to a bar during an intense sporting event! Even if it is 11 am it's still a friggin' bar and everyone is day drinking.

    2)If your little gem can't handle seeing someone buy a Pepsi without having a meltdown don't take them to the damn grocery store! Stay at the stupid hippie stores, we have two. And if seeing something they can't have scars them, they are gonna have a looooong hard life.

    3) If you don't want the apple of your eye seeing someone smoke and have a beer then teach the little scamp not to climb the fence into my yard! Don't you dare tell me what I should and shouldn't do in my own back yard and use the excuse "it takes a village." Well, if it does then I will be happy to teach him about things like "boundaries" and "trespassing" (or if I like the kid, how and when to swear and why Chelsea is the greatest team on earth) and why "pushy douchebag" perfectly describes his mommy and daddy. And for s**t's sake, if any of the above exposure can undo all you've taught them, then you are a sh*tty parent and should put them up for adoption. I didn't get to participate in the fun part of making them, so I don't have any responsibility for the unpleasant part of raising them.

    I genuinely like kids, but I'm starting to sour on parents.

    Fixed the one problem for you.
    Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

    I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot.  I will smoke anything, though.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,066 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who's Chelsea and Man United team? Oh yeah, Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea got married a while back. Right?
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Parents who think their kids are my problem:

    1) If an f-bomb will damage your little darling, don't take them to a bar during an intense sporting event! Even if it is 11 am it's still a friggin' bar and everyone is day drinking.

    2)If your little gem can't handle seeing someone buy a Pepsi without having a meltdown don't take them to the damn grocery store! Stay at the stupid hippie stores, we have two. And if seeing something they can't have scars them, they are gonna have a looooong hard life.

    3) If you don't want the apple of your eye seeing someone smoke and have a beer then teach the little scamp not to climb the fence into my yard! Don't you dare tell me what I should and shouldn't do in my own back yard and use the excuse "it takes a village." Well, if it does then I will be happy to teach him about things like "boundaries" and "trespassing" (or if I like the kid, how and when to swear and why Man United is the greatest team on earth) and why "pushy douchebag" perfectly describes his mommy and daddy. And for s**t's sake, if any of the above exposure can undo all you've taught them, then you are a sh*tty parent and should put them up for adoption. I didn't get to participate in the fun part of making them, so I don't have any responsibility for the unpleasant part of raising them.

    I genuinely like kids, but I'm starting to sour on parents.

    Agree a 1000 times over.

    The worst I have seen was at a very well planned and important dinner party for adults that I spent weeks planning for to help a good friend out. Except for one incident good feelings and impressions all around and she got the job.

    But, I completely lost it when one couple brought their totally un-disciplined little brat even though it was clear to everyone it was an adult gathering with a meticulously planned dinner, with brandy and cigars afterwards.

    The little sh*t didn't like his dinner and crawled under the table and sulked, LOUDLY. Instead of pulling him out, the mother with all her new age XXXXXXX thinking, crawled under the table with him and stated baby talking him. It took about one minute to light my fuse and I made it perfectly clear that she was to remove the "child" from the party of "adults" and I did not care how. Of course they left and promised to never return and I thanked her.

    Found out later that everyone wondered what took me so long.
  • perkinkeperkinke Posts: 1,572 ✭✭✭
    Parents who think their kids are my problem:

    1) If an f-bomb will damage your little darling, don't take them to a bar during an intense sporting event! Even if it is 11 am it's still a friggin' bar and everyone is day drinking.

    2)If your little gem can't handle seeing someone buy a Pepsi without having a meltdown don't take them to the damn grocery store! Stay at the stupid hippie stores, we have two. And if seeing something they can't have scars them, they are gonna have a looooong hard life.

    3) If you don't want the apple of your eye seeing someone smoke and have a beer then teach the little scamp not to climb the fence into my yard! Don't you dare tell me what I should and shouldn't do in my own back yard and use the excuse "it takes a village." Well, if it does then I will be happy to teach him about things like "boundaries" and "trespassing" (or if I like the kid, how and when to swear and why Chelsea is the greatest team on earth) and why "pushy douchebag" perfectly describes his mommy and daddy. And for s**t's sake, if any of the above exposure can undo all you've taught them, then you are a sh*tty parent and should put them up for adoption. I didn't get to participate in the fun part of making them, so I don't have any responsibility for the unpleasant part of raising them.

    I genuinely like kids, but I'm starting to sour on parents.

    Fixed the one problem for you.
    Heresy! (though in all honesty, I've picked Chelsea to take the league this year, though my Red Devils should put up a hell of a fight).

    JD, I'm so with you. I was at a party last summer at a friend's and I had to stop my friend's nephew (about 18 mo. old) from chewing on a plugged in string of lights with his mother standing right there! I don't get what is wrong with people who allow kids to behave like that in public or expect others to care for them. My nieces (10 year old twins) are ALWAYS well behaved. My brother may be an a-hole but he and my sis in law taught their kids to respect others and be polite.
  • Thanatos0320Thanatos0320 Posts: 577 ✭✭✭
    Coworkers who take the main keys used to lock up at night home with them and lose them. Then losing the extra keys without telling me about it. I spent 1 hour looking for the keys when closing last night. I had to leave my work unlocked while I went to the store to by a special tool to get the doors to lock last night. Finally, getting blamed for taking the main keys home and losing the extra keys even though I was out of town when they both disappeared.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a serious problem with people who take their frustration, because they are in a position to do so, out on someone else. I was 6'3" and weighed in at about 250lbs.

    I did a lot of really serious maintenance, software and hardware. I never blew anything up. I was even known to disregard a supervisors orders if I thought doing maintenance at a particular time was dangerous. I never learned office politics and refused to play their games.

    One supervisor with a serious little man complex was bound and determined to cause me harm and he tried and tried. You would think that the number of times he made a complete fool out of himself would teach him a lesson. But no.

    One of the software routine maintenance jobs meant taking half a facility completely down and you dared not do both sides in one shift.

    The little strutting peacock asked me into a room and proceeded to act like the new Perry Mason. Back and forth with papers in hand, one question after another, on and on and on. He was getting taller by the minute. After some time I knew what his game was and I started giggling which just destroyed him, but he continued.

    We use stroke sheets so that if the person that started a job did not return to finish it the one who did, would know where to pick up. And this idiot was reading from the second sheet to ask his dumb questions. When I had had enough I loudly pointed that out to him and then reported the incident to his supervisor. He never bothered me again. The guy whose stroke sheet he was reading from never heard a word about it because he was one of tiny's pets.The last person I saw when I retired and walked out the door was, guess who? "Bye Bye you tiny little short stack of ***" were my last words.

    Sorry, I am bored to death.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Hate people I don't know that call me, then ask who I am and refuse to tell me who they are.
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hate people I don't know that call me, then ask who I am and refuse to tell me who they are.

    Hi, who is this?
    Who is this, you called me.
    You tell me first who this is.
    I don't have time for this crap.
    Why'd you hang up on me?
    Cause you're an idiot.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Hate people I don't know that call me, then ask who I am and refuse to tell me who they are.

    Hi, who is this?
    Who is this, you called me.
    You tell me first who this is.
    I don't have time for this crap.
    Why'd you hang up on me?
    Cause you're an idiot.
    When I was back in college, it was more like this.

    Guy: Who dis?
    Me: Uh...hi? You called me. Who're you?
    Guy: Moddafukka, I ax you who ***'re you?
    Me: You called me, asshat. Who're you and what the f*ck do you want?
    Guy: [Starts screaming]
    Me: [Hang up]
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    A toothache in a tooth that previously had a root canal. Going to the dentist to have it checked because it doesn't have nerves so it shouldn't hurt. Finding out the endodontist may have missed a root when they did the original procedure. Having a golf tournament that I am both running and playing in this weekend with a throbbing tooth in my head. Now onto the things I like... hydrocodone.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Having anxiety over this surgery BS... Sucks!!
  • First_WarriorFirst_Warrior Posts: 3,534 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When they ask " who is this?" I answer "I don't know cause I can't see you"
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    A toothache in a tooth that previously had a root canal. Going to the dentist to have it checked because it doesn't have nerves so it shouldn't hurt. Finding out the endodontist may have missed a root when they did the original procedure. Having a golf tournament that I am both running and playing in this weekend with a throbbing tooth in my head. Now onto the things I like... hydrocodone.

    Got an evaluation from an endodontist this morning. There is some infection in and around one of the roots of my tooth that indicates that the original root canal was done improperly or they missed a canal. Being told it will cost me about $850 out of pocket to have the tooth retreated. How is it my financial responsibility if it's something they screwed up in the first place?
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